The Clash - Complete Control - 1979

The Clash - "Complete Control" (1979)

The Clash was a pioneering British punk rock band, and their song "Complete Control" is a significant part of their musical legacy. Released in 1977, this song is an explosive critique of the music industry, particularly targeting the control that record labels exert over artists. Its raw energy and sharp lyrics encapsulate the spirit of punk rock.

Background and Release

The song was produced by the legendary Jamaican producer Lee "Scratch" Perry. The Clash, consisting of Joe Strummer (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Mick Jones (lead guitar, vocals), Paul Simonon (bass guitar), and Topper Headon (drums), were known for their politically charged lyrics and rebellious image, both of which are evident in "Complete Control".

Musical Style and Lyrics

Musically, "Complete Control" blends a fast-paced punk rock style with elements of reggae, a genre The Clash frequently experimented with. The lyrics express the band's frustration with their record label at the time, CBS Records, and the broader constraints placed on artists in the music industry.

For more information on punk rock and reggae, see: Punk Rock Reggae

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What was unique about the production of "Complete Control"? (Lee "Scratch" Perry, a Jamaican producer, worked on it) (!It was recorded in a single take) (!It featured a symphony orchestra) (!It was entirely improvised)

In what year was "Complete Control" released? (1977) (!1975) (!1979) (!1980)

Which theme is predominantly featured in "Complete Control"? (Critique of the music industry) (!Love and relationships) (!Social inequality) (!Life in London)

Which band member primarily wrote "Complete Control"? (Joe Strummer) (!Mick Jones) (!Paul Simonon) (!Topper Headon)

What musical style does "Complete Control" prominently feature? (Punk rock with elements of reggae) (!Blues and jazz) (!Classical music) (!Electronic dance music)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which instrument did Joe Strummer primarily play in The Clash? (Lead vocals and rhythm guitar) (!Lead guitar) (!Bass guitar) (!Drums)

What was notable about The Clash's political stance? (They were known for their politically charged lyrics) (!They avoided political topics) (!They supported the conservative movement) (!They focused on environmental issues)

In which city was The Clash formed? (London) (!New York) (!Manchester) (!Liverpool)

Which of these songs is also by The Clash? ("London Calling") (!"Bohemian Rhapsody") (!"Stairway to Heaven") (!"Purple Haze")

Apart from punk rock, which other genre did The Clash often incorporate into their music? (Reggae) (!Country) (!Classical) (!Hip Hop)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does "Complete Control" criticize? (Record labels' control over artists) (!Government censorship) (!Social media influence) (!Educational systems)

Which record label is indirectly referenced in "Complete Control"? (CBS Records) (!Warner Bros. Records) (!EMI) (!Virgin Records)

How do the lyrics describe the band's feelings towards their record label? (Frustrated and rebellious) (!Grateful and content) (!Indifferent) (!Excited and hopeful)

The song includes the line "They said we'd be artistically free when we signed that bit of paper". What does this line suggest? (False promises made by the record label) (!The band's satisfaction with their contract) (!The legality of music downloads) (!A successful negotiation with the label)

What musical influence is evident in the song's style? (Reggae) (!Blues) (!Jazz) (!Classical)


Joe Strummer Lead vocals and rhythm guitar
Mick Jones Lead guitar and vocals
1977 Release year of "Complete Control"
Punk Rock Primary genre of "Complete Control"
CBS Records Record label referenced in the song

Open Tasks


  1. Research The Clash: Find out more about The Clash's formation and early years.
  2. Write a Song Review: Write a review of "Complete Control," focusing on its musical style and lyrics.
  3. Create a Punk Playlist: Compile a playlist of other punk rock songs from the 1970s.


  1. Analyze Punk Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Complete Control" and discuss its critique of the music industry.
  2. Compare Genres: Compare the punk rock and reggae influences in "Complete Control".
  3. The Clash's Impact: Research and write about the influence of The Clash on later punk bands.


  1. Debate the Ethics of Music Industry: Organize a debate on the ethics of record labels' control over artists.
  2. Music and Politics: Write an essay on how The Clash used music as a tool for political expression.
  3. The Clash and Cultural Diversity: Explore how The Clash incorporated different cultural influences into their music.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss 'Complete Control' : Discuss the relevance of the song's message in today's music industry.
  2. The Clash's Legacy: Explain how The Clash's music reflected the social and political climate of their time.
  3. Compare Music Eras: Compare the punk rock era of the 1970s with today's music scene.
  4. Artistic Freedom: Discuss the importance of artistic freedom in music, using "Complete Control" as an example.
  5. Music as Social Commentary: Discuss how music can be used as a form of social and political commentary.

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