James Brown - Say It Loud I'm Black and I'm Proud - 1968

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James Brown - Say It Loud I'm Black and I'm Proud - 1968

Introduction to "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" by James Brown

“Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud” is a significant song in the history of music and the Civil Rights Movement. Released in 1968 by James Brown, often referred to as the "Godfather of Soul," this song became an anthem for the African American community. It was a bold statement during a time of great social and racial unrest in the United States.

Background and Impact

James Brown released “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud” at a crucial moment in the civil rights movement. The song's empowering message provided a voice to the struggles and pride of the African American community.

  1. James Brown's career and influence on music
  2. The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
  3. The impact of the song on African American identity and culture

Musical Composition and Lyrics

The song blends elements of funk, soul, and R&B, characteristic of James Brown's style. Its repetitive, call-and-response structure amplifies its message.

  1. Explore the funk and soul genres
  2. Analyzing the lyrics of “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud”
  3. The role of music in social movements

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What year was “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud” released? (1968) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

What genre is the song primarily associated with? (Funk) (!Jazz) (!Rock) (!Blues)

Which social movement was the song an anthem for? (The Civil Rights Movement) (!The Feminist Movement) (!The Anti-War Movement) (!The Environmental Movement)

What is the key theme of “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud”? (Empowerment and pride in African American identity) (!Love and relationships) (!Political corruption) (!Economic inequality)

Who is the artist behind the song? (James Brown) (!Marvin Gaye) (!Otis Redding) (!Aretha Franklin)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

James Brown is often referred to as the: (Godfather of Soul) (!King of Pop) (!Sultan of Swing) (!Prince of Funk)

Before becoming a solo artist, James Brown was a part of which famous group? (The Famous Flames) (!The Temptations) (!The Commodores) (!The Supremes)

Which of the following songs is also by James Brown? (I Got You (I Feel Good)) (!What's Going On) (!Respect) (!Superstition)

James Brown's music is known for its: (Strong rhythm and energetic performance) (!Complex orchestral arrangements) (!Gentle, soothing melodies) (!Psychedelic soundscapes)

In what year was James Brown inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? (1986) (!1990) (!1978) (!2001)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

The chorus of “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud” includes the lines: ("Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud") (!"Stand up tall, I'm strong and I'm loud") (!"Raise your voice, be bold and be proud") (!"Shout it out, I'm free and I'm loud")

The song's lyrics emphasize: (Pride and identity) (!Sorrow and despair) (!Romantic love) (!Political protest)

In the song, the phrase "Say it loud" is followed by: ("I'm black and I'm proud") (!"I'm strong and I'm bold") (!"I'm free and I'm brave") (!"I'm here and I'm loud")

The song was a response to: (The struggle for civil rights) (!The Vietnam War) (!The Space Race) (!The Women's Liberation Movement)

The style of the song can be described as a: (Call-and-response) (!Ballad) (!Symphonic composition) (!Rock anthem)


James Brown Godfather of Soul
1968 Release Year of "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud"
Funk Primary Genre of the Song
Civil Rights Movement Social Movement the Song Supported
Empowerment Key Theme of the Song

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Curate a playlist of songs that, like "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud," have been influential in social movements.
  2. Write a Poem: Write a poem that captures the spirit and message of James Brown's song.
  3. Draw a Poster: Design a poster that could have been used at a civil rights rally in the 1960s, inspired by the song.


  1. Research Project: Investigate the impact of James Brown's song on the civil rights movement and present your findings.
  2. Music Analysis: Analyze the musical elements of "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" and how they contribute to its powerful message.
  3. Interview: Interview people from different generations about their interpretation and feelings towards the song.


  1. Write an Essay: Explore the role of music in social movements, using "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" as a case study.
  2. Create a Documentary: Produce a short documentary about the history and influence of funk music, featuring James Brown.
  3. Organize an Event: Plan a music event or exhibition celebrating the legacy of James Brown and his contributions to music and social justice.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss how "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" reflects the social and political climate of the late 1960s.
  2. Compare and contrast the influence of James Brown's music with that of other artists during the civil rights era.
  3. Analyze the ways in which music can be a powerful tool for social change, using specific examples.
  4. Reflect on the enduring legacy of "Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" in contemporary society.
  5. Examine the evolution of funk music and its socio-political impact, with a focus on James Brown's contributions.

OERs on the Topic


"Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud" by James Brown

  1. The Song
  2. James Brown
  3. Civil Rights Movement
  4. Funk Music
  5. Music in Social Movements

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