You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban


You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban is a song that has touched the hearts of millions around the world. Originally composed by the duo Secret Garden, the song gained immense popularity with Josh Groban's rendition. In this module, we'll explore the song's background, its lyrics, and the impact it has had on listeners and the music industry.

Background of the Song

You Raise Me Up is more than just a melody; it's an anthem of hope and inspiration. The song was originally composed by the Norwegian-Irish duo Secret Garden. However, it was Josh Groban's version, released in 2004, that catapulted the song to international fame. The song has since been covered by more than a hundred other artists, in multiple languages, illustrating its universal appeal.

  1. Josh Groban's Career: An overview of Josh Groban's musical journey.
  2. Secret Garden: A closer look at the duo who originally composed the song.
  3. Cover Versions: Understanding how different artists bring new life to the same song.

Lyrics and Meaning

The power of You Raise Me Up lies in its uplifting lyrics, which speak of strength and resilience in the face of challenges. The song is often interpreted as a tribute to a guiding figure, be it a loved one, a higher power, or an inner source of strength.

  1. Interpreting Lyrics: Explore the art of analyzing song lyrics.
  2. Common Themes in Music: Discover how similar themes are expressed in different songs.
  3. Emotional Impact: Understanding the psychological effect of music on listeners.

Influence and Reception

Since its release, You Raise Me Up has become a staple in various events, including religious ceremonies, weddings, and memorial services, owing to its emotional depth and universal message of hope.

  1. Use of Music in Ceremonies: How music enhances emotional experiences in ceremonies.
  2. Music Awards: The recognition and awards received by 'You Raise Me Up'.
  3. Music and Emotional Connection: Exploring how music creates a strong emotional bond with listeners.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Who originally composed 'You Raise Me Up'?

For which of these events has 'You Raise Me Up' NOT commonly been used?

In which year did Josh Groban release his version of 'You Raise Me Up'?

What is the main theme of 'You Raise Me Up'?

How many languages has 'You Raise Me Up' been covered in?

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What genre of music is Josh Groban known for?

Which famous producer discovered Josh Groban?

Which of these instruments does Josh Groban play?

In addition to singing, what other art form is Josh Groban involved in?

Which of these albums is NOT by Josh Groban?

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does the phrase "You raise me up" most likely represent in the song?

Which element is NOT directly mentioned in the lyrics of 'You Raise Me Up'?

The song's message can be interpreted as a tribute to which of these?

In the song, what is the singer able to do "when I am on your shoulders"?

The lyrics "When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary" signify what?


Secret GardenCommon use of 'You Raise Me Up'Originally composed 'You Raise Me Up'Josh GrobanOver 100Strength and InspirationMain theme of the songCeremonial MusicNumber of languages the song has been covered inReleased 'You Raise Me Up' in 2004

Open Tasks


  1. Explore Different Covers: Listen to different cover versions of 'You Raise Me Up' and note how each artist brings their own style to the song.
  2. Create a Playlist: Make a playlist of songs that share similar themes with 'You Raise Me Up', such as hope and inspiration.


  1. Analyze the Lyrics: Write a short essay analyzing the lyrics of 'You Raise Me Up' and discuss what the song means to you.
  2. Research Josh Groban's Career: Explore the career of Josh Groban and find out how 'You Raise Me Up' impacted his musical journey.


  1. Compose Your Own Song: Inspired by 'You Raise Me Up', compose a song or write lyrics that convey a message of hope and resilience.
  2. Study Music's Emotional Impact: Conduct a small study to see how different people react emotionally to 'You Raise Me Up'.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Universality of Music: How does 'You Raise Me Up' illustrate the universal nature of music in conveying emotions?
  2. Impact of Cover Versions: Discuss the impact of cover versions on the longevity and relevance of a song like 'You Raise Me Up'.
  3. Music and Cultural Differences: Explore how 'You Raise Me Up' is received in different cultures and what this says about the universality of its message.
  4. Personal Connections to Music: Share a personal experience where a song had a significant emotional impact on you, similar to 'You Raise Me Up'.
  5. The Role of Music in Ceremonies: Discuss why songs like 'You Raise Me Up' are frequently used in ceremonies and what this tells us about the role of music in human culture.

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