Stevie Wonder - Living for the City - 1973

Stevie Wonder - Living for the City (1973)

Living for the City is a 1973 song by American singer, songwriter, and musician Stevie Wonder. It is a track from his album Innervisions, and it provides a social commentary on urban challenges and racial injustice. The song's narrative style and its musical elements reflect the soul and R&B influences of that era. Living for the City is not just a piece of music; it's a powerful statement about society and culture in the early 1970s. Stevie Wonder, a prodigious talent who had been in the music industry since childhood, used his platform to shed light on issues affecting African Americans and the urban poor.

Background of the Song

  1. Learn about the 1970s: Understand the historical context in which the song was released.
  2. Explore Stevie Wonder's early life and career: How did his experiences shape his music?
  3. Soul Music and R&B: Discover the genres that influenced Living for the City.

Musical Composition

  1. Analyze the song structure and composition of Living for the City.
  2. R&B Instruments: Identify the instruments used in the song and their role.
  3. The role of music production in the 1970s: How did production techniques contribute to the song's impact?

Lyrics and Themes

  1. Examine the lyrics of Living for the City for its social commentary.
  2. Urban Life in the 1970s: Relate the song's themes to the realities of urban living.
  3. Racial Injustice and music: How has music been used to highlight social issues?

Legacy and Influence

  1. Stevie Wonder's influence on modern music: How has his work shaped contemporary artists?
  2. The legacy of Living for the City in social activism.
  3. Compare Living for the City to other protest songs of the era.


Quiz: Questions on the Song

What album is "Living for the City" from?

What unique feature is present in "Living for the City"?

What social issue is primarily addressed in "Living for the City"?

What genre best describes "Living for the City"?

In what year was "Living for the City" released?

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

At what age did Stevie Wonder sign with Motown Records?

How many Grammy Awards has Stevie Wonder won?

Which instrument is Stevie Wonder especially known for playing?

Which of these albums is also by Stevie Wonder?

Stevie Wonder is known for being a pioneer in using which technology in his music?

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What is the setting of "Living for the City"?

What happens to the song's protagonist in the spoken-word section?

Which phrase repeats throughout the song?

What does the song's protagonist aspire to achieve?

What theme is prominently featured in the song besides urban struggles?


Unique feature of the songYear of releaseInstrument technology Stevie Wonder pioneered in musicInnervisions1973SynthesizersRacial injusticeAlbum featuring "Living for the City"Spoken-word sectionMain social issue addressed


  1. Create a playlist: Compile a playlist of songs from the 1970s that discuss social issues.
  2. Draw a scene: Illustrate a scene inspired by the lyrics of "Living for the City."
  3. Write a poem: Create a poem that reflects the themes of the song.


  1. Research urban life in the 1970s: Write a report on how urban life in the 1970s is depicted in the song.
  2. Compare and contrast: Analyze "Living for the City" alongside another protest song of the era.
  3. Interview: Talk to someone who lived in the city in the 1970s and document their experiences.


  1. Analyze musical elements: Explore the musical composition of "Living for the City" in detail.
  2. Create a short film: Make a short film that visualizes the song's narrative.
  3. Organize a discussion group: Facilitate a group discussion on the impact of music in social movements.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the evolution of protest songs: How has the nature of protest songs changed from the 1970s to today?
  2. Examine Stevie Wonder's impact: How did Stevie Wonder influence other musicians and genres?
  3. Explore the role of music in social movements: Discuss how music can be a tool for social change.
  4. Analyze the lyrics: Discuss the poetic devices used in "Living for the City" and their impact.
  5. Compare musical eras: How does the music of the 1970s compare to modern music in terms of addressing social issues?

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