Apeman - The Kinks - 1970


Welcome to this aiMOOC on "Apeman" by The Kinks, released in 1970. This song is a blend of rock and pop with insightful lyrics that reflect the societal issues of its time. You'll explore the song's background, themes, and lyrics while engaging in interactive tasks and quizzes.


"Apeman" was released as a single by The Kinks in 1970 and appeared on their album "Lola versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One." Written by Ray Davies, the song addresses the concerns of modern civilization and a yearning to return to a simpler, more natural lifestyle. The song reached the top 10 in the UK and became popular worldwide.

Themes and Analysis

The lyrics of "Apeman" convey a critique of the industrialized world and express a desire to escape to a more primitive and peaceful existence. The themes include:

  1. Escapism: A longing to leave the complexities of modern life.
  2. Nature: Emphasizing the beauty and simplicity of the natural world.
  3. Social Critique: Criticism of the pollution and stress of contemporary society.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Apeman" released? (1970) (!1969) (!1971) (!1968)

Which album features "Apeman"? (Lola versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One) (!Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)) (!Muswell Hillbillies) (!The Kink Kontroversy)

Who wrote "Apeman"? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!John Dalton)

What genre best describes "Apeman"? (Rock and Pop) (!Jazz) (!Classical) (!Blues)

What is a central theme of "Apeman"? (Escapism) (!Love) (!Rebellion) (!War)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who is the lead vocalist of The Kinks? (Ray Davies) (!Dave Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!Peter Quaife)

Which member of The Kinks is known for playing the lead guitar? (Dave Davies) (!Ray Davies) (!Mick Avory) (!John Dalton)

What year did The Kinks form? (1964) (!1962) (!1966) (!1968)

Which song by The Kinks became a hit in 1964? (You Really Got Me) (!Sunny Afternoon) (!Lola) (!Waterloo Sunset)

What genre is The Kinks primarily associated with? (Rock) (!Pop) (!Jazz) (!Classical)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

In the song "Apeman," where does the singer want to live? (On an island) (!In the city) (!In the mountains) (!In the desert)

What does the singer in "Apeman" say he doesn't feel safe in? (This world anymore) (!The jungle) (!The future) (!His home)

What does the singer claim he will be when he becomes an "Apeman"? (A Tarzan of the Apes) (!A king of the jungle) (!A wild man) (!A lost soul)

What is the singer tired of in "Apeman"? (Civilization) (!Love) (!Adventure) (!Technology)

What does the singer in "Apeman" prefer over the "air that I breathe"? (The air of the jungle) (!The city's hustle and bustle) (!The ocean breeze) (!The mountain air)


Apeman The Kinks
Ray Davies Lead Vocalist
1970 Release Year
Nature Theme
Lola versus Powerman Album

Open Tasks


  1. Describe your favorite part of the song "Apeman" and explain why it resonates with you.
  2. Draw a scene depicting the world the singer of "Apeman" wants to escape to.
  3. Write a short paragraph on how the song "Apeman" makes you feel.


  1. Research the impact of "Apeman" on its release and write a summary.
  2. Compare "Apeman" with another song by The Kinks and analyze their themes.
  3. Create a playlist of songs with similar themes of escapism and nature.


  1. Write an essay on the relevance of "Apeman" in today's context.
  2. Conduct an interview with someone who lived through the 1970s and get their perspective on the song.
  3. Make a short video analyzing the lyrics of "Apeman" and its social commentary.
  4. Create a modern version of "Apeman" with updated lyrics reflecting current issues.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the themes of "Apeman" and how they relate to today's society.
  2. Analyze the impact of industrialization as reflected in "Apeman."
  3. Explain the relevance of The Kinks' music in the context of the 1970s cultural landscape.
  4. Compare and contrast "Apeman" with another protest song from the same era.
  5. Debate the idea of escapism in music and its effects on listeners.

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