Poetry - Dichtung

Version vom 15. April 2024, 04:40 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Oben}} {| align=center {{:D-Tab}} '''Poetry - Dichtung''' {{o}} Sonnet - Sonett {{o}} Haiku - Haiku {{o}} Free Verse - Freie Versform {{o}} Limerick - Limerick {{o}} Epic - Epos {{o}} Alliteration - Stabreim {{o}} Imagery - Bildlichkeit |} {{:BRK}} = Poetry - Dichtung = Poetry, or Dichtung, refers to the art of writing poems, which are compositions designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vi…“)
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Poetry - Dichtung

Poetry - Dichtung

Poetry, or Dichtung, refers to the art of writing poems, which are compositions designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, often using metaphoric language. Poems can take various forms, including sonnets, haikus, and free verse, each offering unique ways to express thoughts and feelings creatively.

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Definition of Poetry

Poetry is often characterized by its use of rhythm, rhymes, and the inclusion of specific stylistic devices like alliteration and assonance. The purpose of poetry can be to evoke emotions, provoke thought, or just to entertain and delight the reader or listener.

Types of Poems

  1. Sonnet: A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme.
  2. Haiku: A Japanese form of poetry with a 5-7-5 syllabic structure.
  3. Free Verse: Poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.
  4. Limerick: A humorous five-line poem with a distinct rhythm and rhyme pattern.
  5. Epic: A long, serious, and poetic narrative about a significant event, often featuring a hero.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Was ist "Dichtung" auf Englisch? (Poetry) (!Novel) (!Essay) (!Drama)

Wie viele Zeilen hat ein Sonett? (Fourteen) (!Twelve) (!Ten) (!Eight)

Was beschreibt das Wort "Haiku"? (A form of Japanese poetry) (!A musical instrument) (!A type of dance) (!A painting style)

Was ist KEINE typische Eigenschaft von Gedichten? (Random structure) (!Rhythm) (!Rhymes) (!Imagery)

Welches Wort beschreibt eine lange erzählerische Dichtung? (Epic) (!Flash fiction) (!Short story) (!Anecdote)

Was ist der erste Teil eines Gedichts genannt? (Verse) (!Chapter) (!Paragraph) (!Act)


Welcher Gedichttyp folgt KEINEM spezifischen Reimschema? (Free verse) (!Limerick) (!Sonnet) (!Haiku)

Was bedeutet "alliteration" auf Deutsch? (Stabreim) (!Assonanz) (!Ironie) (!Metapher)

Was ist ein "Limerick"? (A humorous five-line poem) (!A serious epic) (!A musical performance) (!A digital artwork)

Which type of poem traditionally comes from Japan? (Haiku) (!Sonnet) (!Ode) (!Ballad)

Which term describes the use of similar vowel sounds in poetry? (Assonance) (!Consonance) (!Allegory) (!Simile)

What is a characteristic feature of a "sonnet"? (A specific rhyme scheme) (!Free form) (!No rhyme) (!Abstract topics)


Which literary device is characterized by the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words? (Alliteration) (!Metaphor) (!Hyperbole) (!Onomatopoeia)

What does "imagery" refer to in the context of poetry? (Visual descriptions that appeal to the senses) (!The rhythmic pattern of verses) (!The overall theme of a poem) (!The historical background of a poem)

Identify the form of poetry that does not adhere to any fixed meter or rhyme scheme. (Free verse) (!Villanelle) (!Acrostic) (!Ghazal)

Which poetic form is known for its 5-7-5 syllabic structure? (Haiku) (!Sonnet) (!Sestina) (!Pantoum)

What is the primary focus of an "epic" poem? (The deeds of a hero or heroes) (!Everyday life events) (!Nature) (!Personal emotions)

Which poetic term describes the accidental repetition of lines or phrases? (Refrain) (!Soliloquy) (!Monologue) (!Prologue)



Sonnet Sonett
Haiku Haiku
Epic Epos


Alliteration Stabreim
Assonance Assonanz
Verse Vers
Imagery Bildlichkeit
Rhythm Rhythmus


Free verse Freie Versform
Limerick Limerick
Refrain Refrain
Onomatopoeia Lautmalerei
Hyperbole Übertreibung
Metaphor Metapher
Simile Vergleich


Sonnet Was ist eine Gedichtform mit 14 Zeilen?
Haiku Welche Gedichtform stammt aus Japan?
Epic Welche lange erzählende Dichtungsform beschreibt die Taten von Helden?
Verse Wie nennt man eine Strophe in einem Gedicht?
Rhythm Was ist das Muster von betonten und unbetonten Silben in einem Gedicht?



Vervollständige den Text.

Poetry often involves the use of

to create vivid pictures in the mind of the reader. Poems can vary in length from short

to long

that tell grand stories. The

of a poem is its beating heart, while the rhyme can add a musical quality to the



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