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  • Offene Aufgaben

    1. Schreibe einen kurzen Aufsatz über das Thema Einsamkeit und Isolation in der Musik (LEICHT)
    2. Erstelle eine Collage mit Bildern, die für dich die Stimmung des Liedes "Lemon Tree" einfangen (LEICHT)
    3. Vergleiche den Text von "Lemon Tree" mit einem anderen Lied, das von Trennungsschmerz handelt. Was sind die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede? (STANDARD)
    4. Analysiere das Musikvideo von "Lemon Tree" und beschreibe, wie die visuellen Elemente die Bedeutung des Liedes unterstützen oder erweitern (STANDARD)
    5. Setze den Text von "Lemon Tree" in einen historischen oder kulturellen Kontext und diskutiere, wie das Lied ein Zeichen seiner Zeit sein könnte (STANDARD)
    6. Schreibe eine eigene Liedinterpretation von "Lemon Tree" und teile sie mit deinen Mitschülern oder in einer Online-Community (SCHWER)
    7. Komponiere eine eigene Melodie zu dem Text von "Lemon Tree" und nehme sie auf (SCHWER)
    8. Schreibe einen Text für ein Lied, das von einem anderen Baum handelt und begründe, warum du diesen Baum gewählt hast (SCHWER)
    9. Diskutiere die Rolle von Metaphern in der Lyrik und analysiere, wie sie in "Lemon Tree" verwendet werden (SCHWER)
    10. Untersuche den Einfluss von "Lemon Tree" auf die deutsche Musikszene und die internationale Wahrnehmung deutscher Musik (SCHWER)

    Easy open tasks

    1. Write a short poem inspired by the "Lemon Tree" song. Use the theme of a lemon tree and incorporate at least three words from the song's lyrics. (EASY)
    2. Draw a picture of a lemon tree and label the different parts of the tree, such as the trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits. (EASY)
    3. Write a short paragraph about your favorite fruit and explain why you like it. (EASY)
    4. Create a list of ten songs that mention plants or trees in their titles or lyrics. (EASY)
    5. Write a letter to a friend describing a time when you felt bored and how you overcame that boredom. (EASY)
    6. Make a collage using images of various trees and plants. Label each one with its common name. (EASY)
    7. Listen to the "Lemon Tree" song and write down at least five adjectives that describe the mood or emotions expressed in the song. (EASY)
    8. Create a playlist of five songs that have a similar mood or theme to "Lemon Tree." Write a sentence for each song, explaining why you chose it. (EASY)
    9. Interview a family member or friend about their favorite song and the reasons they like it. Write a summary of your conversation. (EASY)

    Challenging open tasks

    1. Create a visual representation of the "Lemon Tree" song. You can use any medium you like, such as drawing, painting, digital art, or collage. (STANDARD)
    2. Write a short story using the theme of a lemon tree and a boring situation. How does the protagonist react to this situation? (STANDARD)
    3. Rewrite the "Lemon Tree" lyrics in a different perspective or point of view (e.g., third person). (STANDARD)
    4. Record a cover version of the "Lemon Tree" song with your own instrumental accompaniment. (CHALLENGING)
    5. Write a short play or a script inspired by the "Lemon Tree" song. Create at least three characters and make sure to use dialogue that reflects the song's themes. (CHALLENGING)
    6. Analyze the lyrics of the "Lemon Tree" song and write an essay discussing the symbolism, themes, and emotions conveyed through the lyrics. (CHALLENGING)
    7. Create a dance routine or choreography inspired by the "Lemon Tree" song. Record a video of yourself performing the dance. (CHALLENGING)
    8. Compose a new song inspired by "Lemon Tree" with your own original lyrics and melody. Record a performance of your song. (HARD)
    9. Research the history of Fools Garden and their discography. Create a presentation that includes information about the band members, their influences, and their most popular songs. (HARD)

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