Dead End Street - The Kinks - 1966


Dead End Street is a song by the British rock band The Kinks, released in November 1966. It was written by the band's lead singer and songwriter Ray Davies. The song is notable for its dark and satirical lyrics that reflect the economic and social struggles of the working class in Britain during the 1960s.

The Kinks

The Kinks were formed in 1963 in Muswell Hill, North London, by brothers Ray and Dave Davies. They are considered one of the most influential rock bands of the 1960s, known for their pioneering contributions to the British Invasion of the United States and their influence on the genre of rock music.

The Song

"Dead End Street" is a poignant commentary on the hardships faced by the working class. The song's lyrics depict a grim reality of poverty and despair, a stark contrast to the more optimistic pop songs of the time. The use of brass instruments adds a unique and somber tone to the music.


The main themes of "Dead End Street" include economic hardship, social inequality, and the struggle for survival. These themes are conveyed through vivid imagery and Ray Davies' evocative storytelling.


Upon its release, "Dead End Street" was well-received by critics and fans alike. It reached number 5 on the UK Singles Chart and has since been recognized as one of The Kinks' most significant songs.


The lyrics of "Dead End Street" reflect the bleak outlook of those living in poverty. Lines like "What are we living for? / Two-roomed apartment on the second floor" illustrate the cramped and unsatisfactory living conditions faced by many during that era.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What year was "Dead End Street" released? (1966) (!1965) (!1967) (!1968)

Who wrote "Dead End Street"? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!Pete Quaife)

What is the primary theme of the song? (Economic hardship) (!Romantic love) (!Political rebellion) (!Musical innovation)

What type of instruments add a unique tone to the music in "Dead End Street"? (Brass instruments) (!String instruments) (!Percussion instruments) (!Electronic instruments)

Which Kinks album includes "Dead End Street"? (None, it was a non-album single) (!The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society) (!Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)) (!Face to Face)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who are the founding members of The Kinks? (Ray and Dave Davies) (!John Lennon and Paul McCartney) (!Mick Jagger and Keith Richards) (!Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend)

What genre is The Kinks primarily associated with? (Rock) (!Jazz) (!Classical) (!Hip Hop)

In what year was The Kinks formed? (1963) (!1962) (!1964) (!1965)

Where is the band The Kinks from? (North London) (!Liverpool) (!Manchester) (!Birmingham)

What is one of the significant contributions of The Kinks to music? (British Invasion) (!Grunge movement) (!Punk rock) (!Hip hop)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What does the "two-roomed apartment on the second floor" represent in the song? (Cramped living conditions) (!Luxury lifestyle) (!Office space) (!Suburban home)

What is the overall mood conveyed in the lyrics of "Dead End Street"? (Despair) (!Joy) (!Anger) (!Confusion)

What kind of life does "Dead End Street" describe? (Poverty-stricken life) (!Wealthy life) (!Adventurous life) (!Peaceful life)

What question is asked in the chorus of "Dead End Street"? (What are we living for?) (!Where are we going?) (!How can we succeed?) (!Why are we here?)

What kind of imagery is used to describe the situation in "Dead End Street"? (Vivid imagery) (!Abstract imagery) (!Minimalist imagery) (!Symbolic imagery)


Ray Davies Songwriter of "Dead End Street"
1966 Release year of "Dead End Street"
Brass instruments Unique tone in "Dead End Street"
North London Origin of The Kinks
Economic hardship Main theme of "Dead End Street"

Open Tasks


  1. Create a timeline: Outline the key events in the history of The Kinks.
  2. Analyze the lyrics: Discuss the themes and imagery in the lyrics of "Dead End Street".
  3. Research the 1960s: Explore the economic and social conditions in Britain during the 1960s.


  1. Compare and contrast: Compare "Dead End Street" with another song by The Kinks that addresses social issues.
  2. Write a review: Write a review of "Dead End Street" from the perspective of a 1960s music critic.
  3. Create a playlist: Curate a playlist of songs from the 1960s that deal with similar themes as "Dead End Street".


  1. Make a documentary: Create a short documentary about The Kinks and their influence on rock music.
  2. Conduct an interview: Interview someone who lived through the 1960s and discuss their perspective on the era and the music.
  3. Write a report: Investigate how "Dead End Street" reflects the socio-economic issues of the 1960s and write a detailed report.
  4. Analyze the music: Study the musical composition of "Dead End Street" and explain how it complements the lyrics.
  5. Create an art project: Design an art project that visually represents the themes of "Dead End Street".

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the impact: Discuss the impact of "Dead End Street" on the perception of social issues in the 1960s.
  2. Analyze the music and lyrics: How do the music and lyrics of "Dead End Street" work together to convey its themes?
  3. Compare genres: Compare The Kinks' approach to social commentary with another band's approach during the same era.
  4. Interpret the imagery: Interpret the imagery used in the lyrics of "Dead End Street" and discuss its effectiveness.
  5. Evaluate the influence: Evaluate the influence of The Kinks on later musical genres and artists.

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