Team Sports - Mannschaftssportarten

Team Sports - Mannschaftssportarten

Team sports involve organized groups of individuals competing against each other to achieve a common goal, typically involving scoring points. Examples include football (soccer), basketball, volleyball, and hockey. Participating in team sports helps develop physical skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Definition and Benefits

Team sports refer to sports where players work together towards a shared objective. These activities can improve social skills, fitness, and discipline. They also offer a sense of community and can lead to lifelong friendships.

Popular Team Sports

  1. Football (Soccer)
  2. Basketball
  3. Volleyball
  4. Baseball
  5. Hockey
  6. Cricket

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Welche Sportart wird nicht mit einem Ball gespielt? (Hockey) (!Fußball) (!Basketball) (!Volleyball)

Was bedeutet "teamwork" auf Deutsch? (Zusammenarbeit) (!Wettbewerb) (!Einsamkeit) (!Leistung)

Welche Ausrüstung ist für Hockey notwendig? (Schläger) (!Ball) (!Netz) (!Korb)

Wie viele Spieler sind in einer Fußballmannschaft? (Elf) (!Fünf) (!Sieben) (!Zehn)

Was ist ein "referee" auf Deutsch? (Schiedsrichter) (!Spieler) (!Zuschauer) (!Trainer)


Which equipment is essential for volleyball? (Netz) (!Schläger) (!Ball) (!Helm)

How many players are on a basketball team on the court? (Fünf) (!Elf) (!Sechs) (!Vier)

What is "Schiedsrichter" in English? (referee) (!coach) (!spectator) (!player)

Was bedeutet "scoring a goal" auf Deutsch? (ein Tor erzielen) (!ein Spiel gewinnen) (!laufen) (!springen)

Welches Team hat mehrere Spieler? (basketball team) (!golf team) (!tennis doubles) (!all of the above)


Which term refers to an attempt to stop the opposing team from scoring? (defense) (!offense) (!assist) (!turnover)

What does "dribbling" refer to in basketball? (moving the ball by bouncing it continuously) (!throwing the ball to a teammate) (!shooting the ball into the hoop) (!blocking a shot)

Which of these is not a team sport? (golf) (!cricket) (!rugby) (!water polo)

What term describes the role of a player assisting a teammate to score? (assist) (!goal) (!foul) (!strike)

What is a "huddle" in team sports? (a gathering of players to discuss strategy) (!a type of foul) (!a scoring method) (!an equipment item)



football Fußball
basketball Basketball
hockey Hockey


volleyball Volleyball
cricket Kricket
baseball Baseball
teamwork Zusammenarbeit
referee Schiedsrichter


defense Verteidigung
assist Assist
turnover Ballverlust
huddle Besprechung
dribbling Dribbling
foul Foul
strategy Strategie


teamwork Was ist das deutsche Wort für "teamwork"?
referee Wie nennt man eine Person, die Spiele leitet?
defense Wie heißt die Tätigkeit, den Gegner am Punkten zu hindern?
dribble Wie nennt man das fortlaufende Prellen des Balls im Basketball?
huddle Wie heißt die Versammlung von Spielern zur Strategiebesprechung?



Vervollständige den Text.

In team sports, players work together to

by scoring points or preventing the other team from scoring. Popular team sports include


, and

. Each sport requires specific skills and equipment, such as a

for football and basketball, a

for volleyball, and a

for hockey.




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