Revolution 9 - The Beatles - 1968

Revolution 9 - The Beatles

Revolution 9 is an avant-garde piece by The Beatles from their 1968 self-titled double album, commonly known as the "The White Album". This track is known for its experimental nature, diverging from the typical rock and roll sound that characterized much of The Beatles' earlier work.


Revolution 9 was primarily created by John Lennon with contributions from Yoko Ono and George Harrison. The piece evolved from the extended coda of Lennon's song "Revolution 1". It includes a complex mix of tape loops, sound effects, and spoken word elements, creating a sound collage that was heavily influenced by the musique concrète movement.

Composition and Structure

The track runs for over eight minutes and is characterized by its use of various audio samples and loops. Key elements include:

  1. The repeated phrase "Number nine, number nine"
  2. Snippets of classical music, including a segment from Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9"
  3. A range of sound effects like machine noise, crowd sounds, and distorted vocals
  4. Spoken word segments by Lennon, Ono, and others

Reception and Impact

Upon its release, Revolution 9 received mixed reviews. Some listeners and critics praised its innovation and boldness, while others found it confusing and inaccessible. Over the years, it has become a topic of interest for musicologists and fans who appreciate its place in the avant-garde genre and its reflection of the experimental spirit of the late 1960s.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Who primarily created the track "Revolution 9"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr) (!George Harrison)

From which song did "Revolution 9" evolve? (Revolution 1) (!Hey Jude) (!While My Guitar Gently Weeps) (!Blackbird)

Which avant-garde movement influenced "Revolution 9"? (Musique concrète) (!Impressionism) (!Romanticism) (!Minimalism)

What is the repeated phrase heard in "Revolution 9"? (Number nine, number nine) (!Let it be, let it be) (!Hey Jude, hey Jude) (!Come together, come together)

Which album features the track "Revolution 9"? (The White Album) (!Rubber Soul) (!Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band) (!Abbey Road)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which member of The Beatles was most responsible for "Revolution 9"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr) (!George Harrison)

Which artist contributed significantly alongside Lennon to "Revolution 9"? (Yoko Ono) (!Pattie Boyd) (!Linda McCartney) (!Cynthia Lennon)

Which Beatle played a minor role in the creation of "Revolution 9"? (George Harrison) (!Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr) (!Brian Epstein)

In what year was "Revolution 9" released? (1968) (!1965) (!1969) (!1970)

Which Beatles album is known for its experimental and varied styles, including "Revolution 9"? (The White Album) (!Revolver) (!Help!) (!Magical Mystery Tour)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which phrase is repeatedly heard throughout "Revolution 9"? (Number nine, number nine) (!Revolution now, revolution now) (!Turn me on, dead man) (!Here comes the sun)

What type of musical element is predominantly used in "Revolution 9"? (Tape loops and sound effects) (!Traditional rock instrumentation) (!Symphonic orchestration) (!A capella singing)

Which genre does "Revolution 9" best fit into? (Avant-garde) (!Rock) (!Pop) (!Jazz)

What influence is clear in the structure and form of "Revolution 9"? (Musique concrète) (!Baroque) (!Blues) (!Reggae)

Which Beatles' track serves as the base for "Revolution 9"? (Revolution 1) (!Revolution) (!A Day in the Life) (!Tomorrow Never Knows)


John Lennon Primary creator
Yoko Ono Key contributor
Number nine Repeated phrase
1968 Year of release
The White Album Album

Open Tasks


  1. Describe the influence of musique concrète on "Revolution 9"
  2. List other experimental songs by The Beatles
  3. Write a short essay on the reception of "Revolution 9" at the time of its release


  1. Create a sound collage inspired by "Revolution 9"
  2. Analyze the structure of "Revolution 9" and compare it to traditional rock songs
  3. Discuss the cultural significance of "Revolution 9" in the context of the 1960s


  1. Research and present on the avant-garde movement and its impact on music
  2. Conduct an in-depth analysis of the audio samples used in "Revolution 9"
  3. Compare and contrast "Revolution 9" with another experimental piece from the same era
  4. Create a multimedia presentation on the making of "Revolution 9"

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the experimental techniques used in "Revolution 9" and their impact on modern music
  2. Explain how "Revolution 9" reflects the social and political climate of the late 1960s
  3. Analyze John Lennon's role in pushing the boundaries of The Beatles' music
  4. Discuss the significance of Yoko Ono's contribution to "Revolution 9"
  5. Evaluate the legacy of "Revolution 9" within The Beatles' discography and its influence on future artists

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