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image label description creator collection inventory number location inception depicts
Christus verdrijft de wisselaars uit de tempel Museum De Lakenhal B 107 Museum De Lakenhal
Jésus chassant les marchands du temple Basilique Saint-Sauveur de Rennes
Christ chasing the merchants of the temple painting by Antoine Jean-Baptiste Thomas Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Thomas Saint-Roch
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple painting by Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi) Benvenuto Tisi National Galleries of Scotland NG 32 Scottish National Gallery 15th century
Christ Cleansing the Temple painting by Bernardino Mei Bernardino Mei J. Paul Getty Museum 69.PA.27 Getty Center 1655
Jesus Cleansing the Temple painting by Bernardo Bellotto (National Museum in Warsaw) Bernardo Bellotto National Museum in Warsaw ZKW 3605
ZKW 3605 MNW
National Museum in Warsaw 170s Jesus
Vertreibung der Händler aus dem Tempel painting by Thomas Christian Winck Christian Winck Bavarian State Painting Collections 2874 Alte Pinakothek 1793
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by El Greco in the National Gallery, London El Greco National Gallery NG1457 National Gallery 1600 Jesus
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by El Greco El Greco Church of San Ginés de Arlés Church of San Ginés de Arlés 1609
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple (1571) painting by El Greco El Greco Minneapolis Institute of Art 24.1 Minneapolis Institute of Art 1570 Cleansing of the Temple
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple El Greco The Frick Collection 1909.1.66 The Frick Collection 1595
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) El Greco Samuel H. Kress Collection
National Gallery of Art
Cook collection
National Gallery of Art
Doughty House
The Traders Cast out of the Temple painting by Francesco Bassano Francesco Bassano the Younger Museo del Prado P000027 Museo del Prado 1585
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 241 Room 717 160s donkey
Expulsion of the Traders from the Temple painting by Giandomenico Tiepolo Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 212855-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
The Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple painting by Gian Paolo Panini Giovanni Paolo Panini Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 311 (1976.11) Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 1724
Christ casting the Money Changers out of the Temple painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini Giovanni Paolo Panini Museo del Prado P000278 Museo del Prado 1750
The Cleansing of the Temple painting by Giuseppe Passeri Giuseppe Passeri Walters Art Museum 37.2512 Walters Art Museum 170s
The Cleansing of the Temple painting by Hans Holbein the Elder Hans Holbein the Elder Städel Museum HM 18 Städel Museum 1501
Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple painting by Hubert Robert Hubert Robert Gemäldegalerie
Berlin State Museums
Gemäldegalerie 1760
Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner J. M. W. Turner Tate
National Gallery
Tate 1832
Jesus Driving the Merchants from the Temple painting by Jacob Jordaens Jacob Jordaens Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 1402 Room 800 160s Cleansing of the Temple
The Purification of the Temple painting by Jacopo Bassano Jacopo Bassano National Gallery NG228 National Gallery 1580
Vertreibung der Händler aus dem Tempel painting by Jacopo Bassano (da Ponte) Jacopo Bassano Bavarian State Painting Collections 2402 Alte Pinakothek 15th century
The Merchants Chased from the Temple work by James Tissot James Tissot Brooklyn Museum 00.159.198 Brooklyn Museum 18th century
Christ driving the money changers from the temple painting by Jan Sanders van Hemessen Jan Sanders van Hemessen Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy 1556
The expulsion of the money-changers from the temple painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen Museum De Lakenhal
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
B 667
Museum De Lakenhal 1675
Jésus chassant les vendeurs du Temple painting by Joseph Dynes Joseph Dynes Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec 1984.19 Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec 1878
Expulsion of the Money-Changers from the Temple painting by Luca Giordano Luca Giordano Hermitage Museum ГЭ-5561 Hermitage Museum 1675
Christ Cleansing the Temple painting by Luca Giordano Luca Giordano Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery 16th century
Expulsion of the money changers from the temple painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder Lucas Cranach the Elder Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal.-Nr. 3861 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1510
The Purification of the Temple painting by Marcello Venusti Marcello Venusti National Gallery NG1194 National Gallery 150s
Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder Pieter Brueghel the Elder Statens Museum for Kunst KMS3924 Statens Museum for Kunst 15th century
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by Pieter Neeffs the Elder Pieter Neeffs Seattle Art Museum 68.233 Seattle Art Museum
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple painting by Quinten Massijs Quentin Matsys Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Flemish Art Collection
5072 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 150s Jesus
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple painting by Rembrandt Rembrandt Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 1900 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 1626
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple painting by Theodoor Rombouts Theodoor Rombouts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Flemish Art Collection
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Expulsion of the Money-Changers from the Temple painting by Valentin de Boulogne. 1594-1632 Valentin de Boulogne Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1214 Hermitage Museum 160s
Expulsión de los mercaderes del Templo painting by Vicente Salvador Gómez Vicente Salvador Gómez Museo del Prado P002661 Museo del Prado 1670
Christ driving the money-changers from the Temple painting by follower of Hieronymus Bosch anonymous Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 1586 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 150s man
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple painting by anonymous painter anonymous National Galleries of Scotland NG 4 Scottish National Gallery 15th century

Vorlage:Wikidata list end



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