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Version vom 13. April 2024, 23:15 Uhr

Space and Astronomy - Raumfahrt und Astronomie

Datei:Space shuttle in orbit.jpg
Datei:Moon surface closeup.jpg

Raumfahrt und Astronomie

Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the universe as a whole. It deals with phenomena outside the Earth's atmosphere, including stars, planets, comets, and galaxies. Space exploration, on the other hand, involves the physical exploration of outer space through both manned and unmanned spacecraft.

Basics of Astronomy - Grundlagen der Astronomie

  1. Astronomie is an ancient science that has evolved over thousands of years.
  2. Teleskop technology has greatly enhanced our understanding of the universe.
  3. Planet, Stern, and Galaxie are key objects studied in astronomy.
  4. Schwarzes Loch and Supernova represent some of the most extreme conditions in the cosmos.
  5. Raumfahrt includes missions like those to the Mond, Mars, and beyond.

Space Exploration - Raumfahrt

  1. Raumschiff design and technology are crucial for missions outside Earth.
  2. Internationale Raumstation serves as a home where astronauts live and conduct scientific research.
  3. Mars-Rover are robots that explore the surface of Mars to gather data.
  4. Weltraumtourismus is an emerging industry offering trips to space for civilians.
  5. Astronaut training is rigorous and prepares individuals for the challenges of space.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Wie heißt das Gerät, mit dem Astronomen den Himmel beobachten? (Telescope) (!Microscope) (!Camera) (!Binocular)

Was ist größer - ein Stern oder ein Planet? (Star) (!Planet) (!Moon) (!Asteroid)

Welcher Planet ist bekannt für seine Ringe? (Saturn) (!Mars) (!Venus) (!Earth)

Was ist eine Supernova? (Explosion of a star) (!Type of asteroid) (!Name of a telescope) (!Space station)

Wie nennt man eine Person, die ins Weltall fliegt? (Astronaut) (!Scientist) (!Pilot) (!Engineer)


Who studies celestial bodies and the universe? (Astronom) (!Biologe) (!Chemiker) (!Geologe)

Welches Himmelsobjekt kann einen Schweif haben, wenn es sich der Sonne nähert? (Comet) (!Stern) (!Planet) (!Mond)

What device do astronauts use to live and work in space? (Internationale Raumstation) (!Weltraumhotel) (!Weltraumflugzeug) (!Mondstation)

Was versteht man unter Weltraumtourismus? (Space tourism) (!Ocean exploration) (!Mountain climbing) (!Deep sea diving)

What is the term for a machine that explores Mars? (Mars-Rover) (!Mars Shuttle) (!Mars Balloon) (!Mars Boat)


Which galaxy is Earth located in? (Milky Way) (!Andromeda) (!Triangulum) (!Whirlpool)

What is a black hole? (Region of space where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape) (!A dark exoplanet) (!A collapsed star) (!A gap in the universe)

Which term describes the boundary around a black hole? (Event horizon) (!Gravitational pull) (!Light sphere) (!Singularity edge)

What phenomenon occurs when a massive star explodes at the end of its life? (Supernova) (!Lunar eclipse) (!Solar flare) (!Pulsar formation)

What advanced technology do astronomers use to study distant objects in space? (Telescope) (!Microscope) (!Periscope) (!Spectroscope)



Astronaut Astronaut
Teleskop Telescope
Stern Star


Planet Planet
Galaxie Galaxy
Schwarzes Loch Black hole
Supernova Supernova
Raumstation Space station


Milchstraße Milky Way
Ereignishorizont Event horizon
Gravitationslinse Gravitational lens
Roter Riese Red giant
Neutronenstern Neutron star
Dunkle Materie Dark matter
Exoplanet Exoplanet


telescope Was benutzen Astronomen, um Sterne zu betrachten?
astronaut Wie nennt man eine Person, die ins Weltall fliegt?
galaxy Was ist eine riesige Ansammlung von Sternen, Gas und Staub?
comet Welcher Himmelskörper hat einen Schweif?
nebula Wie nennt man eine interstellare Gas- und Staubwolke?
mars Welcher rote Planet wird oft als Ziel für Raummissionen ausgewählt?
satellite Was umkreist Planeten oder Sterne?
gravity Welche Kraft hält das Sonnensystem zusammen?



Vervollständige den Text.

Space is incredibly vast and filled with

such as stars, planets, and galaxies. The study of these celestial bodies is known as

. One of the most important tools for astronomers is the

, which allows them to observe distant objects. Human exploration of space began seriously in the mid-20th century with the launch of

into Earth's orbit. Today, space agencies plan missions to

and beyond.


Datei:Space shuttle in orbit.jpg
Datei:Moon surface closeup.jpg

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