Crime and Law - Verbrechen und Recht

Crime and Law - Verbrechen und Recht

Crime and law are two interrelated concepts that are crucial in maintaining order and justice in society. Crime refers to actions that violate the laws set by a government and are punishable by the state. Law, on the other hand, is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior.

Understanding Basic Terms

Here are some key terms related to crime and law:

  1. Law - Recht: The system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
  2. Crime - Verbrechen: An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
  3. Justice - Gerechtigkeit: The moral righteousness of an action, which is necessary to provide fair treatment in legal, economic, and social situations.
  4. Court - Gericht: An institution that the government sets up to settle disputes through a legal process.
  5. Police - Polizei: A government agency responsible for enforcing the law, maintaining public order, and preventing, detecting, and investigating crimes.

Types of Crimes

Crimes can be divided into multiple categories, each with specific examples:

  1. Violent crime - Gewaltverbrechen: Actions involving force or the threat of force, including murder, robbery, and assault.
  2. Property crime - Eigentumsdelikt: Crimes that involve the theft or destruction of someone else’s property, such as burglary, theft, and arson.
  3. White-collar crime - Wirtschaftskriminalität: Financially motivated, non-violent crime committed by businesses and government professionals.
  4. Cybercrime - Cyberkriminalität: Crimes that involve a computer and a network, where the computer may have been used in the commission of a crime or be the target.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Was bedeutet das Wort "Recht"? (Law) (!Rule) (!Justice) (!Order)

Wie nennt man jemanden, der Gesetze durchsetzt? (Police) (!Lawyer) (!Judge) (!Witness)

Was ist ein "Gericht"? (Court) (!Office) (!School) (!Hospital)

Was ist ein "Verbrechen"? (Crime) (!Mistake) (!Accident) (!Action)

Was bedeutet "Gerechtigkeit"? (Justice) (!Equality) (!Freedom) (!Power)

Welches Wort beschreibt ein Gewaltverbrechen? (Violent crime) (!Civil dispute) (!Legal action) (!Financial fraud)


What is the German term for "property crime"? (Eigentumsdelikt) (!Vermögensverbrechen) (!Besitzstörung) (!Eigentumsrecht)

Was ist ein "white-collar crime" auf Deutsch? (Wirtschaftskriminalität) (!Bürovergehen) (!Firmendelikt) (!Verwaltungskriminalität)

What type of crime involves theft or destruction of property? (Property crime) (!Personal crime) (!Statutory crime) (!Organized crime)

Was bezeichnet das Wort "Cyberkriminalität"? (Cybercrime) (!Internetbetrug) (!Computerdiebstahl) (!Online-Gerechtigkeit)

Who is responsible for maintaining public order and safety? (Police) (!Fire department) (!Health services) (!Educational institutions)

What is "justice" in German? (Gerechtigkeit) (!Gesetzlichkeit) (!Ordnung) (!Macht)


Which term describes an action that is punishable by law? (Crime) (!Mistake) (!Misunderstanding) (!Disagreement)

What institution settles disputes through a legal process? (Court) (!Parliament) (!School) (!Corporation)

What is a violent crime? (An action involving force or the threat of force) (!A legal disagreement) (!A financial crime) (!A minor offense)

Which crime involves the use of computers and networks? (Cybercrime) (!Telecommunication fraud) (!Electronic waste) (!Digital licensing)

Who enforces laws and ensures public order? (Police) (!Teachers) (!Lawyers) (!Politicians)

What embodies the moral righteousness of actions? (Justice) (!Legality) (!Influence) (!Control)



Recht Law
Verbrechen Crime
Gerechtigkeit Justice


Gericht Court
Polizei Police
Gewaltverbrechen Violent crime
Eigentumsdelikt Property crime
Wirtschaftskriminalität White-collar crime


Rechtsstaatlichkeit Rule of law
Anklage Indictment
Strafverfahren Criminal procedure
Betrug Fraud
Unterschlagung Embezzlement
Erpressung Extortion
Cyberkriminalität Cybercrime


Gestalte ein zweisprachiges Kreuzworträtsel zum Thema. Deutschsprachige Frage und englischsprachige Antwort.

Law Was ist das System von Regeln, das als Recht bekannt ist?
Theft Wie heißt der Diebstahl auf Englisch?
Judge Wie nennt man eine Person, die im Gericht Entscheidungen trifft?
Bribery Was ist das englische Wort für Bestechung?
Assault Wie wird ein Angriff auf Englisch genannt?
Guilty Wie sagt man "schuldig" auf Englisch?
Witness Wie heißt eine Person, die bei einem Vorfall zugegen war und im Gericht aussagt?



Vervollständige den Text.

In a democracy, the law is supposed to be

, ensuring that justice is equally applied to all. Crime, by definition, is an act that

these laws. When someone commits a crime, they are brought before a

where their guilt or innocence will be determined. In serious cases, the police are involved from the beginning to

the incident and gather evidence.


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