Englischlernen - Alphabet / Alphabet

Introduction to the English Alphabet

The English alphabet is a fundamental part of learning English. It consists of 26 letters, from A to Z. These letters are used to form words, which are the building blocks of language. Knowing the alphabet is the first step in learning to read and write in English. Let's explore some activities to help you practice the English alphabet.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Welcher Buchstabe kommt nach A? (B) (!C) (!D) (!E)

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe des Alphabets? (Z) (!Y) (!X) (!W)

Welcher Buchstabe ist ein Vokal? (A) (!B) (!C) (!D)

Welcher Buchstabe ist der erste des Alphabets? (A) (!B) (!C) (!D)

Welcher Buchstabe steht für den Laut "Sss"? (S) (!C) (!Z) (!X)

Wie nennt man den Buchstaben "W" auf Englisch? (W) (!Double V) (!Vee) (!Double U)


Which letter comes after K in the alphabet? (L) (!J) (!M) (!N)

Welcher Buchstabe repräsentiert den Laut "Fff" auf Englisch? (F) (!E) (!G) (!H)

What is the third vowel in the English alphabet? (I) (!E) (!O) (!U)

Wie wird der Buchstabe "G" in Englisch ausgesprochen? (Gee) (!Jay) (!Guh) (!Geeh)

What letter represents the "Th" sound? (Th) (!F) (!S) (!D)

Welcher Buchstabe kommt vor "Q"? (P) (!R) (!S) (!T)


Which letter is used most frequently in the English language? (E) (!A) (!I) (!O)

Which letter does not appear in the Roman numerical system? (J) (!V) (!X) (!L)

What is the 19th letter of the English alphabet? (S) (!R) (!T) (!U)

Which letter often represents a consonant sound but can also represent a vowel sound? (Y) (!W) (!E) (!A)

What is the name of the letter "Z" in British English? (Zed) (!Zee) (!Zeta) (!Zum)

Which two letters are most commonly used to start a question in English? (Wh) (!Qu) (!Th) (!Sh)



A Alpha
B Bravo
C Charlie


D Delta
E Echo
F Foxtrot
G Golf
H Hotel


I India
J Juliet
K Kilo
L Lima
M Mike
N November
O Oscar


What is the NATO phonetic alphabet word for ...

alpha What is the NATO phonetic alphabet word for "A"?
bravo And for "B"?
charlie Also, what's the word for "C"?
delta Can you tell the word for "D"?
echo What about "E"?
foxtrot Now, the word for "F"?



Vervollständige den Text.

The English alphabet starts with

and ends with

. There are

letters in total. The letter

is the most frequently used letter in the English language.


Englischlernen - Alphabet / Alphabet


In this article, we explore the basics of the English alphabet. The alphabet is the set of letters used in writing to represent the English language. It consists of 26 letters, from A to Z. Each letter has its uppercase (big letter) and lowercase (small letter) form. Learning the alphabet is the first step in learning to read and write in English.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Welcher Buchstabe kommt nach A? (B) (!C) (!D) (!E)

Welcher Buchstabe ist der letzte im Alphabet? (Z) (!Y) (!X) (!W)

Wie viele Buchstaben hat das englische Alphabet? (26) (!24) (!28) (!30)

Welcher Buchstabe beginnt das Alphabet? (A) (!B) (!C) (!D)

Welcher Buchstabe steht in der Mitte des Alphabets? (M) (!N) (!O) (!L)

Wie heißt der Buchstabe "B" auf Deutsch? (B) (!Bee) (!Be) (!Dee)


What is the German word for 'letter' in the context of the alphabet? (Buchstabe) (!Wort) (!Satz) (!Zeichen)

Which letter comes after K? (L) (!J) (!M) (!N)

Select the vowel from the following options. (A) (!B) (!C) (!D)

Which letter is often used to represent a question? (Q) (!P) (!R) (!S)

Translate 'Z' into German. (Z) (!Zeit) (!Zelle) (!Zucker)


Which letter is associated with the phonetic symbol /θ/? (Theta) (!Sigma) (!Gamma) (!Delta)

What is the 19th letter of the alphabet? (S) (!T) (!R) (!U)

Which letter is typically used to denote an unknown quantity in mathematics? (X) (!Y) (!Z) (!N)

Identify the consonant in the following group. (G) (!A) (!E) (!I)

Which letter comes immediately before V? (U) (!T) (!W) (!S)



Vervollständige den Text.

The alphabet starts with the letter

and ends with the letter

. It contains a total of

letters. The letter

is in the middle of the alphabet.


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