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  • Firefox/Safari: Umschalttaste drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken oder entweder Strg+F5 oder Strg+R (⌘+R auf dem Mac) drücken
  • Google Chrome: Umschalttaste+Strg+R (⌘+Umschalttaste+R auf dem Mac) drücken
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  • Opera: Strg+F5
* R-Quiz - JavaScript-Framework for interactive quizzes *
* V 3.0 (2017/05/01)
* This script converts parts of a web page into interactive quizzes.
* In order to achieve that this script searches for certain class names
* which it uses as container elements for a quiz.
* This approach was chosen to enable content editors to design quiz
* exercises with regular rich text editing tools so the text contents
* then can get converted into quizzes by this JavaScript.
* (C) 2007 Felix Riesterer
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
* Felix Riesterer (felix-riesterer.de)

(function () {
	'use strict';

	var q = {

		 * framework properties *

		 * list of all quizzes
		 * @var Array
		allQuizzes: [],

		 * directory in which this script file is located
		 * @var String
		baseURL: "",

		 * class names for backwards compatibility with older versions of
		 * this script
		 * @var Object
		compatibilityClassNames: {
			"zuordnungs-quiz": "rquiz-matching",
			"lueckentext-quiz": "rquiz-gapfill",
			"memo-quiz": "rquiz-memo",
			"multiplechoice-quiz": "rquiz-multichoice",
			"schuettel-quiz": "rquiz-wordjumble",
			"kreuzwort-quiz": "rquiz-crossword",
			"suchsel-quiz": "rquiz-wordsearch",
			"buchstabenraten-quiz": "rquiz-wordguess"

		 * functions to execute after the CSS file has been loaded
		 * @var Array of functions
		functionsAfterCssReady: [],

		 * string messages sorted by language
		 * @var Object
		i18n: {

			de: {
				allFound: "Alle Sets found!",
				attemptLastTime: "Das letzte Mal hatten Sie nur einen Versuch benötigt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Das letzte Mal hatten Sie %n Versuche benötigt.",
				check: "prüfen!",
				endOfQuiz: "Quiz ist zuende.",
				enter: "eintragen",
				enterNotice: "Benutzen Sie zur Eingabe die Tastatur. Eventuell müssen sie zuerst ein Eingabefeld durch Anklicken aktivieren.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Benutzen Sie die Tastatur zur Eingabe! Eventuell müssen Sie erst in das Quiz klicken, um es zu aktivieren.",
				foundWords: "Erkannte Wörter",
				guessedChars: "Bereits geratene Buchstaben",
				horizontal: "Waagrecht",
				howAboutNewRound: "Wie wär's mit einer neuen Runde?",
				input: "Eingabe",
				percentageResult: "Die Antworten sind zu %n% richtig.",
				praise1: "Ausgezeichnet!",
				praise2: "Gut gemacht!",
				praise3: "Das war nicht schlecht!",
				remainingTries: "Sie haben noch %n Versuche übrig!",
				restart: "neu starten",
				result1: "Die Aufgabe wurde gleich beim ersten Versuch erfolgreich gelöst!",
				result2: "Die Aufgabe wurde nach nur zwei Versuchen erfolgreich gelöst!",
				result3: "Die Aufgabe wurde nach %n Versuchen erfolgreich gelöst!",
				startQuiz: "Quiz starten.",
				tempText: "Text...",
				vertical: "Senkrecht"

			en: {
				allFound: "You've found all sets!",
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "check it!",
				endOfQuiz: "Quiz is over.",
				enter: "fill in",
				enterNotice: "Use the keyboard to enter letters. You may need to first activate a box by clicking it.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Use the keyboard to enter letters. You may need to first click somewhere into this quiz in oder to activate it.",
				foundWords: "Found Words",
				guessedChars: "Already Guessed Characters",
				horizontal: "Horizontal",
				howAboutNewRound: "How about another round?",
				input: "Input",
				percentageResult: "The answers are %n% correct.",
				praise1: "Brilliant!",
				praise2: "Well done!",
				praise3: "That was nice!",
				remainingTries: "You have %n tries left!",
				restart: "restart",
				result1: "You solved everything on your first try!",
				result2: "You solved everything with only two tries!",
				result3: "You solved everything after trying %n times!",
				startQuiz: "Start quiz.",
				tempText: "text...",
				vertical: "Vertical"

			// Spanish messages by Ulrike Weinmann
			es: {
				allFound: "¡Encontraste todos los juegos!",
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "¡Chequear!",
				endOfQuiz: "Fin de juego",
				enter: "insertar",
				enterNotice: "Usa el teclado para entrar letras. Quizás tienes que hacer clic en una caja primero para activárla.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Usa el teclado para entrar letras. Quizás tienes que hacer clic en el quiz primero para activárla.",
				foundWords: "Palabras encontradas",
				guessedChars: "Letras ya probadas",
				howAboutNewRound: "¿Otra vez?",
				horizontal: "Horizontal",
				input: "Entrada",
				percentageResult: "Porcentaje de respuestas correctas: %n%.",
				praise1: "¡Muy bien hecho!",
				praise2: "¡Bien hecho!",
				praise3: "¡Correcto!",
				remainingTries: "¡Usted no tiene que dejan 7 intentos!",
				restart: "otra vez",
				result1: "¡Resolviste el ejercicio al primer intento!",
				result2: "¡Resolviste el ejercicio al segundo intento!",
				result3: "Intentaste resolver el ejercicio %n veces y ¡lo lograste!",
				startQuiz: "Empezar quiz.",
				tempText: "Texto...",
				vertical: "Vertical"

			// French messages by Otto Ebert
			fr: {
				allFound: 'Tu as trouvé tous les "sets".',
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "verifier!",
				endOfQuiz: "Quiz est finis.",
				enter: "inscrire",
				enterNotice: "Utilisez le clavier pour inscrire des lettres. Vous devez probablement d'abord activer une boîte en le claquant.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Utilisez le clavier pour inscrire des lettres. Vous devez probablement d'abord activer le quiz en le claquant.",
				foundWords: "Mots trouvés",
				guessedChars: "Lettres déjà essayées",
				horizontal: "Horizontal",
				howAboutNewRound: "Alors tu veux recommencer?",
				input: "Entrée",
				percentageResult: "Les réponses sont %n% correctes.",
				praise1: "Excellent! Super!",
				praise2: "Bien fait!",
				praise3: "Ce n'était pas mal",
				remainingTries: "Vous n'avez pas %n tentatives gauche!",
				restart: "recommencer",
				result1: "Ton essai était tout de suite un succès.",
				result2: "Tu as résoulu le devoir après deux tentatives seulement!",
				result3: "Tu as résoulu le devoir après %n tentatives.",
				startQuiz: "Commencer le quiz.",
				tempText: "Text...",
				vertical: "Vértical"

			// Roman Latin messages by Ralf Altgeld and Ulrike Weinmann
			la: {
				allFound: "Omnes partes repperisti.",
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "probare",
				endOfQuiz: "Factum est.",
				enter: "complere",
				enterNotice: "Utere clavibus ad verba scribenda. Fortasse tibi capsa eligenda est.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Utere clavibus ad verba scribenda. Fortasse tibi aenigma eligendum est.",
				foundWords: "Verba iam reperta",
				guessedChars: "Litterae iam temptatae",
				horizontal: "directe",
				howAboutNewRound: "Ludum novum vis?",
				input: "implere",
				percentageResult: "%n% centesimae responsorum rectae sunt.",
				praise1: "optime!",
				praise2: "bene!",
				praise3: "Id non male fecisti.",
				remainingTries: "Et non sunt derelicti %n conatusque prohibebit!",
				restart: "novum vis",
				result1: "Pensum statim in primo conatu feliciter absolutum est!",
				result2: "Pensum cam post duos conatus feliciter absolutum est.",
				result3: "Pensum cam post %n conatus feliciter absolutum est.",
				startQuiz: "Incipere aenigma.",
				tempText: "scriptum...",
				vertical: "perpendiculariter"

