Family Members - Familienmitglieder

Family Members - Familienmitglieder

In this module, we will explore the vocabulary related to family members in English and German. Learning the terms for family relationships will help you describe your family tree and understand references to family in conversations and readings.


Family is an essential part of life for most people around the world. The vocabulary related to family members can vary significantly between cultures, but some basic terms are universally recognized. This lesson will focus on these universal terms, useful for describing familial relationships in both English and German.

Vocabulary List

Here are some common terms related to family members:

  1. Mother - Mutter
  2. Father - Vater
  3. Sister - Schwester
  4. Brother - Bruder
  5. Grandmother - Großmutter
  6. Grandfather - Großvater
  7. Uncle - Onkel
  8. Aunt - Tante
  9. Cousin (male) - Cousin
  10. Cousin (female) - Cousine
  11. Niece - Nichte
  12. Nephew - Neffe
  13. Daughter - Tochter
  14. Son - Sohn
  15. Wife - Ehefrau
  16. Husband - Ehemann
  17. Stepmother - Stiefmutter
  18. Stepfather - Stiefvater

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Wie sagt man "Mutter" auf Englisch? (Mother) (!Father) (!Sister) (!Aunt)

Wie sagt man "Bruder" auf Englisch? (Brother) (!Uncle) (!Nephew) (!Cousin)

Wie sagt man "Großvater" auf Englisch? (Grandfather) (!Grandmother) (!Father) (!Uncle)

Wie sagt man "Tante" auf Englisch? (Aunt) (!Mother) (!Sister) (!Cousin)

Wie sagt man "Cousine" auf Englisch? (Cousin) (!Sister) (!Aunt) (!Niece)

Wie sagt man "Nichte" auf Englisch? (Niece) (!Daughter) (!Sister) (!Cousin)


What is the German word for "son"? (Sohn) (!Bruder) (!Onkel) (!Neffe)

Was bedeutet "wife" auf Deutsch? (Ehefrau) (!Schwester) (!Mutter) (!Tante)

What is the English term for "Stiefvater"? (Stepfather) (!Father) (!Uncle) (!Brother)

Was bedeutet "husband" auf Deutsch? (Ehemann) (!Cousin) (!Bruder) (!Sohn)

What is the German word for "daughter"? (Tochter) (!Nichte) (!Schwester) (!Cousine)

Was bedeutet "grandmother" auf Deutsch? (Großmutter) (!Mutter) (!Tante) (!Schwester)


Who would be your "Stiefmutter"? (Stepmother) (!Mother) (!Aunt) (!Grandmother)

Which term describes your "Bruder's" daughter? (Niece) (!Cousin) (!Sister) (!Daughter)

What would you call the wife of your "Onkel"? (Aunt) (!Cousin) (!Sister) (!Mother)

Who is referred to as "Großvater"? (Grandfather) (!Father) (!Uncle) (!Brother)

What English term is equivalent to "Cousine"? (Cousin) (!Niece) (!Sister) (!Daughter)

What is the correct term for "Ehemann" in English? (Husband) (!Brother) (!Father) (!Uncle)



Mother Mutter
Father Vater
Sister Schwester


Grandmother Großmutter
Grandfather Großvater
Uncle Onkel
Aunt Tante
Cousin Cousin/Cousine


Niece Nichte
Nephew Neffe
Daughter Tochter
Son Sohn
Wife Ehefrau
Husband Ehemann
Stepmother Stiefmutter

= Kreuzworträts

User weiter GPT


Mutter What is the English word for "Mutter"?
Vater What is the English word for "Vater"?
Schwester What is the English word for "Schwester"?
Bruder What is the English word for "Bruder"?
Großmutter What is the English word for "Großmutter"?
Großvater What is the English word for "Großvater"?
Onkel What is the English word for "Onkel"?
Tante What is the English word for "Tante"?



Vervollständige den Text.

In a typical family, the father's sister is called his

and his brother's child is referred to as his


, depending on their gender. A woman may introduce her spouse as her

while a man would refer to his spouse as his

. If a child's parents remarry, the new partners are known as the




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