Welcome to the YES Mooc!

In this Mooc we will provide you with information about the use of the Serious Game YES.

Main target group The main target groups of the Mooc are:

  • youth workers
  • youth educators
  • youth organisations
  • YES users
  • people who are interested in Serious Games

Aim The aim of this Mooc is to

  • provide youth workers, youth educators and youth organisations with insights in the tool.
  • provide information how to use the Serious Game in educational contexts.
  • describe the discussion models which are supported by the YES tool.
  • show examples of the screens.
  • provide pedagogical and didacticsl hints.
  • share discussion ideas and topics.
  • raise awareness for the use of Serious Games in Youth education.

Outcome: The learners/target group of this Mooc will

* learn about the rules and discussion formats of YES.
* get in touch with the concept of Serious Games.
* solve tasks to get deeper knowledge about the YES card deck game.
* focus on European topics as an example of possible topics for YES discussions.
* rethink their way of training.
* learn about the ERASMUS+ project YES.