			// Italian messages by Ihor Bilaniuk
			it: {
				allFound: "Tutti i sets sono stati risolti!",
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "controllare!",
				endOfQuiz: "Il quiz è sopra .",
				enter: "immettere",
				enterNotice: "Utilizzi la tastiera per entrare nelle lettere. Potete avere bisogno di in primo luogo di attivare una scatola scattandola.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Utilizzi la tastiera per entrare nelle lettere. Potete avere bisogno di in primo luogo di scattarti in qualche luogo in questo quiz per attivarlo.",
				foundWords: "Parole trovate ",
				guessedChars: "Lettere già indovinate",
				howAboutNewRound: "Ancora una volta?",
				horizontal: "Orizontale",
				input: "Input",
				percentageResult: "Le tue risposte sono il %n per cento giuste.",
				praise1: "Ottimo!",
				praise2: "Benissimo!",
				praise3: "Bene!",
				remainingTries: "Non si dispone di %n tentativi di sinistra!",
				restart: "ancora una volta",
				result1: "Il compito è stato risolto al primo passo!",
				result2: "Il compito è stato risolto dopo la seconda prova!",
				result3: "Il compito è stato risolto dopo %n prove.",
				startQuiz: "Inizi il quiz.",
				tempText: "Testo...",
				vertical: "Verticale"

			// Polish messages by Pitr Wójs www.merula.pl
			pl: {
				allFound: "Znalazłaś/łeś wszystkie pary!",
				attemptLastTime: "Last time you only needed a single attempt.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Last time you needed %n attempts.",
				check: "Sprawdź!",
				endOfQuiz: "Koniec quizu.",
				enter: "Wpisz",
				enterNotice: "Aby wpisać rozwiązanie użyj klawiatury. Kliknij pole, aby wprowadzić text!",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Aby wpisać rozwiązanie użyj klawiatury. Kliknij pole, aby wprowadzić text!",
				foundWords: "Rozpoznane słówka",
				guessedChars: "Odgadnięte litery",
				horizontal: "Poziomo",
				howAboutNewRound: "Co powiesz na drugą rundę? Spróbuj jeszcze raz!",
				input: "Wprowadzanie",
				percentageResult: "Odpowiedzi są poprawne w %n procentach.",
				praise1: "Celująco!",
				praise2: "Bardzo dobrze!",
				praise3: "Nieźle!",
				remainingTries: "Nie masz %n% prób w lewo!",
				restart: "restart",
				result1: "Zadanie rozwiązałaś/łeś poprawnie za pierwszym razem!",
				result2: "Zadanie rozwiązałaś/łeś poprawnie za drugim razem!",
				result3: "Zadanie zostało rozwiązane poprawnie po %n próbach !",
				startQuiz: "Start quizu.",
				tempText: "Tekst...",
				vertical: "Pionowo"

			// Turkish messages by Dilan Memili
			tr: {
				allFound: "Tüm setler bulunmus bulunmaktadir!",
				attemptLastTime: "Son seferde yalnizca bir deneme yapmaniz gerekti.",
				attemptsLastTime: "Son seferde %n deneme yapmaniz gerekti.",
				check: "Kontrol ediniz!",
				endOfQuiz: "Test bitmistir.",
				enter: "Giriniz",
				enterNotice: "Giris icin klavyeyi kullaniniz. Belki öncelikle tiklayarak bir giris alani etkinlestirmeniz gerekmektedir.",
				enterNoticeWordGuessing: "Giris icin klavyeyi kullaniniz! Testi etkinlestirmek icin belki öncelikle testi tiklamalisiniz.",
				foundWords: "Taninan kelimeler",
				guessedChars: "Simdiden bulunan harfler",
				horizontal: "Yatay",
				howAboutNewRound: "Yeni bir tura ne dersiniz?",
				input: "Giris",
				percentageResult: "Cevaplar %n% dogru.",
				praise1: "Mükemmel!",
				praise2: "Iyi yaptiniz!",
				praise3: "Bu fena degildi!",
				remainingTries: "%n denemeniz kaldi",
				restart: "Yeniden baslat",
				result1: "Ödev ilk denemede basari ile cözüldü!",
				result2: "Ödev yalnizca iki denemeden sonra basari ile cözüldü!",
				result3: "Ödev %n denemeden sonra basari ile cözüldü!",
				startQuiz: "Testi baslat.",
				tempText: "metin...",
				vertical: "dikey"

		 * flag for the framework initialization
		 * If this flag is set certain changes won't be done again by
		 * the framework's begin method upon being called yet again.
		 * @var bool
		initialized: false,

		 * list of UTF-8 characters that can be simplified into upper-case
		 * ASCII as needed with some quizzes like a crossword quiz
		 * @var Object
		utf8Replacements: {
			A: [
				'\u0041', // a
				'\u0061', // A
				'\u00c0', // À
				'\u00c1', // Á
				'\u00c2', // Â
				'\u00c3', // Ã
				'\u00c5', // Å
				'\u00e0', // à
				'\u00e1', // á
				'\u00e2', // â
				'\u00e3', // ã
				'\u00e5' // å
			AE: [
				'\u00c4', // Ä
				'\u00c6', // Æ
				'\u00e4', // ä
				'\u00e6' // æ
			B: [
				'\u0042', // B
				'\u0062' // b
			C: [
				'\u0043', // C
				'\u0063', // c
				'\u00c7', // Ç
				'\u00e7' // ç
			D: [
				'\u0044', // D
				'\u0064' // d
			E: [
				'\u0045', // E
				'\u0065', // e
				'\u00c8', // È
				'\u00c9', // É
				'\u00ca', // Ê
				'\u00cb', // Ë
				'\u00e8', // è
				'\u00e9', // é
				'\u00ea', // ê
				'\u00eb' // ë
			F: [
				'\u0046', // F
				'\u0066' // f
			G: [
				'\u0047', // G
				'\u0067' // g
			H: [
				'\u0048', // H
				'\u0068' // h
			I: [
				'\u0049', // I
				'\u0069', // i
				'\u00cc', // Ì
				'\u00cd', // Í
				'\u00ce', // Î
				'\u00cf', // Ï
				'\u00ec', // ì
				'\u00ed', // í
				'\u00ee', // î
				'\u00ef' // ï
			J: [
				'\u004a', // J
				'\u006a' // j
			K: [
				'\u004b', // K
				'\u006b' // k
			L: [
				'\u004c', // L
				'\u006c' // l
			M: [
				'\u004d', // M
				'\u006d' // m
			N: [
				'\u004e', // N
				'\u006e', // n
				'\u00d1', // Ñ
				'\u00f1' // ñ
			O: [
				'\u004f', // O
				'\u006f', // o
				'\u00d2', // Ò
				'\u00d3', // Ó
				'\u00d4', // Ô
				'\u00d5', // Õ
				'\u00f2', // ò
				'\u00f3', // ó
				'\u00f4', // ô
				'\u00f5' // õ
			OE: [
				'\u00d6', // Ö
				'\u00f6' // ö
			P: [
				'\u0050', // P
				'\u0070' // p
			Q: [
				'\u0051', // Q
				'\u0071' // q
			R: [
				'\u0052', // R
				'\u0072' // r
			S: [
				'\u0053', // S
				'\u0073' // s
			SS: [
				'\u00df' // ß
			T: [
				'\u0054', // T
				'\u0074' // t
			U: [
				'\u0055', // U
				'\u0075', // u
				'\u00d9', // Ù
				'\u00da', // Ú
				'\u00db', // Û
				'\u00f9', // ù
				'\u00fa', // ú
				'\u00fb' // û
			UE: [
				'\u00dc', // Ü
				'\u00fc' // ü
			V: [
				'\u0056', // V
				'\u0076' // v
			W: [
				'\u0057', // W
				'\u0077' // w
			X: [
				'\u0058', // X
				'\u0078' // x
			Y: [
				'\u0059', // Y
				'\u0079', // y
				'\u00dd', // Ý
				'\u00fd' // ý
			Z: [
				'\u005a', // Z
				'\u007a' // z

		 * constructor functions for quiz objects
		 * @var Object
		quizConstructors: {},

		 * framework methods *

		 * function to start the conversion of container elements into
		 * real quizzes
		 * This function gets exposed to the browser's window object
		 * so a script loader may call it from outside this IIFE.
		begin: function () {

			/* Only do the following if no quiz has been created yet
			 * in order to deflect multiple calls to this function since
			 * it will be exposed to the browser's window object.
			if (!q.initialized) {

				// mark this framework as initialized
				q.initialized = true;

				// make quiz constructors inherit from an abstract base class
				q.each(q.quizConstructors, function (o, s) {

					if (s != "_abstractQuiz") {
						o.prototype = Object.create(q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz);
						o.prototype.constructor = q.quizConstructors[s];
						o.prototype.type = s;

