Serious Games

Version vom 4. Januar 2022, 20:04 Uhr von Maik1993 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „ Serious Games "Serious Games is called a special form of e-learning, those using the perception from entertainment software development,which fosters compet…“)
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Serious Games 

"Serious Games is called a special form of e-learning, those using the perception from entertainment software development,which fosters competencies for the living environment and include them in authentic situations within the game. They create and mantain fun and motivation via intrinsic creativity elements and motivational elements. Moreover, they integrate such elements in a didactic-pedagogical context that is chracterised by learning through learner activation as well as action and process-oriented learning.“ [1]

  1. Similar Beutner, M. (2013): Aktuelles Stichwort: Serious Games- Aktuelles E-Learning und Bezüge zur beruflichen Bildung. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik. 26 Jg., Heft 50, Köln 2011, S. 111.