Time - Zeit

Time - Zeit

Time is a fundamental concept that helps us understand and organize the world around us. It measures the duration of events and the intervals between them. Time can be expressed in different units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

Definition of Time

Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension, alongside the three spatial dimensions. It is used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects.

Units of Time

  1. Second - Sekunde
  2. Minute - Minute
  3. Hour - Stunde
  4. Day - Tag
  5. Week - Woche
  6. Month - Monat
  7. Year - Jahr
  8. Decade - Jahrzehnt
  9. Century - Jahrhundert
  10. Millennium - Jahrtausend

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Wie sagt man "Sekunde" auf Englisch? (Second) (!Minute) (!Hour) (!Day)

Wie sagt man "Minute" auf Englisch? (Minute) (!Second) (!Month) (!Week)

Wie sagt man "Stunde" auf Englisch? (Hour) (!Day) (!Second) (!Minute)

Wie sagt man "Tag" auf Englisch? (Day) (!Week) (!Hour) (!Year)

Wie sagt man "Woche" auf Englisch? (Week) (!Month) (!Minute) (!Day)

Wie sagt man "Monat" auf Englisch? (Month) (!Day) (!Second) (!Year)


What is the German word for "year"? (Jahr) (!Tag) (!Sekunde) (!Minute)

What is the German word for "decade"? (Jahrzehnt) (!Jahrhundert) (!Woche) (!Stunde)

Wie nennt man eine "century" auf Deutsch? (Jahrhundert) (!Jahrzehnt) (!Monat) (!Tag)

Was bedeutet "millennium" auf Deutsch? (Jahrtausend) (!Jahrhundert) (!Woche) (!Jahr)

What is the English word for "Stunde"? (Hour) (!Second) (!Week) (!Month)

What is the English word for "Sekunde"? (Second) (!Minute) (!Day) (!Year)


How many seconds are in a minute? (60) (!30) (!50) (!100)

How many hours are in a day? (24) (!12) (!36) (!48)

How many days are in a week? (7) (!5) (!10) (!14)

How many weeks are in a year? (52) (!48) (!50) (!60)

How many months are in a decade? (120) (!100) (!50) (!10)

How many years are in a century? (100) (!10) (!50) (!1000)


Times - Zeiten

In this section, we will explore the concept of time and how it is expressed in English. Time can be referred to in various ways, depending on the context, such as telling the time, discussing periods in history, or using tenses to indicate when an action occurs.

Understanding Time

Time is a fundamental concept that helps us organize our lives. It is divided into different units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Learning how to tell the time in English is essential for daily communication.

Telling the Time

Telling the time involves expressing the hour and the minutes. The 12-hour clock and the 24-hour clock are both used in English-speaking countries. The 12-hour format often uses "am" (ante meridiem) for times from midnight to noon and "pm" (post meridiem) for times from noon to midnight.

Historical Times

When discussing history, time refers to specific periods, such as the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, or the Modern Era. These periods are noted for their significant events and developments.

Time in Grammar

In grammar, time is expressed through tenses which tell us when an action happens, happened, or will happen. Examples include the present simple, past simple, and future simple tenses.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen

Wie sagt man "Uhr" im Englischen? (clock) (!timepiece) (!watch) (!timer)

Was bedeutet "am" im Kontext der Uhrzeit? (before noon) (!after noon) (!at midnight) (!in the evening)

Welches Wort beschreibt ein Jahrzehnt? (decade) (!century) (!year) (!era)

Wie nennt man die Zeit von Mitternacht bis Mittag auf Englisch? (am) (!pm) (!evening) (!night)

Welcher Begriff passt nicht zum Thema Zeit? (table) (!second) (!minute) (!hour)



Second Sekunde
Minute Minute
Hour Stunde


second Einheit der Zeit, kleiner als eine Minute
hour 60 Minuten
week Sieben Tage
month Zwischen vier und fünf Wochen


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