Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks - 1966


"Sunny Afternoon" is a song by the British rock band The Kinks, released in 1966. Written by Ray Davies, it was a chart-topping hit in the UK and is known for its catchy melody and satirical lyrics. The song reflects the social and economic issues of the time, particularly the resentment towards the high taxes imposed by the British government.

Background and Release

The Kinks were one of the most influential rock bands of the 1960s, known for their distinctive sound and insightful lyrics. "Sunny Afternoon" was released during a period of significant financial strain for the band, as they were dealing with heavy taxation and management issues. The song's lyrics reflect Ray Davies' frustration with the financial state of the band and the country.

Lyrics and Themes

The lyrics of "Sunny Afternoon" tell the story of a wealthy man who has lost all his money to taxes and is now enjoying a lazy, carefree afternoon despite his financial woes. The song combines elements of satire, social commentary, and a bit of melancholy, encapsulating the conflicting emotions of the time.

Musical Style

"Sunny Afternoon" is characterized by its relaxed, almost languid musical style. It features a prominent bass line, a catchy piano riff, and a blend of acoustic and electric guitars. The song's laid-back vibe is a stark contrast to the often frenetic energy of The Kinks' earlier hits.

Reception and Legacy

Upon its release, "Sunny Afternoon" quickly became a hit, reaching number one on the UK Singles Chart. It has since been recognized as one of The Kinks' signature songs and remains a staple of 1960s rock music. The song's enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and the masterful songwriting of Ray Davies.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Sunny Afternoon" released? (1966) (!1965) (!1967) (!1968)

Who wrote "Sunny Afternoon"? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!Pete Quaife)

What is the main theme of "Sunny Afternoon"? (Resentment towards high taxes) (!A summer romance) (!Life in the countryside) (!The swinging 60s)

Which instrument is prominently featured in "Sunny Afternoon"? (Bass) (!Drums) (!Harmonica) (!Violin)

What was the chart position of "Sunny Afternoon" in the UK? (Number one) (!Number two) (!Number three) (!Number four)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What is the name of the band that performed "Sunny Afternoon"? (The Kinks) (!The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Who)

Who was the lead vocalist of The Kinks? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Pete Quaife) (!Mick Avory)

In what decade did The Kinks first achieve fame? (1960s) (!1950s) (!1970s) (!1980s)

What is Ray Davies' role in The Kinks? (Songwriter and lead vocalist) (!Drummer) (!Bassist) (!Keyboardist)

Which other famous song was performed by The Kinks? (You Really Got Me) (!I Want to Hold Your Hand) (!Paint It Black) (!My Generation)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does the protagonist of "Sunny Afternoon" lose to the taxman? (His money) (!His house) (!His car) (!His job)

What season is mentioned in the lyrics of "Sunny Afternoon"? (Summer) (!Winter) (!Spring) (!Autumn)

What does the protagonist enjoy doing in the "Sunny Afternoon"? (Sipping on ice cold beer) (!Going to the market) (!Driving a fancy car) (!Shopping for clothes)

Who took away the protagonist's yacht in the song? (The taxman) (!His friend) (!His neighbor) (!His brother)

What kind of weather is described in "Sunny Afternoon"? (A sunny afternoon) (!A rainy day) (!A stormy night) (!A snowy morning)


The Kinks 1960s
Ray Davies Songwriter
Sunny Afternoon Taxes
Number one UK Chart
Bass Line Prominent Instrument

Open Tasks


  1. Write a short summary: Write a summary of "Sunny Afternoon" in your own words.
  2. Create a drawing: Draw a scene that you imagine when listening to "Sunny Afternoon".
  3. Sing the song: Perform a karaoke version of "Sunny Afternoon" and share it with the class.


  1. Analyze the lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Sunny Afternoon" and discuss the themes and emotions expressed.
  2. Research the era: Research the economic and social conditions in the UK during the 1960s and explain how they are reflected in the song.
  3. Cover version: Create your own cover version of "Sunny Afternoon" using any instruments or digital tools you have.


  1. Essay on satire: Write an essay on how "Sunny Afternoon" uses satire to comment on the social and economic issues of its time.
  2. Band history: Write a detailed history of The Kinks, focusing on their impact on music and culture in the 1960s.
  3. Musical analysis: Analyze the musical composition of "Sunny Afternoon", focusing on its structure, melody, and instrumentation.

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Oral Exam

  1. Song Analysis: Explain how "Sunny Afternoon" reflects the socio-economic conditions of the 1960s in the UK.
  2. Musical Influence: Discuss the influence of The Kinks on other bands and musicians in the 1960s and beyond.
  3. Lyrics Interpretation: Interpret the lyrics of "Sunny Afternoon" and explain what they reveal about the protagonist's character.
  4. Ray Davies' Contribution: Evaluate Ray Davies' contribution to The Kinks and his impact on the band's success.
  5. Comparative Analysis: Compare "Sunny Afternoon" with another song by The Kinks, discussing similarities and differences in themes and style.

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