Pharmacy - Apotheke
Pharmacy - Apotheke
Pharmacies are an essential part of healthcare, providing medications, health products, and professional advice to the public. In this English vocabulary session, we'll explore the world of pharmacies and related terms that are useful when discussing medical and health care needs.
Understanding the Pharmacy
A pharmacy, often called a drugstore in American English, is where medicines are dispensed and sold. The person who prepares and dispenses medicines is known as a pharmacist. In many countries, pharmacies also offer health services like flu shots, blood pressure monitoring, and advice on treating minor health issues.
Vocabulary Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Here we'll test your knowledge on pharmacy-related vocabulary across three levels of difficulty: easy, standard, and hard.
Was bedeutet "prescription" auf Englisch? (Prescription) (!Rezept) (!Medication) (!Appointment)
Was bedeutet "pharmacist" auf Englisch? (Pharmacist) (!Apotheker) (!Doctor) (!Nurse)
Was ist ein "counter" in einer Apotheke? (Counter) (!Schalter) (!Regal) (!Tisch)
Was bedeutet "medicine" auf Englisch? (Medicine) (!Medizin) (!Tablet) (!Injection)
Was bedeutet "health" auf Englisch? (Health) (!Gesundheit) (!Fitness) (!Hospital)
What is the German term for "over-the-counter"? (Rezeptfrei) (!Verschreibungspflichtig) (!Unter dem Ladentisch) (!Freiverkäuflich)
What do you call a place where you get medical prescriptions filled? (Apotheke) (!Krankenhaus) (!Arztpraxis) (!Gesundheitszentrum)
What does a pharmacist do? (Prepare and dispense medications) (!Führt medizinische Tests durch) (!Operiert Patienten) (!Berät zu Fitnessprogrammen)
Which term describes non-prescription medicines? (Over-the-counter) (!Verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente) (!Hausmittel) (!Naturheilkunde)
What service besides medication might a pharmacy offer? (Health screening) (!Krankenpflege) (!Operationen) (!Zahnbehandlung)
What is a "prescription"? (A doctor's order for medicine) (!A type of medicine) (!A medical condition) (!A health insurance document)
What role does a "pharmacist" play in health care? (Dispenses and advises on medications) (!Conducts surgeries) (!Provides nursing care) (!Designs fitness programs)
What does "OTC" stand for? (Over-the-counter) (!Official treatment course) (!Optimal therapy choice) (!Organized treatment center)
What might you find in a "pharmacy"? (Medications, health products, advice) (!Fitness equipment) (!Surgical tools) (!Hospital beds)
Which term refers to medicines that do not require a doctor's prescription? (Over-the-counter) (!Prescribed) (!Hospital-only) (!Specialty)
Create memory games with matched pairs related to pharmacy terms. Here, we include games for easy, standard, and hard levels.
Rezept | Prescription |
Apotheker | Pharmacist |
Medikament | Medicine |
Create a bilingual crossword puzzle with German questions and English answers related to the pharmacy.
Prescription | Was ist ein ärztliches Rezept auf Englisch? |
Pharmacist | Wie nennt man einen Apotheker auf Englisch? |
Medicine | Was bedeutet Medizin auf Englisch? |
Health | Wie heißt Gesundheit auf Englisch? |
Here are important points about pharmacies summarized in both German and English:
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