John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom - 1963

John Lee Hooker and "Boom Boom" (1963)

John Lee Hooker was a prolific American blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist, born on August 22, 1917, in Coahoma County, Mississippi. He rose to fame for his unique style that incorporated elements of Delta blues and talking blues. One of his most famous songs is "Boom Boom," released in 1963. This track became an influential blues hit, known for its rhythmic drive and Hooker's distinctive vocal style. It has been covered by numerous artists and featured in various films, commercials, and television shows.

Background of "Boom Boom"

The song "Boom Boom" was recorded in 1961 but released in 1963. It quickly became a hit and is considered one of Hooker's most recognizable songs. Its influence extends beyond the blues genre, impacting rock and roll and other musical forms.

Musical Style and Influence

Hooker's style, often described as "talking blues," is characterized by a free-form, improvisational approach, deep voice, and rhythmic guitar playing. "Boom Boom" exemplifies this style, with its driving beat and Hooker's powerful vocal delivery. The song's impact on blues and rock music is significant, influencing many later musicians.

Understanding the Song

  1. John Lee Hooker's Life and Career: Explore the life of John Lee Hooker, including his early years, musical influences, and his impact on the blues genre.
  2. The Blues Genre: Understand the origins and characteristics of blues music, which formed the foundation of Hooker's style.
  3. The 1960s Music Scene: Discover the musical landscape of the 1960s, when "Boom Boom" was released, and its place within this context.
  4. Delta Blues Influence: Learn about the Delta blues style and its influence on Hooker's music.
  5. Music's Influence on Culture: Analyze how songs like "Boom Boom" reflect and influence cultural and social trends.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Boom Boom" officially released? (1963) (!1959) (!1961) (!1965)

Which style is most characteristic of John Lee Hooker's "Boom Boom"? (Talking Blues) (!Chicago Blues) (!Delta Blues) (!Rock and Roll)

What instrument is John Lee Hooker famously known for playing in "Boom Boom"? (Guitar) (!Piano) (!Harmonica) (!Drums)

In what setting was "Boom Boom" often played, reflecting its popularity and influence? (Films, commercials, and TV shows) (!Strictly in blues clubs) (!Only on radio) (!At classical music concerts)

What is a key element of John Lee Hooker's performance style in "Boom Boom"? (Improvisational approach) (!Orchestral backing) (!Use of synthesizers) (!Complex guitar solos)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Where was John Lee Hooker born? (Coahoma County, Mississippi) (!New Orleans, Louisiana) (!Chicago, Illinois) (!Memphis, Tennessee)

Besides "Boom Boom," which is another famous song by John Lee Hooker? ("Crawling King Snake") (!"Pride and Joy") (!"Crossroads") (!"Sweet Home Chicago")

What genre of music is John Lee Hooker most associated with? (Blues) (!Jazz) (!Rock) (!Country)

What unique style of blues is John Lee Hooker known for? (Talking Blues) (!Swing Blues) (!Piano Blues) (!Harmonica Blues)

John Lee Hooker had a significant influence on which of these musical genres? (Rock and Roll) (!Hip-Hop) (!Electronic) (!Classical)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is a prominent theme in the lyrics of "Boom Boom"? (Love and attraction) (!Travel and adventure) (!Social injustice) (!Life on the road)

How does the chorus of "Boom Boom" start? ("Boom boom boom boom") (!"Hey hey hey hey") (!"Yeah yeah yeah yeah") (!"Go go go go")

The lyrics of "Boom Boom" are an example of which lyrical style? (Simple and repetitive) (!Complex and metaphorical) (!Narrative and story-driven) (!Abstract and symbolic)

What emotion is primarily conveyed through the lyrics of "Boom Boom"? (Passion and intensity) (!Sadness and longing) (!Happiness and joy) (!Anger and frustration)

In "Boom Boom," what does Hooker express through the lyrics about his feelings towards the person he sings about? (Strong attraction) (!Indifference) (!Resentment) (!Regret)


John Lee Hooker Coahoma County, Mississippi
"Boom Boom" Release Year 1963
Instrument Guitar
Song Style Talking Blues
Influenced Genre Rock and Roll

Open Tasks


  1. Explore Blues Music: Listen to different blues artists and identify characteristics common in their music.
  2. Draw John Lee Hooker: Create a drawing or painting of John Lee Hooker.


  1. Write a Blues Song: Compose your own blues song, inspired by John Lee Hooker's style.
  2. Research 1960s Music: Investigate other popular songs from the 1960s and compare them to "Boom Boom."


  1. Analyze Blues Influence: Write an essay on how blues music, particularly songs like "Boom Boom," influenced rock and roll.
  2. Perform a Cover: Learn to play "Boom Boom" on the guitar and perform it.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Evolution of Blues: How has blues music evolved from its origins to the time of John Lee Hooker and beyond?
  2. Compare and Contrast Blues Artists: Compare John Lee Hooker's style to that of another blues musician.
  3. Impact of "Boom Boom": Discuss the cultural and musical impact of "Boom Boom" in the 1960s and its legacy.
  4. Music and Emotion: How do artists like Hooker use music to express emotions?
  5. Blues and Social Context: Explore how the blues genre reflects the social and historical context of its time.

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