Nowhere Man - The Beatles - 1965


Nowhere Man is a song by The Beatles from their album Rubber Soul, released in 1965. It is one of the first Beatles songs to not be a love song, and its introspective lyrics mark a significant evolution in the band's songwriting.


The song was written by John Lennon, though credited to the songwriting partnership Lennon-McCartney. According to Lennon, he wrote it after spending five hours trying to come up with a song for the album and eventually deciding to write about himself.

Musical Structure

Nowhere Man features three-part harmonies from John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison, with Lennon singing the lead. The song is noted for its bright, jangly guitar sound, played by Harrison on a Fender Stratocaster.


The lyrics of Nowhere Man explore themes of isolation and self-reflection, describing a man who is lost and without direction. The chorus reflects the sense of being disconnected from the world: "He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody."


Upon its release, Nowhere Man was praised for its mature themes and innovative musical style. It has since become a classic, recognized as a significant work in The Beatles' catalog.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Who primarily wrote "Nowhere Man"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

On which Beatles album was "Nowhere Man" first released? (Rubber Soul) (!Revolver) (!Help!) (!Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

What is significant about the song "Nowhere Man" in The Beatles' discography? (It is one of the first songs not about love) (!It is their longest song) (!It was their first song to feature a sitar) (!It was written by George Harrison)

Which Beatles member played the jangly guitar sound on "Nowhere Man"? (George Harrison) (!John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr)

What instrument features prominently in the song "Nowhere Man"? (Guitar) (!Piano) (!Sitar) (!Drums)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which band performed "Nowhere Man"? (The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Who) (!The Beach Boys)

Who was the drummer for The Beatles during the recording of "Nowhere Man"? (Ringo Starr) (!Charlie Watts) (!Keith Moon) (!Mick Fleetwood)

What was the primary songwriting partnership in The Beatles? (Lennon-McCartney) (!Harrison-Starr) (!Lennon-Harrison) (!McCartney-Starr)

Which member of The Beatles is known for his distinctive bass playing? (Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

In what year was "Nowhere Man" released? (1965) (!1963) (!1966) (!1967)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the man in the song "Nowhere Man" doing? (Sitting in his nowhere land) (!Running away from home) (!Waiting for a train) (!Searching for love)

Who is the man in the song making plans for? (Nobody) (!Everybody) (!Himself) (!His friends)

How is the man described in the chorus of "Nowhere Man"? (A real nowhere man) (!A lonely man) (!A tired man) (!A happy man)

What does the man in "Nowhere Man" lack? (A point of view) (!A job) (!A family) (!A home)

According to the song, where is the man? (He's in his nowhere land) (!He's at the station) (!He's on a hill) (!He's in a dream)


Nowhere Man The Beatles
Rubber Soul 1965
John Lennon Songwriter
George Harrison Guitar
Ringo Starr Drums

Open Tasks


  1. Write a short summary: Write a short summary of the song "Nowhere Man" and its themes.
  2. Create a drawing: Draw a picture that represents the lyrics of "Nowhere Man".
  3. Discuss the lyrics: Discuss in a group why the lyrics of "Nowhere Man" might have been significant at the time of its release.


  1. Analyze the music: Analyze the musical structure of "Nowhere Man" and discuss how it complements the lyrics.
  2. Research the album: Research the Rubber Soul album and discuss how "Nowhere Man" fits within the context of the album.
  3. Cover the song: Perform a cover of "Nowhere Man" using any instruments you have available.


  1. Compare songs: Compare "Nowhere Man" with another Beatles song from the same album. Discuss similarities and differences in themes and musical style.
  2. Interpret the lyrics: Write an essay interpreting the lyrics of "Nowhere Man" and discussing how they reflect John Lennon's state of mind at the time.
  3. Create a video: Create a video that visually represents the song "Nowhere Man" and its themes.
  4. Explore historical context: Research the social and cultural context of 1965 and discuss how "Nowhere Man" might have resonated with listeners at the time.

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Oral Exam

  1. Interpretation: Explain how "Nowhere Man" reflects the changes in The Beatles' music and lyrics during the mid-1960s.
  2. Connection: Discuss the influence of "Nowhere Man" on later music by The Beatles and other artists.
  3. Analysis: Analyze the use of harmony in "Nowhere Man" and how it contributes to the song's overall effect.
  4. Reflection: Reflect on why John Lennon might have described himself as a "nowhere man" during this period of his life.
  5. Comparison: Compare "Nowhere Man" with a contemporary song that deals with themes of isolation and self-reflection.

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