(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Oben}} {{:BRK}} = Directions - Wegbeschreibungen = {{:BRK}} Learning a new language includes knowing how to ask for and give directions. This section will help you learn essential vocabulary and phrases in English to navigate cities or find places. We will also practice constructing sentences to ask for directions and to guide someone to a location. {{:BRK}} == Vocabulary == Here are some common words and phrases associated with directions:…“)
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Aktuelle Version vom 14. April 2024, 20:46 Uhr

Directions - Wegbeschreibungen

Directions - Wegbeschreibungen

Learning a new language includes knowing how to ask for and give directions. This section will help you learn essential vocabulary and phrases in English to navigate cities or find places. We will also practice constructing sentences to ask for directions and to guide someone to a location.


Here are some common words and phrases associated with directions:

  1. Street - Straße
  2. Turn left - Links abbiegen
  3. Turn right - Rechts abbiegen
  4. Straight ahead - Geradeaus
  5. Traffic light - Ampel
  6. Intersection - Kreuzung
  7. Signpost - Wegweiser
  8. Roundabout - Kreisverkehr
  9. Exit - Ausfahrt
  10. Map - Karte

Example Sentences

Here are some useful sentences for asking for and giving directions:

  1. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest gas station? - Könnten Sie mir sagen, wie ich zur nächsten Tankstelle komme?
  2. Take the first left after the traffic light. - Nehmen Sie die erste Links nach der Ampel.
  3. You will see the hospital on your right. - Sie werden das Krankenhaus auf Ihrer rechten Seite sehen.
  4. Is there a pharmacy nearby? - Gibt es eine Apotheke in der Nähe?
  5. Continue straight for about two kilometers. - Fahren Sie etwa zwei Kilometer geradeaus.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Wie sagt man "Straße" auf Englisch? (Street) (!Road) (!Way) (!Lane)

Was bedeutet "geradeaus gehen"? (Straight ahead) (!Turn left) (!Go back) (!Step right)

Wofür steht die "Ampel"? (Traffic light) (!Street lamp) (!Direction sign) (!Crosswalk)

Wie übersetzt man "Kreisverkehr"? (Roundabout) (!Intersection) (!Traffic circle) (!Turnaround)

Was ist eine "Karte" auf Englisch? (Map) (!Card) (!Guide) (!Plan)


If I need to turn right, what is the German command? (Rechts abbiegen) (!Links abbiegen) (!Geradeaus gehen) (!Zurück gehen)

What do you call a "Kreuzung" in English? (Intersection) (!Roundabout) (!Crossroad) (!Junction)

The English for "Wegweiser" is? (Signpost) (!Footpath) (!Street sign) (!Indicator)

Which phrase translates to "Nehmen Sie die erste Links nach der Ampel"? (Take the first left after the traffic light) (!Go straight past the traffic light) (!Turn right at the next intersection) (!Follow the signs around the roundabout)

How do you say "Ist da eine Apotheke in der Nähe?" in English? (Is there a pharmacy nearby?) (!Can you find the pharmacy?) (!Do you need a pharmacy?) (!Where is the closest pharmacy?)


What would be the direction to "Turn left at the intersection"? (Turn left at the intersection) (!Keep right at the intersection) (!Cross the intersection straight) (!Make a U-turn at the intersection)

Translate "Continue straight for about two kilometers." (Continue straight for about two kilometers) (!Walk back two kilometers) (!Drive left for two kilometers) (!Take the next right and continue for two kilometers)

If a sign says "Exit," what does it indicate? (Exit) (!Entry) (!Stop) (!Caution)

How do you ask for directions to the nearest gas station in English? (Could you tell me how to get to the nearest gas station?) (!Where is the nearest gas station?) (!Do you know the way to the nearest gas station?) (!Can you show me the map to the nearest gas station?)

What is the English term for "Ausfahrt"? (Exit) (!Approach) (!Entrance) (!Way out)

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