				/* turn all elements into quizzes
				 * which have a suitable class name */
					document.querySelectorAll('[class^="rquiz-"], [class$="-quiz"]'),
					function (element) {

						/* compatibility with older versions of this script:
						 * replace old class names with corresponding new ones */
						q.each(q.compatibilityClassNames, function (_new, _old) {

							if (element.classList.contains(_old)) {

						// decide if the element can be a quiz container
						q.each(q.quizConstructors, function (o, s) {

							if (element.classList.contains("rquiz-" + s)
								&& s != "_abstractQuiz"
							) {
								// make a quiz
								new q.quizConstructors[s](element);

				// enable display of quizzes

		 * more complex document.createElement functionality
		 * params has this structure: {
		 *	tagName : "p", // results in a <p>
		 * 	text : "simple plain text" // textNode as child node
		 * 	... // more (native) properties (like id, className etc.)
		 * }
		 * @param Object
		create: function (params) {
			var el, p;

			if (params.tagName && params.tagName.match(/[a-z]/)) {

				el = document.createElement(params.tagName);

				for (p in params) {

					if (p.match(/^text/i)) {


					} else {

						if (!p.match(/^tagname$/i)) {
							el[p] = params[p];

			return el;

		 * do things after the CSS file has loaded
		 * This function should execute when the CSS file has been
		 * loaded. It then executes any functions that have been
		 * collected in the frameworks functionsAfterCssReady array.
		onCssReady: function () {
			q.each(q.functionsAfterCssReady, function (f) {

		 * iterator function for more than just arrays
		 * taken from the TinyMCE project (tinymce.com)
		 * @param Object
		 * @param function callback
		 * @param Object this context
		 * @return int (to be used as false-ish or true-ish)
		each: function (o, cb, s) {
			var n, l;

			if (!o) {
				return 0;

			s = s || o;

			if (o.length !== undefined) {
				// Indexed arrays, needed for Safari
				for (n=0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {

					if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
						return 0;

			} else {

				// Hashtables
				for (n in o) {

					if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {

						if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
							return 0;

			return 1;

		 * entry function which initializes the script like setting
		 * a base URL and loading the neccessary CSS file
		 * Since this script supports MediaWiki which in turn uses a
		 * script loader and also provides for the loading of needed
		 * CSS files, this initialization function may fail in this
		 * regard.
		init: function () {
			var h = document.querySelector("head"),

			// find this script's <script> element to determine a base URL
			q.each(document.getElementsByTagName("script"), function (s) {

				if (s.src && s.src.match(/\/rquiz.js\b/)) {
					q.baseURL = s.src.substr(0, s.src.lastIndexOf("/"));

			// load CSS file
			if (q.baseURL && h) {

				l = h.appendChild(q.create({
					href: q.baseURL + "/rquiz.css",
					rel: "stylesheet",
					tagName: "link"

				l.addEventListener("load", function () {

			// set up quizzes when page has finished loading
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {

		 * function to shuffle an array
		 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450954/how-to-randomize-shuffle-a-javascript-array#answer-25984542
		 * @param Array input
		shuffleArray: function (array) {
			var count = array.length, r, temp;

			while (count) {
				r = Math.random() * count-- | 0;
				temp = array[count];
				array[count] = array[r];
				array[r] = temp;

		 * function to trim whitespaces at the beginning and at the end
		 * of a string like PHP's trim function
		 * @param String input
		 * @return String output
		trim: function (s) {
			var c = "["
				+ String.fromCharCode(32)
				+ String.fromCharCode(160)
				+ "\t\r\n"
				+ "]+";

			return s
				// remove whitespaces from the left end
				.replace(new RegExp("^" + c, "g"), "")
				// remove whitespaces from the right end
				.replace(new RegExp(c + "$", "g"), "");

		 * function to turn all characters of a UTF-8 encoded string
		 * into an upper-case ASCII representation as defined in
		 * q.utf8Replacements above
		 * @param String input
		 * @return String output
		utf8NormalizeToUpper: function (s) {
			var r = "",
				z, i, j;

			for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {

				if (s[i] == String.fromCharCode(160)
					|| s[i] == String.fromCharCode(32)
				) {

					r += String.fromCharCode(160);

				} else {

					for (z in q.utf8Replacements) {

						if (z.match(/^[A-Z][A-Z]?$/)) {

							for (j = 0; j < q.utf8Replacements[z].length; j++) {

								if (s.substr(i, 1) == q.utf8Replacements[z][j]) {
									r += z;

			return r;

	 * abstract quiz class
	 * This class provides drag&drop functionality.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		 * quiz properties *

		 * a user's number of attempts to solve the quiz
		 * @param int
		t.attempts = 0;

		 * a quiz's container element
		 * The container element is any block element with a
		 * suitable class name. The framework's begin method
		 * will recognize this class name and instantiate a
		 * quiz object with a reference to this block element
		 * as argument for the constructor.
		t.container = element;

		 * a quiz's data
		 * We are going to analyze a <table> element for its
		 * columns. The columns' contents of every row get
		 * stored in an array. These arrays get stored in the
		 * this.data array.
		t.data = [];

		 * class name for draggable elements
		 * @var String
		t.draggableClass = "rquiz-draggable";

		 * class name for dragged elements
		 * @var String
		t.draggingClass = "rquiz-dragging";

		 * element to be dragged
		 * @var Object HTMLElement
		t.dragElm = null;

		 * flag for drag element in motion
		 * @var bool
		t.dragging = false;

		 * flag for drag&drop mode
		 * @var bool
		t.dragMode = false;

		 * class name for elements marked as error
		 * @var String
		t.errorClass = "rquiz-error";

		 * class name for the container of a finished quiz
		 * @var String
		t.finishedClass = "rquiz-finished";

		 * class name for "pieces" (data-carrying elements)
		 * @var String
		t.highlightClass = "rquiz-highlighted";

		 * a quiz's language setting
		 * The language setting defaults to "de" because of
		 * backwards compatibilty with older versions of this
		 * script. If the container element has a "lang"
		 * attribute and if its value is supported by the
		 * framework's i18n property, the quiz's language
		 * setting will be changed to the container element's
		 * "lang" attribute value.
		t.lang = "de"; // default

		 * last known mouse or touch coordinates
		 * @var Object
		t.lastCoords = {
			left: 0,
			top: 0

		 * a quiz's pieces
		 * Some quizzes need to store references to data-carrying
		 * elements. This array is exactly for that purpose.
		t.pieces = [];

		 * class name for "pieces" (data-carrying elements)
		 * @var String
		t.piecesClass = "rquiz-piece";

		 * a quiz's pool element
		 * Some quizzes that use drag&drop need an area where
		 * the draggable elements are placed. The pool element
		 * is this very area.
		t.pool = document.createElement("p");

		 * class name for data pools
		 * @var String
		t.poolClass = "rquiz-pool";

		 * class name for elements that are not to be displayed
		 * on-screen but on paper only
		 * @param String
		t.printOnlyClass = "rquiz-print";

		 * a quiz's name
		 * The quiz's name is relevant when drag&drop elements
		 * need to get identified as part of this individual
		 * quiz.
		 * @var String
		t.quizName = "rquiz" + q.allQuizzes.length;

		 * a quiz's restart button
		 * @param Object HTMLElement <button>
		t.restartButton = document.createElement("button");

		 * a quiz's message field element
		 * Every quiz will give feedback on how well a user has
		 * done. At the end of such a message there will be the
		 * quiz's restart button to offer the user another go on
		 * this quiz.
		t.result = document.createElement("p");

		 * a quiz's result button
		 * @param Object HTMLElement <button>
		t.resultButton = document.createElement("button");

		 * class name for the result box
		 * @var String
		t.resultClass = "rquiz-result";

		 * class name for elements that are not to be displayed
		 * on paper but on screen only
		 * @param String
		t.screenOnlyClass = "rquiz-screen";

		 * class name for drag&drop targets
		 * @var String
		t.targetClass = "rquiz-target";

		 * a quiz's drag&drop target fields
		 * @var Array
		t.targets = [];

		 * class name for the result box when an AJAX call hasn't
		 * yet returned
		 * @var String
		t.waitClass = "rquiz-waiting";

