Capitalism - Kapitalismus


Capitalism, or "Kapitalismus" in German, is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by every owner of wealth, property, or production ability in financial and capital markets.

Definition und Grundprinzipien

Capitalism is defined by the private ownership of resources or capital. In an economy dominated by private ownership, the means of production operate based on supply and demand in the general market (known as a "market economy") rather than through central planning (known as a "command economy").

  1. Private ownership
  2. Capital accumulation
  3. Wage labor
  4. Voluntary exchange
  5. Price system
  6. Competitive markets

Historische Entwicklung

Capitalism has evolved over several centuries and continues to evolve today. Its modern form can be traced back to mercantilism and European trade in the 16th century. Over time, the focus of capitalism shifted from production for use to production for exchange, enhancing the role of the division of labor and technological innovation.

  1. Mercantilism - Merkantilismus
  2. Industrial Revolution
  3. Globalization

Kritik und Debatten

Capitalism has been criticized for creating economic inequality and influencing consumer culture that leads to excessive consumption of goods. Critics also point to environmental damage and unsustainable resource use. Proponents argue that capitalism drives innovation, wealth creation, and increases in standard of living.

  1. Economic Inequality
  2. Environmental Damage
  3. Consumer Culture

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Was bedeutet "private ownership"? (Privateigentum) (!Staatseigentum) (!Gemeinschaftseigentum) (!Öffentliche Nutzung)

Was beschreibt das Prinzip der "capital accumulation"? (Kapitalakkumulation) (!Verteilung von Vermögen) (!Minimierung von Investitionen) (!Konsum)

Was ist ein Merkmal des Kapitalismus? (Wettbewerbsmärkte) (!Zentrale Planwirtschaft) (!Staatliche Preisfestsetzung) (!Kollektives Eigentum)

Wie wird der Handel in einer kapitalistischen Wirtschaft hauptsächlich organisiert? (Durch den Markt) (!Durch den Staat) (!Durch Gewerkschaften) (!Durch Gemeinschaftsentscheidungen)

Was ist eine häufige Kritik am Kapitalismus? (Wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit) (!Soziale Gleichheit) (!Übermäßige staatliche Kontrolle) (!Mangelnde Innovation)


Welche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung folgte auf den Merkantilismus? (Industrielle Revolution) (!Feudalismus) (!Sozialismus) (!Direkte Demokratie)

Wie beeinflusst Kapitalismus die Umwelt? (Durch Umweltschäden) (!Durch Verbesserung der Luftqualität) (!Durch Erhöhung der Biodiversität) (!Durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft)

Was fördert der Kapitalismus laut Befürwortern hauptsächlich? (Innovation) (!Umweltschutz) (!Soziale Wohlfahrt) (!Gemeinschaftseigentum)

Was ist ein Ziel der "capital accumulation"? (Wealth creation) (!Gleichverteilung des Reichtums) (!Abbau von Privatbesitz) (!Verminderung von Produktion)

Was impliziert "voluntary exchange" im Kapitalismus? (Freiwilliger Austausch) (!Zwangsaustausch) (!Staatlicher Handel) (!Gemeinschaftlicher Austausch)


What is the primary function of price systems in capitalism? (To allocate resources efficiently) (!To control production centrally) (!To redistribute wealth equally) (!To limit corporate power)

Which economic system is characterized by the absence of private property? (Communism) (!Capitalism) (!Feudalism) (!Mercantilism)

What is a common outcome of competitive markets in a capitalist system? (Innovation and lower prices) (!Governmental regulation of prices) (!Uniform product standards) (!State-owned monopolies)

What historical period is most associated with the rise of modern capitalism? (The Industrial Revolution) (!The Middle Ages) (!The Roman Empire) (!The Renaissance)

Which term best describes the spread of capitalism on a global scale? (Globalization) (!Localization) (!Nationalization) (!Municipalization)


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