(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:Brick_in_the_Wall - Intro}} = D/E Vokabeln (LEICHT) = Vokabeln zu lernen ChatGPT {{:Multiple-Choice Anfang}} Was bedeutet "brick" in "Another Brick i…“)
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
= D/E Vokabeln (LEICHT) =
= D/E Vokabeln (LEICHT) =

Vokabeln zu lernen

{{:Multiple-Choice Anfang}}
{{:Multiple-Choice Anfang}}

Zeile 16: Zeile 14:
Was bedeutet "education" im Zusammenhang mit dem Lied "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "education" im Zusammenhang mit dem Lied "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 21: Zeile 20:
Was bedeutet "mind control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "mind control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
Was bedeutet "resistance" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "resistance" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 31: Zeile 32:
Was bedeutet "revolution" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "revolution" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 36: Zeile 38:
Was bedeutet "oppression" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "oppression" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 41: Zeile 44:
Was bedeutet "conform" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "conform" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 51: Zeile 55:
(!Gemeinsam arbeiten)
(!Gemeinsam arbeiten)
Was bedeutet "thought control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "thought control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Zeile 56: Zeile 61:
Was bedeutet "censorship" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?
Was bedeutet "censorship" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"?

Version vom 1. Mai 2023, 21:41 Uhr

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  • Lehrer als Brick
  • Chancen und Potenziale
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  • Vision für die Zukunft
  • Schlussfolgerung
  • D/E Vokabeln (LEICHT)

    Was bedeutet "brick" in "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Ziegelstein) (!Mauer) (!Haus) (!Tür)

    Was bedeutet "education" im Zusammenhang mit dem Lied "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Bildung) (!Erziehung) (!Einsicht) (!Lernen)

    Was bedeutet "mind control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Gedankenkontrolle) (!Körperkontrolle) (!Emotionskontrolle) (!Ernährungskontrolle)

    Was bedeutet "resistance" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Widerstand) (!Unterstützung) (!Gehorsam) (!Zustimmung)

    Was bedeutet "revolution" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Revolution) (!Evolution) (!Innovation) (!Transformation)

    Was bedeutet "oppression" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Unterdrückung) (!Freiheit) (!Hilfe) (!Gerechtigkeit)

    Was bedeutet "conform" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Konformität) (!Widerstand) (!Freiheit) (!Individualität) Was bedeutet "subjugate" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Unterwerfen) (!Befreien) (!Unterstützen) (!Gemeinsam arbeiten)

    Was bedeutet "thought control" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Denkmanipulation) (!Gefühlskontrolle) (!Körperkontrolle) (!Gewohnheitskontrolle)

    Was bedeutet "censorship" im Liedtext von "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Zensur) (!Kritik) (!Freiheit) (!Unterstützung)

    E Vokabeln (STANDARD)

    What does "brick" mean in "Another Brick in the Wall"? (A building material used for construction) (!A wall) (!A door) (!A window) What does "education" mean in the context of the song "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The process of acquiring knowledge) (!The process of raising a child) (!Insight) (!Learning from experience) What does "mind control" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The process of controlling thoughts and beliefs) (!The process of controlling emotions) (!The process of controlling the body) (!The process of controlling nutrition) What does "resistance" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The act of opposing or fighting against something) (!The act of supporting something) (!Obedience) (!Agreement) What does "revolution" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (A sudden and radical change in government or society) (!Gradual progress) (!Innovation) (!Transformation) What does "oppression" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The act of keeping someone down or treating them unfairly) (!Freedom) (!Help) (!Justice) What does "conform" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (To comply with rules or standards) (!To resist or rebel) (!Freedom) (!Individuality) What does "subjugate" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (To bring under control or subdue) (!To liberate or free) (!To support) (!To work together) What does "thought control" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The process of controlling what people think and believe) (!The process of controlling emotions) (!The process of controlling the body) (!The process of controlling habits) What does "censorship" mean in the lyrics of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security) (!Criticism) (!Freedom) (!Support)

    Multiple Choice

    What is the name of the album "Another Brick in the Wall" is from? (The Wall) (!Dark Side of the Moon) (!Wish You Were Here) (!Animals) Who wrote the song "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Roger Waters) (!David Gilmour) (!Syd Barrett) (!Nick Mason) Which part of "Another Brick in the Wall" contains the famous chant "We don't need no education"? (Part 2) (!Part 1) (!Part 3) (!All parts) What is the main theme of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Rebellion against oppressive education system) (!Celebration of education) (!Reflection on personal growth) (!Lamentation for lost love) What is the name of the teacher mentioned in the song "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Mr. "You-Know-Who") (!Mr. Smith) (!Mr. Jones) (!Mr. Brown) In which year was "Another Brick in the Wall" released? (1979) (!1980) (!1981) (!1978) Which part of "Another Brick in the Wall" features a children's choir? (Part 2) (!Part 1) (!Part 3) (!All parts) What is the name of the film adaptation of "Another Brick in the Wall"? (The Wall) (!The Kids Are Alright) (!Quadrophenia) (!Tommy) What is the name of the lead vocalist for Pink Floyd? (David Gilmour) (!Roger Waters) (!Syd Barrett) (!Nick Mason) What is the name of the concept album "Another Brick in the Wall" is a part of? (The Wall) (!Animals) (!Meddle) (!A Saucerful of Secrets)

    Another Quiz

    Which of the following bands is Pink Floyd often compared to in terms of sound and style? (!The Beatles) (!Led Zeppelin) (!The Rolling Stones) (The Moody Blues) What is the meaning of the phrase "Another Brick in the Wall"? (A metaphor for the dehumanizing effects of conformity) (!A reference to the Berlin Wall) (!A plea for unity and cooperation) (!A critique of consumerism) Which part of "Another Brick in the Wall" features the lyrics "Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!"? (Part 2) (!Part 1) (!Part 3) (!All parts) What was the inspiration behind "Another Brick in the Wall"? (Roger Waters' experience in school) (!David Gilmour's love life) (!Syd Barrett's mental illness) (!Nick Mason's travels) What is the name of the album that includes "Another Brick in the Wall" and tells the story of a rock star's descent into madness? (The Wall) (!Wish You Were Here) (!Dark Side of the Moon) (!Animals) Which of the following is not a recurring theme in Pink Floyd's music? (!Love and romance) (The human condition) (!Alienation and isolation) (The passage of time) Which Pink Floyd album is often considered their magnum opus? (!The Piper at the Gates of Dawn) (The Dark Side of the Moon) (!A Momentary Lapse of Reason) (!The Final Cut) Who was the lead vocalist for Pink Floyd before Roger Waters took over the role? (Syd Barrett) (!David Gilmour) (!Nick Mason) (!Richard Wright) Which of the following is not a member of Pink Floyd? (!Peter Gabriel) (Roger Waters) (David Gilmour) (Nick Mason) What was the name of Pink Floyd's original lead guitarist and founding member? (Syd Barrett) (!David Gilmour) (!Roger Waters) (!Nick Mason)

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  • Schlussfolgerung
  • TOP 1000X

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