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to create a grid filled with words either
		 * crossword-style or with diagonally placed words
		 * A "word" is an object with this structure: {
		 * 	hint: (String), // optional - used in crossword quizzes
		 * 	orientation: (String), // (→|↓|↘|↗)
		 * 	original: (String), // optional - used in wordsearch quizzes
		 * 	upperCase: (String),
		 * 	x: (int),
		 * 	y: (int)
		 * }
		 * If "interlinked" words are expected the function will
		 * try up to ten times to get a solution where all words
		 * are interlinked.
		 * If "diagonally" placed words are expected the words
		 * will be placed in such a way that the reading
		 * direction will always be from left to right, no
		 * matter if the beginning is on the upper or lower end.
		 * @param Array the words to be placed within the grid
		 * @param bool interlink words on a common character ifpossible
		 * @param bool also try to place words diagonally
		 * @param bool no empty spaces between words necessary (true for wordsearch quizzes)
		t.createWordGrid = function (words, interlinked, diagonally, noEmptySpaces) {
			var finished = [], // collect usable grids here
				taints = 1,
				maxAttempts = interlinked ? 10 : 1,
				orientations = (diagonally ? "→↓↘↗" : "→↓").split(""),
				a, b, i, failed, fitted, grid, letters,
				possibleOrientations, r, test,used, word, x, y;

			/* create a grid - if impossible without taints,
			 * try up to maxAttempts times */
			while (taints > 0 && finished.length < maxAttempts) {

				taints = 0; // expect a perfect grid without taints
				used = []; // no used words so far
				failed = []; // no unsuccessfully tried words so far

				// begin with a grid of 0x0 fields and ...
				test = 0;

				// ... expand to maxChars x maxChars
				q.each(words, function (w) {
					// number of a word's chars +2 as padding
					test += w.upperCase.length +2;

				grid = new Array(test);

				for (i = 0; i < test; i++) {
					grid[i] = new Array(test);

				// try to place words into the grid in random order
				while (used.length < words.length) {

					test = true; // force new random number

					while (test) {

						r = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length);
						// expect this random number to be unused
						test = false;

						// word already used?
						q.each(used, function (a) {

							if (a.upperCase == words[r].upperCase) {
								test = true;

						if (failed.length > 0) {

							/* exclude words that have been
							 * tried unsuccessfully */
							q.each(failed, function (e) {

								if (words[r] == e) {
									test = true;

					// we got an unused word to fit into the grid
					word = words[r];
					word.x = -1;
					word.y = -1;

					// find suitable position in the grid
					if (used.length > 0) {

						/* fit another word
						 * -> check with already fitted words */
						for (a = 0; a < used.length; a++) {

							// already found suitable position?
							if (word.x >= 0 && word.y >= 0) {
								break; // yes! -> stop right here

							/* randomly choose a letter and look
							 * for a match with fitted word */
							letters = []; // empty used letters

							for (b = 0; b < word.upperCase.length; b++) {

								// found suitable position?
								if (word.x >= 0 && word.y >= 0) {
									break; // yes! -> stop right here

								test = true; // force new random number

								while (test) {
									r = Math.floor(Math.random() * word.upperCase.length);
									test = letters[r];

								// mark this random letter as used
								letters[r] = true;

								// both words contain this letter?
								if (used[a].upperCase.indexOf(
										word.upperCase.substr(r, 1)
									) >= 0
								) {

									// yes! -> check every letter of fitted word
									for (
										fitted = 0;
										fitted < used[a].upperCase.length;
									) {

										// word already successfully fitted?
										if (word.x >= 0 && word.y >= 0) {
											break; // yes! -> stop right here

										if (used[a].upperCase.substr(fitted, 1)
											== word.upperCase.substr(r, 1)
										) {

											/* determined common letter
											 * -> test-fit word into grid */
											test = true; // expect success

											/* determine position
											 * of the letter inside the grid */
											if (used[a].orientation == "→") {
												x = used[a].x + fitted;
												y = used[a].y;

											if (used[a].orientation == "↓") {
												x = used[a].x;
												y = used[a].y + fitted;

											if (used[a].orientation == "↘") {
												x = used[a].x + fitted;
												y = used[a].y + fitted;

											if (used[a].orientation == "↗") {
												x = used[a].x + fitted;
												y = used[a].y - fitted;

											/* determine possible
											 * orientations for the word */
											possibleOrientations = [];

											for (
												i = 0;
												i < orientations.length;
											) {

												if (orientations[i]
													!= used[a].orientation
												) {


											while (possibleOrientations.length) {
												// decide direction
												word.orientation = possibleOrientations.pop();

												/* determine start position
												 * of the word inside the grid
												 * with r being the distance
												 * between current letter and
												 * initial letter of the word */
												if (word.orientation == "↓") {
													y = y - r;

												if (word.orientation == "→") {
													x = x - r;

												if (word.orientation == "↘") {
													x = x - r;
													y = y - r;

												if (word.orientation == "↗") {
													x = x - r;
													y = y + r;

												// check if needed fields are already occupied
												for (
													i = 0;
													i < word.upperCase.length;
												) {

													if (word.orientation == "→") {

														if (grid[y][x + i]
															&& grid[y][x + i]
																!= word.upperCase.substr(i, 1)
														) {
															test = false;

														// neighbouring field empty?
														if (!noEmptySpaces) {

															/* check all used words if they
															 * run parallel in a neighbouring
															 * row alongside the current word */
															q.each(used, function (a) {

																if (a.orientation == "→"
																	&& (
																		a.y + 1 == y
																		|| a.y -1 == y
																) {

																	if (
																			// neighbouring word longer?
																			a.x <= x
																			&& a.upperCase.x + a.upperCase.length >= x + word.upperCase.length
																		) || (
																			// neighbouring word overlaps beginning of current word
																			a.x <= x
																			&& a.x + a.upperCase.length >= x
																		) || (
																			// neighbouring word starts inside of current word
																			a.x > x
																			&& a.x <= x + word.upperCase.length
																	) {
																		test = false; // yes -> discard

																// vertical word begins directly below?
																if (a.orientation == "↓" && a.y - 1 == y) {

																	if (a.x >= x
																		&& a.x <= x + word.upperCase.length
																	) {
																		test = false; // yes -> discard

													if (word.orientation == "↓") {

														if (grid[y + i][x]
															&& grid[y + i][x] != word.upperCase.substr(i, 1)
														) {
															test = false;

														// neighbouring field empty?
														if (!noEmptySpaces) {
															/* check all used words if they run
															 * parallel in a neighbouring column
															 * alongside the current word */
															q.each(used, function (a) {

																if (a.orientation == "↓"
																	&& (a.x == x + 1
																	|| a.x == x - 1)
																) {
																	if (// neighbouring word longer?
																		(a.y <= y &&
																		a.upperCase.y + a.upperCase.length >= y + word.upperCase.length)
																		// neighbouring word overlaps beginning of current word
																		(a.y <= y
																		&& a.y + a.upperCase.length >= y)
																		// neighbouring word starts inside of current word
																		(a.y > y
																		&& a.y <= y + word.upperCase.length)
																	) {
																		test = false; // leider nein
																// horizontal word begins directly below?
																if (a.orientation == "→"
																	&& (
																		a.x == x + 1
																		|| a.x == x - word.upperCase.length - 1
																) {
																	if (a.y >= y
																		&& a.y <= y + word.upperCase.length
																	) {
																		test = false; // yes -> discard

													if (word.orientation == "↘") {

														if (grid[y + i][x + i]
															&& grid[y + i][x + i] != word.upperCase.substr(i, 1)
														) {
															test = false;

													if (word.orientation == "↗") {

														if (grid[y - i][x + i]
															&& grid[y - i][x + i] != word.upperCase.substr(i, 1)
														) {
															test = false;

