The Long and Winding Road - The Beatles - 1970


"The Long and Winding Road" is a song by The Beatles, released in 1970 as part of their album "Let It Be". Written by Paul McCartney, the song is known for its emotional lyrics and orchestral arrangement, which was controversially added by producer Phil Spector without the band's consent.


Paul McCartney wrote "The Long and Winding Road" inspired by the tensions within The Beatles and his own feelings of isolation. The song was created during the sessions for the "Let It Be" album, which were marked by increasing discord among the band members.


The original recording of "The Long and Winding Road" was a simple ballad with piano, bass, and drums. However, Phil Spector, who was brought in to produce the final version of the album, added a lavish orchestral arrangement. This included a 14-voice choir and a large ensemble of strings and brass, which McCartney strongly opposed, feeling it overwhelmed the song's simplicity.


"The Long and Winding Road" became The Beatles' 20th and final number-one hit in the United States. Despite its success, McCartney's dissatisfaction with Spector's production led to significant friction within the band. Critics and fans, however, have praised the song for its poignant melody and heartfelt lyrics.

Cultural Impact

The song has since become a classic, covered by numerous artists and performed in various live events. Its themes of longing and searching for resolution resonate with many listeners, making it one of The Beatles' most enduring works. The version without Spector's overdubs was later released on the "Let It Be... Naked" album in 2003.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Who primarily wrote "The Long and Winding Road"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

What album features "The Long and Winding Road"? (Let It Be) (!Abbey Road) (!Revolver) (!Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

Who added the orchestral arrangement to "The Long and Winding Road"? (Phil Spector) (!George Martin) (!Brian Epstein) (!Paul McCartney)

In what year was "The Long and Winding Road" released? (1970) (!1969) (!1968) (!1971)

Which Beatles album includes the version without Spector's overdubs? (Let It Be... Naked) (!Abbey Road) (!The White Album) (!Magical Mystery Tour)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which band performed "The Long and Winding Road"? (The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Beach Boys) (!The Who)

Who was the lead vocalist on "The Long and Winding Road"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

Which member of The Beatles strongly opposed the orchestral arrangement on "The Long and Winding Road"? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

What was the name of the producer who added the orchestral arrangement to "The Long and Winding Road"? (Phil Spector) (!George Martin) (!Brian Epstein) (!Quincy Jones)

What was the final number-one hit for The Beatles in the United States? (The Long and Winding Road) (!Hey Jude) (!Let It Be) (!Come Together)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the repeated phrase in the chorus of "The Long and Winding Road"? (The long and winding road) (!Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away) (!Let it be) (!All you need is love)

In the song, what does the road lead to? (Your door) (!A garden) (!A mountain) (!A river)

What is the tone of the lyrics in "The Long and Winding Road"? (Melancholic and reflective) (!Joyful and celebratory) (!Angry and rebellious) (!Humorous and witty)

What emotion does the singer express in "The Long and Winding Road"? (Longing) (!Happiness) (!Anger) (!Confusion)

Which phrase is NOT part of the lyrics of "The Long and Winding Road"? (Here comes the sun) (!You left me waiting here) (!A long, long time ago) (!Don't leave me standing here)


Paul McCartney Lead vocalist
Phil Spector Producer of orchestral arrangement
Let It Be Album
1970 Release year
Melancholic Tone of the song

Open Tasks


  1. Create a timeline: Research the timeline of events leading up to the release of "The Long and Winding Road."
  2. Write a short summary: Summarize the main points of the song's history and background.
  3. Create a lyric poster: Design a poster with the lyrics of "The Long and Winding Road" and illustrations.


  1. Compare and contrast: Compare "The Long and Winding Road" with another Beatles song from the Let It Be album in terms of musical style and lyrics.
  2. Research covers: Investigate various covers of "The Long and Winding Road" and how different artists have interpreted the song.
  3. Musical analysis: Analyze the musical structure of "The Long and Winding Road" and discuss how the orchestral arrangement affects its emotional impact.


  1. In-depth essay: Write an essay on the cultural impact of "The Long and Winding Road" and its relevance to the end of The Beatles' career.
  2. Video project: Create a short documentary about the recording process and challenges faced during the making of "The Long and Winding Road."
  3. Interview project: Conduct interviews with people from different generations about their perceptions of "The Long and Winding Road."
  4. Creative reinterpretation: Reinterpret "The Long and Winding Road" in a different musical style and record your version.

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Oral Exam

  1. Cultural significance: Discuss the cultural significance of "The Long and Winding Road" in the context of the 1970s.
  2. Musical elements: Explain how the orchestral arrangement impacts the overall feel of "The Long and Winding Road" and compare this to other Beatles songs.
  3. Band dynamics: Describe how the recording process of "The Long and Winding Road" reflects the dynamics within The Beatles during the Let It Be sessions.
  4. Lyric analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "The Long and Winding Road" and discuss their meaning and themes.
  5. Public reception: Evaluate the initial reception of "The Long and Winding Road" and how public opinion of the song has evolved over time.

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