You Really Got Me - The Kinks - 1964


Write information for a aiMOOC on this topic. The aiMOOC with input text and open tasks should be enriched with several interactive elements to make it suitable for school use. Always format as given in the respective examples. Use only verified, true information. If possible, refer to Wikipedia information. Address the learners informally with "you" (Du).

Write the very detailed text in bold


You Really Got Me is a song by the English rock band The Kinks. It was released in 1964 and became one of their most famous hits. The song is known for its distinctive guitar riff and is often considered one of the songs that helped shape the sound of rock music.


You Really Got Me was written by Ray Davies, the lead vocalist and songwriter of The Kinks. The song was recorded at IBC Studios in London and produced by Shel Talmy. It was released as a single in August 1964 and became a major hit, reaching number one on the UK Singles Chart and number seven on the US Billboard Hot 100.

Musical Style and Impact

The song is characterized by its raw, powerful guitar riff played by Dave Davies, Ray's younger brother. This riff is often credited with pioneering the use of power chords in rock music, which became a staple of many rock and punk songs that followed. The song's aggressive sound and energy were a departure from the more polished pop music of the early 1960s, paving the way for the harder rock sounds of the late 1960s and 1970s.


The lyrics of You Really Got Me express intense emotions and a sense of urgency. The narrator is captivated and overwhelmed by someone they find incredibly attractive. The repeated line "You really got me" emphasizes the strong, almost uncontrollable feelings experienced by the narrator.


You Really Got Me has been covered by numerous artists, including Van Halen, who had a hit with their version in 1978. The song is considered one of the greatest rock songs of all time and has been included in various "best of" lists, such as Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

External Links


Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "You Really Got Me" released? (1964) (!1963) (!1965) (!1966)

Who wrote "You Really Got Me"? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Pete Townshend) (!John Lennon)

Which band had a hit with a cover of "You Really Got Me" in 1978? (Van Halen) (!Aerosmith) (!The Rolling Stones) (!Led Zeppelin)

What is the defining feature of the guitar riff in "You Really Got Me"? (Use of power chords) (!Fingerpicking style) (!Jazz chords) (!Classical guitar technique)

Where was "You Really Got Me" recorded? (IBC Studios) (!Abbey Road Studios) (!Sunset Sound) (!Electric Lady Studios)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who is the lead vocalist of The Kinks? (Ray Davies) (!Mick Jagger) (!Roger Daltrey) (!John Lennon)

Which member of The Kinks played the iconic guitar riff in "You Really Got Me"? (Dave Davies) (!Keith Richards) (!Eric Clapton) (!Jimmy Page)

What was the original name of The Kinks before they became famous? (The Ravens) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Who) (!The Animals)

Which producer worked on "You Really Got Me"? (Shel Talmy) (!George Martin) (!Brian Eno) (!Phil Spector)

In which city were The Kinks formed? (London) (!Liverpool) (!Manchester) (!Birmingham)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the repeated line in the chorus of "You Really Got Me"? (You really got me) (!I can't get no satisfaction) (!We will rock you) (!Come together)

Which emotion is prominently expressed in the lyrics of "You Really Got Me"? (Intense attraction) (!Anger) (!Sadness) (!Joy)

How does the narrator feel in the song "You Really Got Me"? (Captivated) (!Bored) (!Confused) (!Indifferent)

What word describes the feelings the narrator has in "You Really Got Me"? (Urgent) (!Calm) (!Relaxed) (!Uninterested)

Which phrase from the song "You Really Got Me" highlights the narrator's intense feelings? (You really got me) (!I am the walrus) (!We are the champions) (!Imagine all the people)


Ray Davies Lead vocalist of The Kinks
Dave Davies Guitarist of The Kinks
1964 Year "You Really Got Me" was released
Power chords Defining feature of the guitar riff
London City where The Kinks were formed

Open Tasks

Create at least 10 open tasks that encourage learners to become active themselves (e.g., create their own projects, texts, images, or videos or conduct interviews and excursions). List and numbered list are not written with a bullet point or a number but always with the small letter "o" in curly brackets at the beginning of the list line (as this formatting will result in numbering again when inserted into the MOOC Wiki). Indicate the difficulty level of the task and sort from Easy to Standard to Difficult. Example:


  1. Research the history of The Kinks and create a timeline of their major milestones: Text
  2. Create a playlist of songs from the 1960s that influenced rock music: Text
  3. Draw a picture of The Kinks performing "You Really Got Me" Text


  1. Write a short essay on the impact of "You Really Got Me" on rock music: Text
  2. Record a cover version of "You Really Got Me" using your own instruments: Text
  3. Analyze the lyrics of "You Really Got Me" and compare them to another song from the same era: Text


  1. Interview a local musician about the influence of The Kinks on their music: Text
  2. Create a short documentary about the British Invasion and the role of The Kinks in it: Text
  3. Compose an original song inspired by the style of "You Really Got Me" Text

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Oral Exam

Create at least 5 tasks for an oral exam that do not focus on factual knowledge but on connections and a transfer of knowledge. List and numbered list are not written with a bullet point or a number but always with the small letter "o" in curly brackets at the beginning of the list line (as this formatting will result in numbering again when inserted into the MOOC Wiki). Example:

  1. Discuss the significance of "You Really Got Me" in the context of 1960s rock music.
  2. Explain how The Kinks' sound differed from other bands of the British Invasion.
  3. Analyze the impact of the guitar riff in "You Really Got Me" on future rock songs.
  4. Compare the lyrical themes of "You Really Got Me" with another song by The Kinks.
  5. Evaluate the lasting legacy of The Kinks in modern rock music.

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