												// check fields before and after the word
												if (word.orientation == "→") {

													if (grid[y][x - 1]
														|| grid[y][x + word.upperCase.length]
													) {
														test = false;

												if (word.orientation == "↓") {

													if (grid[y - 1][x]
														|| grid[y + word.upperCase.length][x]
													) {
														test = false;

												if (word.orientation == "↘") {

													if (grid[y - 1][x - 1]
														|| grid[y + word.upperCase.length][x + word.upperCase.length]
													) {
														test = false;

												if (word.orientation == "↗") {

													if (grid[y + 1][x - 1]
														|| grid[y - word.upperCase.length][x + word.upperCase.length]
													) {
														test = false;

												if (test) {
													// word fits! -> no discarding
													word.x = x;
													word.y = y;
													failed = []; // try failed words again
													break; // no more tests for current word

											if (test) {
												break; // no more tests for current word

						if (word.x < 0 && word.y < 0) {

							/* no place in the grid to fit this word
							 * -> remember for later */

							if (failed.length == (words.length - used.length)) {

								/* there seems to be no suitable place in
								 * the grid for the remaining words...
								 * -> look for a free space for the current
								 * word!
								 * -> top (0), left (1), bottom(2) or right(3)
								taints ++;

								r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);

								if (r & 1 == 1) {
									// left / right
									y = Math.floor(grid.length / 2) - Math.floor(word.upperCase.length / 2);
									// value must be greater or smaller
									x = (r & 2) == 2 ? 0 : grid[0].length;

								} else {
									// top / bottom
									x = Math.floor(grid[0].length / 2);
									y = (r & 2) == 2 ? 0 : grid.length;

								word.orientation = (r & 1) == 0 ? "→" : "↓";

								/* check coordinates of used words
								 * in order to find suitable place */
								q.each(used, function (a) {

									if ((r & 1) == 1) {

										// reduce left / right
										if ((r & 2) == 0 && a.x < x) {
											x = a.x;

										if ((r & 2) == 2) {

											test = a.x;

											if (a.orientation == "→") {
												test += a.upperCase.length;

											if (test > x) {
												x = test;

									} else {

										// reduce top / down
										if ((r & 2) == 0 && a.y < y) {
											y = a.y;

										if ((r & 2) == 2) {

											test = a.y;

											if (a.orientation == "↓") {
												test += a.upperCase.length;

											if (test > y) {
												y = test;

								// suitable place found!
								word.x = (r & 2) == 0 ? x - 2 : x + 2;
								word.y = (r & 2) == 0 ? y - 2 : y + 2;

								failed = [];

					} else {

						// first word -> immediately fit vertically
						word.x = Math.floor(grid[0].length / 2);
						word.y = Math.floor(grid.length / 2) - Math.floor(word.upperCase.length / 2);
						word.orientation = "↓";

					// save the word if it could successfully fit in the grid
					if (word && word.x >= 0 && word.y >= 0) {


						// insert the word's letters into the grid
						for (i = 0; i < word.upperCase.length; i++) {

							if (word.orientation == "→") {
								grid[word.y][word.x + i] = word.upperCase.substr(i, 1);

							if (word.orientation == "↓") {
								grid[word.y + i][word.x] = word.upperCase.substr(i, 1);

							if (word.orientation == "↘") {
								grid[word.y + i][word.x + i] = word.upperCase.substr(i, 1);

							if (word.orientation == "↗") {
								grid[word.y - i][word.x + i] = word.upperCase.substr(i, 1);

				// save finished grid
					grid: grid,
					data: used,
					taints: taints

			// we might have more than one usable grid
			if (taints > 0) {

				/* there seems to be no perfect grid
				 * -> choose best among tainted ones */
				test = false;

				q.each(finished, function (f) {

					if (!test || f.taints < test.taints) {
						test = f;

				// choose best try
				grid = test.grid;
				used = test.data;


			// trim selected grid
			a = {
				x : {
					min: grid[0].length,
					max: 0

				y : {
					min: grid.length,
					max: 0

			for (y = 0; y < grid.length; y++) {

				for (x = 0; x < grid[0].length; x++) {

					// field occupied? -> use coordinates
					if (grid[y][x]) {

						// decrease min value if possible
						a.x.min = (a.x.min > x) ? x : a.x.min;
						a.y.min = (a.y.min > y) ? y : a.y.min;

						// increase max value if needed
						a.x.max = (a.x.max < x) ? x : a.x.max;
						a.y.max = (a.y.max < y) ? y : a.y.max;

			/* min/max values determined
			 * -> transfer grid contents into reduced grid */
			test = new Array(a.y.max - a.y.min + 1);

			// rows
			for (y = 0; y < (a.y.max - a.y.min + 1); y++) {

				test[y] = new Array(a.x.max - a.x.min + 1);

				// columns
				for (x = 0; x < (a.x.max - a.x.min + 1); x++) {

					if (grid[y + a.y.min][x + a.x.min]) {
						// copy contents
						test[y][x] = grid[y + a.y.min][x + a.x.min];

			grid = test; // replace old grid with reduced grid

			// update coordinates of words inside reduced grid
			for (i = 0; i < used.length; i++) {
				used[i].x = used[i].x - a.x.min;
				used[i].y = used[i].y - a.y.min;

			return { grid: grid, words: used };

		 * function to initiate a drag&drop operation
		 * This function returns
		 * - false if a drag&drop operation is in process
		 * - true if no drag&drop operation is in process
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool
		t.dragStart = function (e) {
			var test = t.getEventElement(e);

			if (e.touches && e.touches[0]) {
				t.lastCoords.left = e.touches[0].clientX;
				t.lastCoords.top = e.touches[0].clientY;

			/* make sure we got an element that really is supposed to
			 * be dragged around */
			while (
				test != document.body
				&& (
					|| !test.classList.contains(t.draggableClass)
			) {
				test = test.parentNode;

			if (test != document.body
				&& test.classList.contains(t.draggableClass)
			) {
				t.dragMode = true;

				// remove focus on any <input> elements
				q.each(document.querySelectorAll("input"), function (i) {
					try { i.blur(); }
					catch (e) { }

				t.dragElm = test;


			return !t.dragMode;

		 * function to end a drag&drop operation
		 * This function returns
		 * - false if a drag&drop operation is in process
		 * - true if no drag&drop operation is in process
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool false
		t.dragStop = function (e) {
			// no drag&drop element? end right here
			if (!t.dragElm || !t.dragElm.className) {
				return false;


			if (t.dragging) {

				// reset position of dragged element
				t.dragElm.style.top = "";
				t.dragElm.style.left = "";

			// remove dragging state from dragged element

			// resolve drag&drop operation?
			if (t.dragging && t.resolveDragDrop) {

			// empty drag&drop-related variables
			t.dragElm = null;
			t.dragging = false;
			t.dragMode = false;

			// un-highlight drag&drop target
			if (t.highlightElm) {
				t.highlightElm = null;

			return false;

		 * function to record current mouse or touch coordinates
		 * and move dragged element during a drag&drop operation
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool true
		t.dragWhile = function (e) {
			var left = e.clientX,
				top = e.clientY,
				dx, dy;

			if (e.touches) {
				left = e.touches[0].clientX;
				top = e.touches[0].clientY;

			dx = t.lastCoords.left - left;
			dy = t.lastCoords.top - top;

			// save current coordinates
			t.lastCoords.left = left;
			t.lastCoords.top = top;

			// no drag&drop operation in process? finish right here
			if (!t.dragElm || !t.dragMode) {
				return true;

			// tell quiz that a drag&drop operation is in process
			t.dragging = true;


			// calculate distance to last coordinates of the dragged element
			left = 0; // presume the element hasn't been moved yet
			top = 0;

			// get actual relative position of the dragged element
			if (t.dragElm.style.left) {
				left = parseFloat(t.dragElm.style.left);
				top = parseFloat(t.dragElm.style.top);

			t.dragElm.style.left = left - dx + "px";
			t.dragElm.style.top = top - dy  + "px";


			return true;

		 * function to finalize a quiz
		 * This method expects a quiz to already have an element
		 * in the container which is stored as the quiz's t.pool
		 * property.
		 * - set a link blocker on any link
		 * - add quiz to framework's allQuizzes property
		 * - associate pieces with quiz
		 * - set result box
		 * - start the quiz
		 * @param bool don't call t.start()
		t.finalize = function (noStart) {
			/* In a MediaWiki environment an <img> element is
			 * always embedded in a hyperlink which links to a
			 * page with meta data on this image. In an active
			 * quiz this link is irritating since it makes the
			 * browser leave the current quiz page. This is why
			 * a hyperlink blocker is necessary as long as a
			 * quiz is unfinished. */
			var block = function (el) {
					function (a) {
						a.addEventListener("click", function (e) {

							// allow only if quiz is finished
							if (t.container.classList.contains(
							)) {
								return true;

							return false;

			// set button text
			t.resultButton.innerHTML = q.i18n[t.lang].check;
			t.restartButton.innerHTML = q.i18n[t.lang].restart;

