Death of a Clown - The Kinks - 1967

Death of a Clown - The Kinks

Death of a Clown is a song by The Kinks, released in 1967. Written by Dave Davies, the lead guitarist and younger brother of Ray Davies, this song marked a significant moment in Dave's career as it was his first solo hit. Let's dive into the history, meaning, and impact of this song, along with some interactive tasks to deepen your understanding.


"Death of a Clown" was initially featured on The Kinks' album "Something Else by The Kinks". The song was written during a period when Dave Davies was exploring his own musical identity separate from the band. The track became popular and was subsequently released as a single.

Song Structure

The song opens with a somber, almost haunting piano riff, setting the tone for the melancholic lyrics. The verses are reflective, building up to a chorus that carries a sense of resignation and finality, echoing the theme of the end of an era for the titular clown.

Lyrics Analysis

The lyrics of "Death of a Clown" reflect themes of disillusionment and the end of innocence. The clown, a symbol of joy and entertainment, faces a metaphorical death, representing a loss of identity or purpose. This can be seen as a commentary on the pressures and eventual burnout that performers often experience.

Impact and Legacy

"Death of a Clown" was a commercial success and established Dave Davies as a solo artist, even though he continued to work with The Kinks. The song remains one of the standout tracks of the 1960s and is still celebrated for its emotional depth and musical composition.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Death of a Clown" released? (1967) (!1965) (!1968) (!1970)

Who wrote "Death of a Clown"? (Dave Davies) (!Ray Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!Pete Quaife)

Which album features "Death of a Clown"? (Something Else by The Kinks) (!Face to Face) (!Arthur) (!Village Green Preservation Society)

What is the primary instrument in the intro of "Death of a Clown"? (Piano) (!Guitar) (!Drums) (!Bass)

What theme is central to the lyrics of "Death of a Clown"? (Disillusionment) (!Love) (!War) (!Friendship)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who is the lead guitarist of The Kinks? (Dave Davies) (!Ray Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!Pete Quaife)

Which band was Dave Davies a part of? (The Kinks) (!The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Who)

Who is Dave Davies' older brother and bandmate? (Ray Davies) (!John Davies) (!Paul McCartney) (!Keith Richards)

What instrument does Dave Davies primarily play? (Guitar) (!Bass) (!Drums) (!Keyboard)

Which other member of The Kinks also wrote songs for the band? (Ray Davies) (!Pete Quaife) (!Mick Avory) (!John Dalton)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the clown a metaphor for in the song? (Loss of identity) (!Love) (!Victory) (!Rebirth)

What feeling is primarily expressed in the chorus of "Death of a Clown"? (Resignation) (!Joy) (!Anger) (!Confusion)

Which animal is mentioned in the lyrics? (Lion) (!Dog) (!Cat) (!Horse)

What does the clown's death symbolize in the song? (End of an era) (!New beginning) (!Triumph) (!Peace)

How are the lights described in the song's lyrics? (Going down) (!Shining bright) (!Flickering) (!Burning out)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic.

Dave Davies Lead Guitarist
Ray Davies Older Brother
Something Else Album
1967 Release Year
Piano Intro Instrument

Open Tasks


  1. Write a short essay on the significance of "Death of a Clown" in Dave Davies' career.
  2. Create a timeline of The Kinks' major releases, including "Death of a Clown".
  3. Draw a picture representing the themes of "Death of a Clown".


  1. Compare and contrast the musical styles of Dave Davies and Ray Davies.
  2. Research the 1960s music scene and write about how The Kinks fit into it.
  3. Analyze another song by The Kinks and discuss its themes and impact.
  4. Record a cover of "Death of a Clown" and share it with your class.


  1. Create a short documentary on The Kinks, focusing on the period when "Death of a Clown" was released.
  2. Write a detailed analysis of the lyrics of "Death of a Clown", including literary devices used.
  3. Interview a musician or music historian about the legacy of The Kinks and Dave Davies' solo work.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the impact of "Death of a Clown" on Dave Davies' career and The Kinks as a band.
  2. Explain the themes of "Death of a Clown" and how they reflect the cultural context of the 1960s.
  3. Analyze the musical elements of "Death of a Clown" and how they contribute to the song's mood.
  4. Compare "Death of a Clown" to another song from the same era in terms of themes and musical style.
  5. Reflect on how "Death of a Clown" could be interpreted in today's context.

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