Welcome to your MOOC about immigration in the U.S.A.

💡 Tip: You can pause the videos at any time by pushing the space-bar!

What is a MOOC?

MOOC is an abbreviation for Massive Open Online Course, which refers to an online course that can be viewed by many students all over the world and it aims to help you learn something specific by going through the course material. In this case, the topic is Immigration.

In this MOOC, you will find different things to do, watch, read and click through. Please take your time and go through the different tasks at your own pace, and in whichever order you prefer to do it in. Certain tasks are follow-ups to different information that is presented to you. Please be sure to do those tasks after watching or listening or reading the presented material.

Video: Can the U.S Economy survive without immigration?

This video is 10:54 minutes long. Please watch it and write down any positive or negative aspects of immigration that you recognise.
Don't worry if you miss something! You can always go back and watch it again, pause it (if you need more time), or move on to another task and come back to it later. In order to complete the follow-up task, you will need information you have learnt from this video. Be sure to write down any vocabulary you don't understand and look it up online.

Video: US immigrants bust myths about immigration

Here is an alternative video for you to watch for a different perspective. You do not have to watch it, but it could help you answer the quiz later 😎


Truth or myth: Comments about immigration in the USA. Please complete the multiple choice questions based on what you learnt in the video above. You can try as many times as you like!

Cartoon Analysis


Erstelle ein Kreuzworträtsel. Trage für "Frage" eine Aufgabe und für "Lösung" die Antwort ein.

Um das Kreuzworträtsel zu füllen, drückst du mit der Maus auf ein Feld mit einer Zahl, dann erscheint ein Eingabedialog mit der Frage und der Eingabemöglichkeit.

LösungEins Frage 1
LösungZwei Frage 2
LösungDrei Frage 3
LösungVier Frage 4
LösungFünf Frage 5



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Feedback / Diskussion

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  • Feedback geben, Aufgaben bewerten, liebe Emojis verschenken 😃 & Diskussionen führen
  • Gib Dein Statement in der Diskussion:Immigration ab.

Links / Quelle

Hier können noch wichtige interne und externe Links ergänzt werden.



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A) im MOOCit-Diskussionsbereich,
B) per Chat oder Video-Konferenz,
C) direkt in Deiner Stadt: Nachhilfe Landkarte


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  4. Welches Tier ist das?
  5. ...



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