Theatre - Theater

Theater - Theater

Theater, or "Theater" in German, is a form of art that involves live performers, typically actors or actresses, presenting the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. The word "theater" comes from the Greek "theatron," meaning "a place for viewing." Performances can include plays, musicals, opera, ballet, and various other forms. This article aims to introduce German-speaking students to essential English vocabulary related to theater.

Types of Theater

Theater can be divided into various forms, each with its own unique characteristics and types of performances:

  1. Drama - Drama
  2. Comedy - Komödie
  3. Musical theater - Musiktheater
  4. Opera - Oper
  5. Ballet - Ballett

Important Theater Terms

Understanding specific terms can help appreciate and discuss theater performances better. Here are a few key terms:

  1. Stage - Bühne
  2. Audience - Publikum
  3. Playwright - Dramatiker
  4. Director - Regisseur
  5. Actor - Schauspieler

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Wie sagt man "Bühne" auf Englisch? (Stage) (!Curtain) (!Hall) (!Floor)

Wie nennt man eine Person, die Theaterstücke schreibt? (Playwright) (!Painter) (!Composer) (!Choreographer)

Welches Wort beschreibt das "Publikum" im Theater? (Audience) (!Crowd) (!Viewers) (!Group)

Was ist ein "Musiktheater" auf Englisch? (Musical theater) (!Opera house) (!Concert hall) (!Playhouse)

Welches Genre von Theaterstücken ist lustig und heiter? (Comedy) (!Tragedy) (!Drama) (!Horror)


Who directs a play? (Wer führt Regie bei einem Stück?) (Director) (!Actor) (!Singer) (!Writer)

What type of performance combines singing, acting, and often dance? (Welche Art von Aufführung kombiniert Gesang, Schauspiel und oft Tanz?) (Opera) (!Drama) (!Play) (!Monologue)

What do we call "Schauspieler" in English? (Actor) (!Performer) (!Artist) (!Player)

A "Komödie" is known in English as what? (Comedy) (!Tragedy) (!Fantasy) (!Documentary)

Where does the audience sit? (Wo sitzt das Publikum?) (Audience) (!Gallery) (!Backstage) (!Lobby)


Which term refers to the written text of a play? (Script) (!Book) (!Content) (!Chapter)

What is the term for the main female dancer in a ballet? (Prima ballerina) (!Lead singer) (!Choreographer) (!Conductor)

In which type of theater might you see "Aida" or "The Magic Flute"? (Opera) (!Musical) (!Drama) (!Ballet)

What is the term for elaborate scenery, furniture, and other decorations used on stage? (Set) (!Props) (!Backdrop) (!Equipment)

What term describes a theater performance without any spoken dialogue, using only movement and music? (Ballet) (!Monologue) (!Symphony) (!Comedy)



Bühne Stage
Komödie Comedy
Schauspieler Actor


Dramatiker Playwright
Regisseur Director
Musiktheater Musical theater
Oper Opera
Ballett Ballet


Prima ballerina Haupttänzerin
Libretto Textbuch
Choreograph Choreographer
Proscenium Proszenium
Orchestration Orchestrierung
Audience interaction Publikumsinteraktion
Understudy Zweitbesetzung


Stage Wo finden Aufführungen statt?
Playwright Wer schreibt Stücke?
Opera Art von Theater mit Gesang und Orchester.
Comedy Lustige Theaterform.
Audience Wer schaut sich die Aufführung an?
Director Wer inszeniert das Stück?
Ballet Tanzbasierte Aufführungsform.
Actor Wer spielt Rollen auf der Bühne?



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