			// equip restart button with functionality
			t.restartButton.addEventListener("click", function () {

			// equip result button with functionality
			t.resultButton.addEventListener("click", function () {

			// check container for hyperlinks

			/* Check drag&drop pieces since they have not been
			 * appended to the container yet */
			q.each(t.pieces, block);

			// add quiz to framework

			// associate all pieces with this quiz
			q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {
				p.setAttribute("data-quiz", t.quizName);

			// place result box after the pool element

			// place restart button into result box

			// set suitable ID for the quiz's container element
			t.container.id = t.quizName;

			// add eventlisteners to record mouse or touch coordinates
			t.container.addEventListener("mousemove", t.dragWhile);
			t.container.addEventListener("touchmove", t.dragWhile);

			// equip required class names

			// let's start this quiz
			if (!noStart) {

		 * function to determine the element that is to be dragged
		 * respecting touch devices as well
		 * @param Event
		 * @return HTMLElement
		t.getEventElement = function (e) {
			e = e || window.event; // W3C DOM <-> IE

			// touch device?
			if (e.touches) {
				return document.elementFromPoint(

			// mouse event
			return e.target || e.srcElement; // W3C DOM <-> IE

		 * function to hide or show the result button
		 * Showing the button means to append it to t.pool.
		 * @param bool
		t.hideResultButton = function (showInstead) {

			if (!showInstead) {

				if (t.resultButton.parentNode) {

			} else {


		 * function to highlight a possible drag&drop target
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool true
		t.highlightTarget = function () {
			var targets;

			// presume there is no current drag&drop target
			t.highlightElm = null;

			// we need the quiz's targets of course
			targets = t.targets;

			// the quiz's pool is a valid target, too!

			// iterate through all targets
				function (element){
					var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();

					// un-highlight possible previous target

					// are we inside a possible drag&drop target?
					if (rect.top < t.lastCoords.top
						&& rect.left < t.lastCoords.left
						&& rect.bottom > t.lastCoords.top
						&& rect.right > t.lastCoords.left
					) {
						// yes!
						t.highlightElm = element;

		 * function to handle key strokes
		 * @param event
		 * @return bool false
		t.keyUp = function (e) {
			var input = t.getEventElement(e),
				fields = input.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("label"),
				currentIndex = fields.length,

			q.each(fields, function (l, i) {

				if (l.classList.contains(t.focusClass)) {
					currentIndex = i;

			switch (e.keyCode) {

				case 27: // ESC
					// close dialog

				case 35: // End
					// focus last field
					fields[fields.length -1].classList.add(t.focusClass);

				case 36: // Home
					// focus first field

				case 37: // Cursor left
				case 8: // Backspace
					// focus previous field
					if (currentIndex < fields.length) {

					currentIndex = (
						currentIndex > 0
						? currentIndex -1
						: 0

					// empty <input> or its contents will get used!
					input.value = "";

					// remove field contents on back space
					if (e.keyCode == 8) {
						fields[currentIndex].innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(160);


				case 39: // Cursor right
					// focus next field

					currentIndex = (
						currentIndex === fields.length -1
						? currentIndex
						: currentIndex +1


			if (input.value.length > 0) {

				// use first entered letter
				char = q.utf8NormalizeToUpper(input.value.substr(0, 1));

				// empty <input> (some Android softkeyboards need a timeout)
				setTimeout(function () { input.value = ""; }, 10);

				q.each(char, function (c) {

					fields[currentIndex].innerHTML = c;

					if (currentIndex < fields.length -1) {

			return false;

		 * function to prepare the resultbox with feedback
		 * This method uses a quiz's attempts property to compute a
		 * standardized feedback to the user. A custom feedback can
		 * be used with an optional parameter.
		 * @param String optional
		t.prepareResult = function () {
			var s = "";

			// use standard feedback?
			if (!arguments.length) {

				// first the praise
				s = (
					t.attempts > 2
					? q.i18n[t.lang].praise3
					: q.i18n[t.lang]["praise" + t.attempts]
				) + " ";

				// then the result
				s += (
					t.attempts > 2
					? q.i18n[t.lang].result3
					: q.i18n[t.lang]["result" + t.attempts]
				).replace("%n", t.attempts);

			} else {

				// custom feedback
				s = arguments[0];

			s += " ";

			// empty box
			while (t.result.firstChild) {

			// insert feedback and restart button


		 * function to remove event listeners from a quiz container
		t.removeDragDropListeners = function () {
			t.container.removeEventListener("mousedown", t.dragStart);
			t.container.removeEventListener("mouseup", t.dragStop);
			t.container.removeEventListener("touchstart", t.dragStart);
			t.container.removeEventListener("touchend", t.dragStop);
			t.container.removeEventListener("touchcancel", t.dragStop);

		 * function to supress unwanted text selection when drag&drop
		 * operation is in process
		 * @param bool on/off
		t.repairDragAndDropOnIE = function (on) {

			var f = function () { return false; };

			if (on) {

				document.addEventListener("selectstart", f);
				document.addEventListener("dragstart", f);

			} else {

				document.removeEventListener("selectstart", f);
				document.removeEventListener("dragstart", f);

		 * function to add event listener functions to a quiz container
		t.setDragDropListeners = function () {
			t.container.addEventListener("mousedown", t.dragStart);
			t.container.addEventListener("mouseup", t.dragStop);
			t.container.addEventListener("touchstart", t.dragStart);
			t.container.addEventListener("touchend", t.dragStop);
			t.container.addEventListener("touchcancel", t.dragStop);

		 * function to upload data about tries and quiz type
		 * This function expects a certain object window.rQuizUploader
		 * provided by an external JavaScript. If such an object is
		 * available and has the required structure, a quiz can use it
		 * to send a POST request to the server.
		t.uploadData = function () {

			if (typeof window.rQuizUploader != "function") {

				quizType: t.type,
				attempts: t.attempts,
				end: function (lastNoOfAttempts) {
					var txt = "";

					if (lastNoOfAttempts.length > 0) {
						txt = (
							q.i18n[t.lang].attemptsLastTime + " "
						).replace(/%n/, lastNoOfAttempts);




		/* update this quiz's language setting
		 * if a lang attribute has been provided */
		if (element.hasAttribute("lang")
			&& q.i18n[element.getAttribute("lang")]
		) {
			t.lang = element.getAttribute("lang");

	 * crossword quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.crossword = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * dialog for the user to input a word's letters
		 * @var Object HTMLElement
		t.dialog = document.createElement("dialog");

		 * class name for focussed dialog fields
		 * @param String
		t.focusClass = "rquiz-focus";

		 * form element for use in the quiz's dialog
		 * @var Object HTMLElement
		t.forms = {
			h: document.createElement("form"),
			v: document.createElement("form")

		 * the visible grid
		 * @param Array
		t.grid = [];

		 * class name for hidden result button
		 * @param String
		t.hiddenClass = "rquiz-hidden";

		 * test input element for use in the quiz's form
		 * @var Object HTMLElement
		t.inputs = {
			h: document.createElement("input"),
			v: document.createElement("input")

		 * printable contents
		 * @param String
		t.printSheet = document.createElement("table");

		 * class name for element to unhide
		 * @param String
		t.showClass = "rquiz-show";

		 * class name for the number tag in the dialog
		 * @param String
		t.tagClass = "rquiz-tag";

		 * the words inside the grid and their positions
		 * @param Array
		t.words = [];

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to check if all fields are filled out and
		 * if the result button is to be displayed
		t.check = function () {
			var complete = true, // expect a full quiz
				c, x, y;

			// check all cells
			for (y = 0; y < t.grid.length; y++) {

				for (x = 0; x < t.grid[y].length; x++) {

					c = t.table.rows[y].cells[x];

					if (c.hasAttribute("data-c")
						&& q.trim(c.textContent).length < 1
					) {
						complete = false;

			// offer result button?

