Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles - 1968


"Rocky Raccoon" is a song by the English rock band The Beatles from their 1968 album, The Beatles, also known as the "White Album". Written by Paul McCartney and credited to the Lennon-McCartney partnership, the song is a country-inspired ballad that tells the story of a young man named Rocky Raccoon who seeks revenge after his girlfriend leaves him for another man.


Paul McCartney conceived the song while on retreat with the other Beatles in India. Inspired by the folk and country music of American artists like Bob Dylan, the song features a distinctive Western theme, both in its narrative and musical style.

Composition and Lyrics

"Rocky Raccoon" is notable for its narrative lyrics, which recount the tale of Rocky's heartbreak and quest for vengeance. The lyrics blend humor and tragedy, reflecting McCartney's storytelling ability. The song features a simple but catchy melody, supported by acoustic guitar, harmonica, and honky-tonk piano played by George Martin.


The song was recorded in August 1968 at EMI Studios in London. During the recording session, the band experimented with different musical arrangements, ultimately settling on a sparse, country-inspired sound that suited the song's Western theme.

Reception and Legacy

"Rocky Raccoon" received mixed reviews upon the release of the "White Album". While some critics appreciated its whimsical storytelling, others saw it as a minor work in the Beatles' catalog. Despite this, the song has endured as a fan favorite and is frequently covered by other artists.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What inspired Paul McCartney to write "Rocky Raccoon"?

Which musical style heavily influences "Rocky Raccoon"?

Who plays the honky-tonk piano in the song?

On which album was "Rocky Raccoon" released?

What is the main theme of the song "Rocky Raccoon"?

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who is credited with writing "Rocky Raccoon"?

Which member of the Beatles primarily sang "Rocky Raccoon"?

Where did the Beatles retreat when McCartney wrote the song?

What year was "Rocky Raccoon" recorded?

Who produced the song "Rocky Raccoon"?

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What is Rocky Raccoon’s girlfriend's name in the song?

What does Rocky find in his room in the song?

Who does Rocky Raccoon plan to take revenge on?

What injury does Rocky suffer in the song?

Where does the confrontation take place in the song?


Paul McCartneyGeorge MartinIndiaHonky-tonk pianoRocky Raccoon1968

Open Tasks


  1. Write a summary: Write a short summary of the song "Rocky Raccoon" in your own words.
  2. Illustrate the song: Create an illustration that depicts a scene from "Rocky Raccoon".
  3. Identify themes: List the main themes present in "Rocky Raccoon".


  1. Character analysis: Write a character analysis of Rocky Raccoon based on the song's lyrics.
  2. Rewrite the story: Rewrite the story of "Rocky Raccoon" from another character's perspective.
  3. Create a storyboard: Develop a storyboard for a music video of "Rocky Raccoon".


  1. Song comparison: Compare and contrast "Rocky Raccoon" with another Beatles song that tells a story, such as "Eleanor Rigby".
  2. Historical context: Research and discuss the influence of American country music on the Beatles during the late 1960s.
  3. Compose a continuation: Write a continuation of the story where Rocky Raccoon confronts his future after the events of the song.
  4. Musical analysis: Analyze the musical structure and instrumentation of "Rocky Raccoon".

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the narrative style: How does "Rocky Raccoon" use narrative elements to tell a story? Compare it with traditional storytelling techniques in music.
  2. The Beatles' evolution: How does "Rocky Raccoon" reflect the Beatles' evolution in musical style and thematic content from their earlier albums?
  3. Cultural influences: What cultural influences are evident in "Rocky Raccoon" and how do they contribute to the song's uniqueness?
  4. Impact of production: Discuss the role of George Martin as a producer on "Rocky Raccoon" and the overall sound of the "White Album".
  5. Lyrics and themes: What themes are explored in "Rocky Raccoon"? How do they relate to broader themes in the Beatles' music?

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