Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground - 1973

Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground" (1973)

Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground" is a seminal track released in 1973. This song is not just a piece of music but a reflection of Wonder's artistic vision and social consciousness. The song was a part of the album "Innervisions," which is often regarded as one of Wonder's finest works.

Background and Composition

"Higher Ground" was recorded just before Wonder was involved in a serious car accident, making the song's themes of resilience and rebirth even more poignant. The track features Wonder's pioneering use of synthesizers, creating a distinctive funk sound that was ahead of its time. The song is also notable for its layered vocals and complex rhythms.

Lyrics and Themes

The lyrics of "Higher Ground" are a powerful meditation on reincarnation, spiritual resilience, and the quest for a higher moral ground. Wonder's words express a belief in continual growth and improvement, both personally and societally.

Cultural Impact

Since its release, "Higher Ground" has been covered by numerous artists and has influenced various music genres. It's recognized not only for its musical innovation but also for its enduring social message.

For more in-depth information, explore Stevie Wonder and the album "Innervisions" at Stevie Wonder and Innervisions. Also, check out the development of funk music and the use of synthesizers in the 1970s at Funk and Synthesizer.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What major event happened in Stevie Wonder's life shortly after recording this song?

What year was "Higher Ground" released?

What is a central theme of "Higher Ground"?

Which album features "Higher Ground"?

What instrument was pioneering in "Higher Ground"?

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

How old was Stevie Wonder when he signed with Motown Records?

In which decade did Stevie Wonder debut his music career?

What is Stevie Wonder's birth name?

For which social cause is Stevie Wonder particularly well-known for advocating?

Which instrument is Stevie Wonder most famous for playing?

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

How does the song "Higher Ground" convey its message?

What mood does the song "Higher Ground" primarily evoke?

In "Higher Ground," what does Stevie Wonder express a belief in?

Which of the following lines is from "Higher Ground"?

What does the song "Higher Ground" primarily discuss?


Stevland Hardaway JudkinsSpiritual resilienceStevie Wonder's birth nameReleased in 1973Synthesizer"Higher Ground"Album featuring "Higher Ground"InnervisionsInstrument pioneering in "Higher Ground"Central theme of "Higher Ground"

Open Tasks


  1. Explore Stevie Wonder's Early Life: Research and write a short essay on Stevie Wonder's childhood and early career.
  2. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs that share themes with "Higher Ground."
  3. Draw a Portrait: Create a portrait of Stevie Wonder using your choice of art materials.


  1. Analyze the Lyrics: Write an analysis of the lyrics of "Higher Ground," focusing on its themes of resilience and spiritual growth.
  2. Study the Album Innervisions: Explore the album "Innervisions" and write about how "Higher Ground" fits within the album's overall themes.
  3. Compare Cover Versions: Compare Stevie Wonder's version of "Higher Ground" with a cover version by another artist.


  1. Synthesizer Research: Investigate the role of synthesizers in 1970s music and present your findings.
  2. Music and Social Change: Write an essay on how "Higher Ground" reflects the social and political atmosphere of the early 1970s.
  3. Create a Music Video: Develop and film a music video for "Higher Ground" that captures the essence of the song's themes.

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Oral Exam

  1. Connections in Music: Discuss how "Higher Ground" relates to other social movement songs from the 1970s.
  2. Influence of Funk: Explain the influence of funk music on later genres, using "Higher Ground" as an example.
  3. Lyrics Interpretation: Interpret the meaning of the lyrics of "Higher Ground" in the context of Stevie Wonder's life.
  4. Album Review: Present an oral review of "Innervisions," highlighting the significance of "Higher Ground."
  5. Musical Innovations: Discuss the musical innovations in "Higher Ground" and their impact on future music.

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