			// close dialog
			if (location.href.match(/\#rquiz\d+_dialog/)) {

			return false;

		 * function to decide what to do when the user clicks something
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool false
		t.click = function (e) {
			var el = t.getEventElement(e),
				instructions = document.querySelector(
					"#%s dialog > div > p".replace(/%s/g, t.quizName)
				closers = document.querySelectorAll(
						// <dialog> itself (back drop)
						"#%s dialog, "
						// and the close icon
						+ "#%s dialog > div > span"
					).replace(/%s/g, t.quizName)
				data = {
					tag: 0,
					words: []
				div = t.dialog.getElementsByTagName("div")[0],
				fields = t.dialog.getElementsByTagName("label");

			// only do anything when the quiz isn't finished
			if (t.container.classList.contains(t.finishedClass)) {
				return false;

			// toggle visibility of dialog instructions
			if (el == instructions) {

			// set focus on a dialog field?
			if (el.tagName.match(/^label$/i)) {
				q.each(fields, function (f) {

					if (el == f) {


					} else {


			// close dialog?
			q.each(closers, function (c) {

				if (el == c) {

			// show dialog?
			if (el.hasAttribute("data-tag")) {

				data.tag = el.getAttribute("data-tag");

				// get solution words that start at this cell
				q.each(t.words, function (word) {

					if (t.table.rows[word.y]
						&& t.table.rows[word.y].cells[word.x]
						&& el == t.table.rows[word.y].cells[word.x]
					) {

			// prepare dialog elements based on grid cell data
			if (data.words.length && data.tag > 0) {

				// remove forms from div
				q.each(t.forms, function (f) {

					if (f.parentNode) {

				// insert stuff for every word
				q.each(data.words, function (word) {
					var f = (
							word.orientation == "→"
							? t.forms.h
							: t.forms.v
						id = t.quizName + (
							word.orientation == "→"
							? "_ih"
							: "_iv"
						i, p, x, y;

					// insert form

					// empty form
					while (f.firstChild) {

					// insert a hint for the solution
					p = f.appendChild(document.createElement("p"));

					// corresponding tag
						tagName: "span",
						text: data.tag,
						className: t.tagClass

						word.orientation + " " + word.hint

					// display fields for every letter of the word
					p = f.appendChild(document.createElement("p"));

					// add the corresponding input
						word.orientation == "→"
						? t.inputs.h
						: t.inputs.v

					for (i = 0; i < word.upperCase.length; i++) {

						x = word.x;
						y = word.y;

						if (word.orientation == "→") {

							x += i;

						} else {

							y += i;

							tagName: "label",
							htmlFor: id,
							text: q.trim(

						// set coordinates of corresponding grid element
						p.lastChild.setAttribute("data-x", x);
						p.lastChild.setAttribute("data-y", y);

					// add submit button
						tagName: "button",
						text: "↲"


				// show dialog
				document.location.href = (
					document.location.href.replace(/\#.*/, "")
					+ "#" + t.quizName + "_dialog"

				// calculate <div>'s position within <dialog>
					function () {
						var height = div.offsetHeight;

						div.style.marginTop = (
							height < t.table.offsetHeight
							? (t.table.offsetHeight - height) / 2 + "px"
							: "0px"

				// highlight first field and focus input

			return false;

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var ok = true, c, x, y;


			// check all cells
			q.each(t.grid, function (row, y) {

				q.each(row, function (cell, x) {

					c = t.table.rows[y].cells[x];

					if (cell && q.trim(c.textContent) != cell) {
						ok = false;

			if (ok) {

		 * function to handle dialog entries
		 * @param event
		 * @return bool false
		t.formSubmit = function (e) {
			var el = t.getEventElement(e),
				fields = el.getElementsByTagName("label"),
				forms = t.dialog.getElementsByTagName("form");

			// take each field's contents and write them into the grid
			q.each(fields, function (f) {
				var x = f.getAttribute("data-x"),
					y = f.getAttribute("data-y");

				t.table.rows[y].cells[x].innerHTML = f.innerHTML;

			// remove current form from the dialog

			// update another form's fields?
			if (forms.length) {


			} else {

				// no, close dialog


			return false;

		 * function to hide or show the result button
		 * Showing the button means to append it to t.pool.
		 * @param bool
		t.hideResultButton = function (showInstead) {

			if (!showInstead) {


			} else {


		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {
			var counter = 1,
				// true = interlinked words:
				grid = t.createWordGrid(t.data, true),
				// we only want the <tbody>:
				printSheet = t.printSheet.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0],
				x, y, tr, td,
				tryAgain; // this function might fail unexpectedly

			t.grid = grid.grid;
			t.words = grid.words;

			// empty table
			while (t.table.firstChild) {

			// prepare table for letters
			for (y = 0; y < t.grid.length; y++) {

				// add new row
				tr = t.table.insertRow(
					t.table.rows.length <= 0
					? 0
					: t.table.rows.length

				for (x = 0; x < t.grid[0].length; x++) {

					// add new cell
					td = tr.appendChild(document.createElement("td"));

					// any contents for this cell?
					if (t.grid[y]
						&& t.grid[y][x]
						&& t.grid[y][x].length > 0
					) {
						td.setAttribute("data-c", t.grid[y][x]);

					// fill cell with two &nbsp;
					td.innerHTML = "aa".replace(

			// add number tags to cells where a word begins
			q.each(t.words, function (d) {
				var o = "";

				x = d.x;
				y = d.y;

				if (t.table.rows[y] && t.table.rows[y].cells[x]) {

					td = t.table.rows[y].cells[x];

					// add a number tag?
					if (!td.hasAttribute("data-tag")) {
						td.setAttribute("data-tag", counter++);

			// remove finished marker

			// fill print sheet with printable contents
			q.each(printSheet.getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
				// empty first

			// create lists
			q.each({"horizontal": "→", "vertical": "↓"}, function (o, s) {
				var dl = document.createElement("dl"),
					list = [],
					tr = t.printSheet.getElementsByTagName("tr"),
					td = document.createElement("td");

				// use last table row to enter cells
				tr[tr.length -1].appendChild(td);

				// enter definition list into cell

				// create list with hints
				q.each(t.words, function (w) {

					if (w.orientation == o) {

						// this seems to die occasionally
						try {
								tag: t.table.rows[w.y].cells[w.x].getAttribute("data-tag"),
								hint: w.hint
						catch (e) { tryAgain = true; }

				// sort list of hints according to tag number
				list.sort(function (a, b) {
					return a.tag - b.tag;

				// fill definition list
				q.each(list, function (l) {
					// tag
						tagName: "dt",
						text: l.tag

					// hint
						tagName: "dd",
						text: l.hint

			if (tryAgain) {


			} else {

				// position dialog over the grid table
					function () {
						t.dialog.style.left = (t.table.offsetLeft -1) + "px";
						t.dialog.style.top = (t.table.offsetTop -1) + "px";
						t.dialog.style.height = (t.table.offsetHeight +2) + "px";
						t.dialog.style.width = (t.table.parentNode.offsetWidth) + "px";


		 * update a dialog's form
		 * @param Object <form>
		t.updateForm = function (form) {
			var fields = form.getElementsByTagName("label");

			q.each(fields, function (f) {
				var x = f.getAttribute("data-x"),
					y = f.getAttribute("data-y");

				f.innerHTML = q.trim(

			// highlight first field and focus <input>
				function () {

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var f = function () {

					try {
							"#" + t.quizName + "_dialog:target { display: block; }",
					catch (e) {
						/* a CSP mit prohibit "unsafe-inline" so this
						 * fallback might fail... */
								tagName: "style",
								text:  "#" + t.quizName + "_dialog:target { display: block; }"
				i, j, tab;

			// extract quiz data from a <table> element in the container
			tab = t.container.getElementsByTagName("table");

			// <table> found?
			if (!tab[0]) {
				return false;

			// get quiz data
			q.each(tab[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"), function (tr) {
				var data = [];

				// search row for values
				q.each(tr.getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
					var v = q.trim(
							td.innerHTML.replace(/&nbsp;/, " ")

					if (v.length) {

				/* Accept data only if it has a first and a
				 * second element (search term and hint)! */
				if (data.length > 1) {
						hint: data[1],
						upperCase: q.utf8NormalizeToUpper(

			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (!t.data.length) {

			// use initial table as grid display
			t.table = tab[0];

			// place pool directly after the grid display
			tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(t.pool, tab[0].nextSibling);

			// insert the dialog after the table
			tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(t.dialog, tab[0].nextSibling);

			/* insert wrapper div into dialog since there is no
			 * sufficient support for CSS backdrop yet */

			// equip dialog with id so CSS can display it based on :target
			t.dialog.id = t.quizName + "_dialog";

