Dear Prudence - The Beatles - 1968

Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence is a song by The Beatles from their 1968 double album "The Beatles", commonly known as the "White Album." The song was written by John Lennon, although credited to the songwriting partnership of Lennon–McCartney. It is considered one of the classic songs of the band's later period.


The song was inspired by Mia Farrow's sister, Prudence Farrow, who was present with The Beatles in India during their stay with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Prudence became so immersed in meditation that she rarely left her room, prompting John Lennon to write the song inviting her to "come out and play."

Musical Style

"Dear Prudence" features fingerpicking guitar work by Lennon, influenced by folk artist Donovan, who taught him the technique. The song builds from a gentle, intimate beginning to a powerful crescendo, featuring layered harmonies and innovative studio techniques.


The track was recorded at Trident Studios in London in late August 1968. Notably, it includes contributions from Paul McCartney on drums and bass guitar, as Ringo Starr had temporarily left the band during the recording of the White Album. George Harrison played lead guitar.


The lyrics of "Dear Prudence" reflect a soothing and gentle plea for Prudence Farrow to enjoy the beauty of the world around her. The repeated phrase "won't you come out to play" emphasizes the central message of the song.

Influence and Legacy

"Dear Prudence" has been covered by numerous artists over the years and remains a beloved track in The Beatles' catalogue. Its innovative arrangement and heartfelt lyrics have influenced many musicians and songwriters.

External Links


Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What inspired the song "Dear Prudence"? (Prudence Farrow's meditation retreat) (!John Lennon's daughter) (!A fictional character) (!Paul McCartney's cousin)

Who taught John Lennon the fingerpicking technique used in "Dear Prudence"? (Donovan) (!Bob Dylan) (!George Harrison) (!Eric Clapton)

Where was "Dear Prudence" recorded? (Trident Studios) (!Abbey Road Studios) (!Apple Studios) (!Sunset Sound Studios)

Who played the drums on "Dear Prudence"? (Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr) (!George Harrison) (!John Lennon)

What album features "Dear Prudence"? (The White Album) (!Rubber Soul) (!Revolver) (!Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which band released "Dear Prudence"? (The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Who) (!The Kinks)

Who wrote "Dear Prudence"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

What year was "Dear Prudence" released? (1968) (!1967) (!1969) (!1970)

Which Beatle temporarily left the band during the recording of "Dear Prudence"? (Ringo Starr) (!Paul McCartney) (!John Lennon) (!George Harrison)

What is the common name for the album featuring "Dear Prudence"? (The White Album) (!Let It Be) (!Abbey Road) (!Magical Mystery Tour)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the repeated phrase in "Dear Prudence"? ("Won't you come out to play") (!"Here comes the sun") (!"All you need is love") (!"Hey Jude, don't make it bad")

What does Lennon invite Prudence to see in the song? (The sunny day) (!The rainy day) (!The snowy day) (!The windy day)

Which bird is mentioned in "Dear Prudence"? (The little bird) (!The blackbird) (!The bluebird) (!The mockingbird)

What is "dear Prudence" asked to do? ("Open up your eyes") (!"Close your eyes") (!"Sing a song") (!"Play the drums")

What does the morning represent in the lyrics of "Dear Prudence"? (A new beginning) (!An ending) (!A dream) (!A memory)


John Lennon Songwriter of "Dear Prudence"
Trident Studios Recording location
Donovan Taught fingerpicking
1968 Year of release
Prudence Farrow Inspiration for the song

Open Tasks


  1. Create a drawing: Draw your interpretation of the lyrics of "Dear Prudence."
  2. Write a letter: Imagine you are Prudence Farrow. Write a letter responding to John Lennon's song.
  3. Music video: Make a simple video with your own visuals for "Dear Prudence."


  1. Research meditation: Investigate the meditation practices that inspired Prudence Farrow and present your findings.
  2. Cover song: Record a cover of "Dear Prudence" using any instruments or style you prefer.
  3. Album review: Write a review of The Beatles' White Album, focusing on the song "Dear Prudence."


  1. Musical analysis: Analyze the musical structure and composition techniques used in "Dear Prudence."
  2. Historical context: Examine the cultural and historical context of 1968 and how it influenced The Beatles' music.
  3. Creative writing: Write a short story inspired by the themes and lyrics of "Dear Prudence."
  4. Interview project: Conduct an interview with someone who experienced the 1960s and discuss their views on The Beatles and their music.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the impact: Discuss the impact of The Beatles' trip to India on their music and personal lives.
  2. Compare songs: Compare "Dear Prudence" with another song from the White Album in terms of musical style and themes.
  3. Meditation in music: Explain how meditation and spirituality have influenced popular music, using "Dear Prudence" as an example.
  4. Album significance: Analyze the significance of the White Album in The Beatles' career and in the history of rock music.
  5. Personal interpretation: Describe what "Dear Prudence" means to you personally and how it resonates with your own experiences.

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