Fitness - Fitness

Fitness - Fitness

Fitness involves physical activities that enhance or maintain physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It includes a variety of practices such as aerobic exercises, strength training, stretching, and proper nutrition.


Fitness refers to the condition of being physically fit and healthy. It involves performing activities that increase cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and overall body endurance.

Importance of Fitness

  1. Improving overall health
  2. Boosting energy levels
  3. Reducing stress
  4. Enhancing longevity

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Was bedeutet das Wort "Fitness" auf Englisch? (fitness) (!health) (!exercise) (!strength)

Welches Gerät benutzt man im Fitnessstudio nicht? (treadmill) (!soccer ball) (!dumbbell) (!barbell)

Was ist kein Vorteil von regelmäßigem Fitness? (enhancing longevity) (!increasing sickness) (!boosting energy levels) (!reducing stress)

Wie sagt man "Gesundheit" auf Englisch? (health) (!happiness) (!hardship) (!hostility)

Welches Wort passt nicht zu "Fitness"? (strength training) (!couch) (!stretching) (!aerobic exercises)


Welches Gerät ist typisch für Cardio-Training? (Treadmill) (!Schachbrett) (!Staffelei) (!Gummiband)

Was ist eine typische Fitness-Aktivität? (jogging) (!napping) (!painting) (!reading)

Welches Wort beschreibt die Flexibilität? (flexibility) (!rigidity) (!stiffness) (!solidity)

Was verbessert "strength training" primär? (muscle strength) (!sleep quality) (!reading skills) (!painting ability)

Was ist "proper nutrition" auf Deutsch? (Richtige Ernährung) (!Schnelle Diät) (!Hartes Training) (!Musikalische Übung)


Which activity is least likely to be found in a fitness regimen? (watching television) (!running) (!lifting weights) (!swimming)

What term describes exercises that enhance heart and lung function? (aerobic exercises) (!anaerobic exercises) (!flexibility training) (!isometric exercises)

Which equipment is not used for strength training? (soccer ball) (!kettlebell) (!dumbbell) (!resistance band)

What is the primary benefit of stretching? (increasing flexibility) (!increasing confusion) (!decreasing intelligence) (!enhancing insomnia)

Which food choice is least associated with proper nutrition for fitness? (candy) (!vegetables) (!whole grains) (!lean proteins)



Fitness Fitness
Gesund Healthy
Kraft Strength


fitness Welche Aktivität verbessert die körperliche Verfassung?
health Was ist der Zustand von vollständigem physischen, geistigen und sozialen Wohlbefinden?
strength Was wird durch Gewichtheben verbessert?
stretching Welche Aktivität erhöht die Flexibilität?
nutrition Was ist ein anderer Begriff für "Ernährung"?



Vervollständige den Text.

Fitness involves

that enhance or maintain physical fitness and overall

. It includes

such as aerobic exercises, strength

, and proper





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