Weather and Seasons - Wetter und Jahreszeiten
Wetter und Jahreszeiten
Weather and seasons are essential parts of our daily lives and influence many of our activities. Understanding the vocabulary related to weather and the four seasons can be very helpful, especially for language learners. In this module, we will explore basic and advanced vocabulary associated with weather and the changing seasons in English and German.
The weather (Wetter) can change from day to day and even from hour to hour. It can affect everything from what we wear to how we spend our day. There are four main seasons: spring (Frühling), summer (Sommer), autumn (Herbst), and winter (Winter). Each season has its own unique weather patterns and temperatures which influence the world around us.
Die Jahreszeiten
Each season has distinct characteristics and is associated with different weather conditions:
Spring is the time when the weather begins to warm up and many plants start to bloom. It's often considered a time of renewal.
Summer is typically the warmest season, characterized by long days and often sunny weather, perfect for outdoor activities.
Autumn is known for cooler temperatures and the changing colors of the leaves. It's a time for harvesting and preparation for winter.
Winter is the coldest season, often associated with snow and freezing temperatures, a time for many to enjoy winter sports.
Erweitertes Wettervokabular
For those looking to expand their weather-related vocabulary, here are some additional terms:
- Humidity - Feuchtigkeit
- Dew point - Taupunkt
- Precipitation - Niederschlag
- Pressure - Druck
- Visibility - Sichtweite
- Forecast - Wettervorhersage
- Breeze - Brise
- Heat wave - Hitzewelle
- Cold snap - Kälteeinbruch
Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen
Was bedeutet "rain" auf Deutsch? (Regen) (!Sonne) (!Schnee) (!Wind)
Wie sagt man "wind" auf Deutsch? (Wind) (!Wolke) (!Sturm) (!Nebel)
Welche Jahreszeit ist bekannt für das Schmelzen von Schnee und blühende Blumen? (Frühling) (!Sommer) (!Herbst) (!Winter)
Was ist "sun" auf Deutsch? (Sonne) (!Regen) (!Schnee) (!Fog)
Welche Jahreszeit ist besonders kalt? (Winter) (!Frühling) (!Sommer) (!Herbst)
What is "Nebel" in English? (Fog) (!Rain) (!Sun) (!Snow)
Was ist die englische Übersetzung von "Feuchtigkeit"? (Humidity) (!Pressure) (!Breeze) (!Forecast)
In which season do leaves change color and fall to the ground? (Autumn) (!Spring) (!Summer) (!Winter)
Welche Wetterbedingung wird als "Hitzewelle" bezeichnet? (Heat wave) (!Cold snap) (!Snow) (!Rain)
What does "Taupunkt" refer to in English? (Dew point) (!Visibility) (!Humidity) (!Pressure)
What does "precipitation" refer to? (Precipitation) (!Humidity) (!Visibility) (!Pressure)
Which term describes the atmospheric condition where water droplets suspend in the air, reducing visibility? (Fog) (!Wind) (!Sun) (!Snow)
During which season can you experience a "cold snap"? (Winter) (!Spring) (!Summer) (!Autumn)
What is the English term for "Sichtweite"? (Visibility) (!Pressure) (!Humidity) (!Dew point)
Which term refers to the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the earth? (Pressure) (!Humidity) (!Dew point) (!Breeze)
Sonne | Sun |
Regen | Rain |
Schnee | Snow |
Nebel | Fog |
Wind | Wind |
Sturm | Storm |
Wolke | Cloud |
Brise | Breeze |
Feuchtigkeit | Humidity |
Taupunkt | Dew point |
Niederschlag | Precipitation |
Druck | Pressure |
Sichtweite | Visibility |
Wettervorhersage | Forecast |
Hitzewelle | Heat wave |
sun | Welche Wetterbedingung beschreibt strahlendes Tageslicht? |
fog | Was ist dichter Wasserdampf in der Luft, der die Sicht reduziert? |
rain | Welches Wetterphänomen bringt Wasser von den Wolken zur Erde? |
snow | Was fällt im Winter oft vom Himmel und bedeckt die Landschaft weiß? |
wind | Was weht oft während stürmischer oder kühler Tage? |
storm | Was ist ein heftiges Wetterereignis mit Regen, Wind und manchmal Blitz? |
breeze | Wie nennt man eine leichte, angenehme Brise? |
cloud | Was schwebt am Himmel und kann Regen oder Schnee bringen? |
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