Vocabulary from Theme 2
Here you’ll find the key vocabulary and explanations from Theme 2. This list includes translations, pronunciation, and examples to help you understand and remember each word.
Vocabulary List
- hero, pl. heroes [ˈhɪərəʊ, ˈhɪərəʊz] — Held/in
- save [seɪv] — retten, sparen
- Examples: * "Jeremy saved his dog from the river." * "It's important to save money for the future."
- get out (of sth.) [get ˈaʊt] — aus etwas herauskommen
- Example: "Jeremy's dog fell into a river, and Jeremy had to help him to get out."
- ring, rang, rung [rɪŋ, ræŋ, rʌŋ] — anrufen, klingeln, läuten
- Example: "I can't talk now, I'm late for school. I'll ring you back, OK?"
- brave [breɪv] — mutig
- Example: "Jeremy was very brave – he went into the river and saved his dog."
- deep [diːp] — tief
- Example: "The water was very deep."
- drown [draʊn] — ertrinken
- Example: "Jeremy and his dog nearly drowned."
- heavy [ˈhevi] — schwer, schwierig
- Examples: * "A heavy box." * "That was a difficult question."
- daughter [ˈdɔːtə] — Tochter
- Example: "She has two daughters."
- son [sʌn] — Sohn
- Example: "They are proud of their son."
- react [riˈækt] — reagieren
- Example: "Jeremy reacted very fast."
- recently [ˈriːsntli] — in letzter Zeit, vor Kurzem
- Example: "There have been a lot of accidents in our street recently."
- clear [klɪə] — klar, deutlich, eindeutig
- Example: "The instructions were very clear."
- countryside [ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd] — Landschaft, Umgebung, Natur
- Example: "She lives in the countryside."
- anything [ˈeniθɪŋ] — (in Fragen) irgendetwas, (in verneinten Sätzen) nichts
- Examples: * "Do you know anything about the dogs?" * "We don’t know anything about the dogs."
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
What does "save" mean? (retten) (!laufen) (!sehen) (!gehen)
What is the meaning of "brave"? (mutig) (!reich) (!leicht) (!groß)
Translate "get out of sth." (aus etwas herauskommen) (!etwas beginnen) (!etwas enden) (!etwas behalten)
Which word means "tief"? (deep) (!light) (!bright) (!easy)
What is the correct meaning of "recently"? (in letzter Zeit, vor Kurzem) (!später) (!früher) (!immer)
Translate "heavy" in the context of weight. (schwer) (!leicht) (!schnell) (!langsam)
What does "drown" mean? (ertrinken) (!fliegen) (!springen) (!schlafen)
What does "countryside" refer to? (Landschaft, Umgebung, Natur) (!Stadt) (!Garten) (!Büro)
Which of the following is the translation of "clear"? (klar) (!grau) (!dunkel) (!leer)
What does "anything" mean in questions? (irgendetwas) (!niemand) (!jeder) (!nichts)
hero | Held/in |
save | retten |
brave | mutig |
heavy | schwer |
countryside | Landschaft |
Crossword Puzzle
hero | Another word for a "Held" in English |
brave | How would you describe someone who is "mutig"? |
countryside | Where would you find more nature than in the city? |
recently | A word meaning "in letzter Zeit" |
drown | What can happen to someone in deep water without help? |
Cloze Text
<quiz display=simple> Jeremy was very { brave } when he { saved } his dog from the river. The water was { deep } and both of them nearly { drowned }. He { reacted } quickly, and many people said he was a true { hero }. </quiz>
Open Tasks
- Translate Vocabulary: Choose five new words from the list and use them in your own sentences.
- Define Terms: Define the term "countryside" in your own words.
- Write a Story: Write a short story about a hero, using at least five words from the list.
- Discussion: Discuss why being brave can sometimes be dangerous. Use examples from the vocabulary list in your answer.
- Research Task: Find out why drowning accidents are more likely to happen in the countryside than in cities.
- Essay: Write an essay on the importance of reacting quickly in dangerous situations, using relevant vocabulary.
- Interview: Conduct an interview with someone who has been in a brave situation. Ask them how they felt and reacted.
- Comparison Task: Compare the meanings of "clear" and "deep" in different contexts, using examples.
Oral Exam
- Explain Courage: Explain why Jeremy was considered brave and what made his actions heroic.
- Discuss Clear Instructions: Discuss why having clear instructions is important in emergency situations.
- Describe the Countryside: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside using examples.
- Reacting Quickly: Discuss the importance of reacting quickly in a crisis, using examples from the vocabulary list.
- Language Variations: Explain the different meanings of "heavy" and "save" in various contexts.
OERs on the Topic

