Prince and the Revolution - Kiss - 1986

Introduction to "Kiss" by Prince and The Revolution

Welcome to the interactive learning module on "Kiss" by Prince and The Revolution, a classic hit from 1986! In this module, you'll dive into the fascinating world of this iconic song, exploring its history, the band behind it, and the unique stylistic elements that make it stand out. Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant era of the 80s music scene!

Background of "Kiss"

"Kiss" is a song by American musician Prince and his band The Revolution, released as the lead single from their 1986 album, "Parade." Known for its minimalistic and funky sound, "Kiss" became one of Prince's most famous songs, showcasing his eclectic style and musical genius. Its success is marked by its number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and its enduring popularity over the years. MOOCit

Musical Style and Composition

The song "Kiss" is renowned for its minimalistic approach, featuring a stripped-down arrangement devoid of bass and relying heavily on guitar and electronic drum machines. This unique sound set it apart from other contemporary tracks and highlighted Prince's ability to innovate within the pop and funk genres. The song also showcases Prince's falsetto vocals, which became a signature element of his musical identity. MOOCit

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What is the distinctive feature of "Kiss" in terms of musical arrangement?

What genre does "Kiss" primarily belong to?

In what year was "Kiss" by Prince and The Revolution released?

What is a notable element of Prince's vocal style in "Kiss"?

Which album features "Kiss" as the lead single?

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In addition to "Kiss," which other song is Prince famously known for?

Prince is known for his proficiency in how many musical instruments?

What is the name of Prince's estate and recording studio in Minnesota?

Which of the following is a unique aspect of Prince's public image?

Prince was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in what year?

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What is the key theme expressed in the lyrics of "Kiss"?

How does the song "Kiss" start lyrically?

What does Prince mention as not necessary in the pursuit of romance in "Kiss"?

Which line follows "You don't have to be rich to be my girl" in the song "Kiss"?

In "Kiss," Prince sings about the importance of what in a relationship?


FunkFalsettoMusical GenrePrince's Vocal StyleRecording StudioPaisley Park1986"Kiss" Release YearParadeAlbum


  1. Research the musical influences of Prince and create a presentation on how these influenced his work, including "Kiss".
  2. Write a short essay on the impact of the 1980s music scene on modern pop culture, referencing "Kiss".
  3. Design a poster that could have been used to promote "Kiss" in 1986, incorporating elements of the era's style.


  1. Analyze the lyrics of "Kiss" and discuss its themes in a 500-word essay.
  2. Create a dance routine or choreography inspired by the music video of "Kiss".
  3. Compare and contrast "Kiss" with another Prince song, focusing on musical style and lyrical themes.


  1. Compose a song that captures the essence of Prince's style, particularly the sound and feel of "Kiss".
  2. Conduct a detailed analysis of the production techniques used in "Kiss" and how they contributed to its unique sound.
  3. Write a critical review of the album "Parade," focusing on how "Kiss" fits into and enhances the album as a whole.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the significance of Prince's unique style and how it challenged the norms of the music industry during the 1980s.
  2. Explain the impact of Prince's artistic versatility on the perception of music genres and artist roles.
  3. Analyze how "Kiss" reflects the broader themes and aesthetics of Prince's overall body of work.
  4. Compare the influence of "Kiss" to another major hit of the 1980s, focusing on cultural and musical impact.
  5. Discuss the role of minimalism in music production, using "Kiss" as a case study.

Prince and The Revolution - Kiss - 1986

  1. Prince
  2. The Revolution
  3. 1986 in music

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