Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles - 1968

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Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles - 1968


Rocky Raccoon is a song by The Beatles from their 1968 double album "The Beatles" (also known as the "White Album"). Written by Paul McCartney, it features a whimsical narrative about a man named Rocky Raccoon who seeks revenge after his girlfriend leaves him for another man. The song is noted for its folk and country influences, setting it apart from many other tracks on the album.


The song was written in Rishikesh, India, where The Beatles were attending a meditation retreat with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. According to McCartney, the song was conceived as a spoof of folk singer Bob Dylan. The story of Rocky Raccoon is set in the American Old West and contains humor and drama in equal measure.

Composition and Style

Rocky Raccoon features Paul McCartney on vocals, acoustic guitar, and piano, John Lennon on harmonica, George Harrison on bass, and Ringo Starr on drums. The song is structured as a ballad and includes elements of folk and country music, which is reflective of The Beatles' experimentation with various genres during the recording of the "White Album".


The lyrics tell the story of Rocky Raccoon, who finds his girlfriend, Nancy, with another man named Dan. Determined to win her back, Rocky gets a gun and confronts Dan, but is ultimately outmatched and injured. Despite his misfortune, the song ends on a hopeful note, with Rocky deciding to recover and fight another day.

Cultural Impact

Though not released as a single, Rocky Raccoon has remained a beloved track among Beatles fans. Its playful storytelling and distinctive musical style have made it a standout on the "White Album." The song has been covered by various artists and continues to be a staple in discussions about The Beatles' diverse musical output.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Where was the song "Rocky Raccoon" written? (Rishikesh, India) (!Liverpool, England) (!New York, USA) (!London, England)

Who is the main character in the song "Rocky Raccoon"? (Rocky Raccoon) (!Nancy) (!Dan) (!Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

What genre influences are present in "Rocky Raccoon"? (Folk and country) (!Blues and jazz) (!Rock and roll) (!Classical and opera)

Which Beatles member wrote "Rocky Raccoon"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

What album is "Rocky Raccoon" featured on? (The Beatles' "White Album") (!Revolver) (!Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band) (!Help!)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which member of The Beatles played the harmonica on "Rocky Raccoon"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

Who provided the vocals for "Rocky Raccoon"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

Which Beatles album is also known as the "White Album"? (The Beatles) (!Abbey Road) (!Let It Be) (!Rubber Soul)

Where did The Beatles go on a meditation retreat in 1968? (Rishikesh, India) (!Kyoto, Japan) (!Cairo, Egypt) (!Bangkok, Thailand)

Which Beatle was primarily responsible for the composition of "Rocky Raccoon"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Who did Rocky Raccoon’s girlfriend, Nancy, leave him for? (Dan) (!John) (!George) (!Ringo)

What does Rocky use to confront Dan? (A gun) (!A knife) (!A rope) (!A stick)

What happens to Rocky during the confrontation? (He gets injured) (!He wins the fight) (!He runs away) (!He gets arrested)

What does Rocky decide to do at the end of the song? (Recover and try again) (!Leave town) (!Marry Nancy) (!Give up completely)

What is the general setting of the song "Rocky Raccoon"? (The American Old West) (!The streets of Liverpool) (!A New York skyscraper) (!A London pub)


Paul McCartney Vocals and Guitar
John Lennon Harmonica
George Harrison Bass
Ringo Starr Drums
Rishikesh Songwriting Location

Open Tasks


  1. Create a drawing: Draw a scene from the song "Rocky Raccoon."
  2. Write a summary: Summarize the story told in the song "Rocky Raccoon."
  3. Discuss: Discuss why you think the song is set in the American Old West.


  1. Compare and contrast: Compare "Rocky Raccoon" with another Beatles song that tells a story.
  2. Analyze lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Rocky Raccoon" and describe its themes.
  3. Create a video: Make a short video explaining the significance of "Rocky Raccoon" in the "White Album."


  1. Research project: Research the influence of American folk and country music on The Beatles' work.
  2. Write an essay: Write an essay on how The Beatles' trip to India influenced their music.
  3. Create a cover: Perform and record your own version of "Rocky Raccoon."

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Oral Exam

  1. Song analysis: Explain how "Rocky Raccoon" fits into the overall themes of the "White Album."
  2. Cultural impact: Discuss the cultural impact of "Rocky Raccoon" and why it remains popular.
  3. Musical style: Describe the musical styles present in "Rocky Raccoon" and how they differ from other Beatles songs.
  4. Lyric interpretation: Interpret the lyrics of "Rocky Raccoon" and what they might say about the characters involved.
  5. Influence of the trip to India: Explain how The Beatles' trip to India influenced the creation of "Rocky Raccoon."

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