			// equip input fields with IDs and filling guidelines
			q.each(t.inputs, function (node, key) {

				node.id = t.quizName + "_i" + key;
				node.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");

				/* If input loses focus the highlighted fields
				 * must lose highlighting, too. */
				node.addEventListener("blur", function (e) {
					q.each(node.form.getElementsByTagName("label"), function (l) {

			// equip document with a new stylesheet rule to display the dialog
			try { f(); }
			catch (e) { q.functionsAfterCssReady.push(f); }

			// equip dialog with closing button
				tagName: "span",
				text: "×"

			// equip dialog with header
				tagName: "h2",
				text: q.i18n[t.lang].input

			// equip dialog with instructions
				tagName: "p",
				text: q.i18n[t.lang].enterNotice

			// equip <form>s with a submit blocker
			q.each(t.forms, function (f) {
				f.addEventListener("submit", t.formSubmit);

			// equip container with a listener on clicks
			t.container.addEventListener("click", t.click);

			// equip <input>s with a listener on keyup
			q.each(t.inputs, function (i) {
				i.addEventListener("keyup", t.keyUp);

			// equip print sheet with suitable class name and header
			t.printSheet.className = t.printOnlyClass;


			// table headings
			q.each({"horizontal": "→", "vertical": "↓"}, function (o, s) {
						tagName: "th",
						text: q.i18n[t.lang][s] + " " + o


			// append print sheet to container

			// finalize and start quiz

	 * gap-filling quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.gapfill = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * list of text inputs
		 * @var Array
		t.inputs = [];

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var backToPool = [],
				withErrors = false; // hope for a full success

			// increase number of attempts

			// check if all pieces are in their correct target
			q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {
				/* Compare the piece's data-match value with the
				 * one from it's parent node which must be a
				 * t.target element. */
				var m = p.getAttribute("data-match");

				if (p.parentNode.getAttribute("data-match") != m) {
					// wrong! go back!
					withErrors = true;

			// check if all input fields have a correct value
			q.each(t.inputs, function (i) {
				var ok = false, // presume a wrong value
					v = q.trim(i.element.value);

				// we might have more than one valid solution
				q.each(i.solutions, function (s) {

					if (v == s) {
						ok = true;

				if (!ok) {

					withErrors = true;

			if (backToPool.length) {


				// some pieces need to go back
				q.each(backToPool, function (p) {


			/* If everything is correct, we can update the
			 * result box and finish this quiz! */
			if (!withErrors) {


				// remove draggable abilty from all pieces
				q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {

				// set all inputs to readonly so no tampering after grading
				q.each(t.inputs, function (i) {
					i.element.setAttribute("readonly", "");



			} else {


		 * function to determine result of drag&drop operation
		t.resolveDragDrop = function () {
			var noEmptyInputs = true,

			/* We want to place t.dragElm into t.highlightElm
			 * if there is a t.highlightElm. Any present element
			 * gets thrown back into t.pool. */
			if (t.highlightElm) {

				while (t.highlightElm.firstChild
					&& t.highlightElm != t.pool
				) {


			// remove t.resultButton from t.pool
			if (t.resultButton.parentNode == t.pool) {

			/* Do we need to show the result button
			 * because t.pool is now empty and all input fields
			 * have been filled out? */
			elements = t.pool.getElementsByClassName(

			q.each(t.inputs, function (i) {

				if (!i.element.value) {
					noEmptyInputs = false;

			if (!elements.length && noEmptyInputs) {

		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {
			var pool = [],


			/* Find all relevant "piece" elements and put
			 * them in the pool. Make them draggable by giving
			 * them the draggable class name. */
			q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {

			// empty all <input>s and remove any "readonly" attribute
			q.each(t.inputs, function (i) {
				i.element.value = "";



			if (t.resultButton.parentNode) {

			while (t.result.firstChild != t.restartButton) {

			t.attempts = 0;

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var counter = 0, // for incremental IDs
				gaps = [];

			/* we need all <b>, <em>, <i> and <strong>
			 * within our container */
					".rquiz-gapfill b"
					+ ", .rquiz-gapfill em"
					+ ", .rquiz-gapfill i"
					+ ", .rquiz-gapfill strong"
				function (el) {
					var p = el;

					// determine if el is inside our container
					while (p != document.body
						&& p != t.container
					) {
						p = p.parentNode;

					// el is inside our container
					if (p == t.container) {

			// no gaps? end right here
			if (!gaps.length) {

			// process gaps
			q.each(gaps, function (el) {
				var html = q.trim(el.innerHTML),
					i, l, n, // nodes (HTMLElements)
					solutions = [];

				// input field or drag&drop element?
				if (html.match(/\(/)) {

					// input field: determine possible solutions
					i = html.replace(
							/[\t\r\n]/g, " "
							/^([^(]+).*$/, "$1"
							/(&nbsp; | &nbsp;)/, " "
							/ +/, " "

					// trim every solution
					q.each(i, function (s) {

						s = q.trim(s);

						// weed out empty solutions
						if (s.length) {

					if (solutions.length) {

						// we put the input field inside a <label>
						l = q.create({
							tagName: "label",
							htmlFor: t.quizName + "_" + counter,
							// put any possible hints inside <label>
							innerHTML: " " + (
								.replace(/^[^(]*(\(.*) *$/, "$1")
								.replace(/ ?\(\)$/, "")

						i = q.create({
							tagName: "input",
							id: t.quizName + "_" + counter


						/* We need to check if we can offer the
						 * result button whenever something gets
						 * typed into an <input>. */
							function () {

						// put <input> at the beginning of <label>
						l.insertBefore(i, l.firstChild);

						// replace original element with <label>
						el.parentNode.replaceChild(l, el);

							element: i,
							solutions: solutions

							element: i,
							solutions: solutions,
							type: "input"


				} else {

					// drag&drop element
					html = q.trim(el.innerHTML);

					// don't accept empty gaps
					if (html.length) {

						// create a drag&drop piece
						i = q.create({
							tagName: "span",
							className: t.piecesClass

						i.innerHTML = html;

						i.setAttribute("data-match", counter);

						// create a drag&drop target
						l = q.create({
							tagName: "span",
							className: t.targetClass

						l.setAttribute("data-match", counter);


						/* We might have another piece with
						 * identical contents. In this case we
						 * want to copy its data-match value and
						 * not the counter's. */
						q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {
							var v = "";

							if (p.innerHTML == html) {
								v = p.getAttribute("data-match");

							if (v.length) {
								// use found value
								l.setAttribute("data-match", v);
								i.setAttribute("data-match", v);

								/* modify counter since we
								 * haven't used it */


						/* puzzle piece? Puzzle pieces get an
						 * additional class name "puzzle" if
						 * they originate from an ancestor with
						 * this class name! */
						n = el;

						while (n != document.body
							&& n != t.container
						) {
							n = n.parentNode;

							if (n.classList.contains("puzzle")) {

						// replace original element with target
						el.parentNode.replaceChild(l, el);

							o: {
								piece: i,
								target: l
							type: "drag&drop"

			// finalize and start quiz
			if (t.data.length) {

	 * matching quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.matching = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * the quiz's game mode
		 * The quiz supports the matching of pairs or the
		 * matching of categories.
		 * "pairs": If the original table consisted of rows
		 * with exactly two columns then the quiz will randomly
		 * take one element of a pair and let the user match it
		 * with the other one.
		 * "categories": If the original table consisted of rows
		 * with mor than two columns then the quiz will take the
		 * first element of such a group and let the user match
		 * all the other elements with this one.
		 * @var String (pairs|categories)
		t.mode = "pairs";

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var backToPool = [];

			// increase number of attempts

			// check if all pieces are in their correct group
			q.each(t.targets, function (target) {
				var group, pieces;

				if (target != t.pool) {

					pieces = target.getElementsByClassName(

					group = pieces.item(0).getAttribute("data-group");

					q.each(pieces, function (p) {

						if (group !== p.getAttribute("data-group")) {

			if (backToPool.length) {


				// some pieces need to go back
				q.each(backToPool, function (p) {


			} else {

				/* If everything is correct, we can update the
				 * result box and finish this quiz! */

				q.each(t.pieces, function (p) {



		 * function to determine result of drag&drop operation
		t.resolveDragDrop = function () {
			var elements;

			/* We want to place t.dragElm into t.highlightElm.
			 * In "pairs" mode we need to move any previous
			 * element in t.highlightElm back into t.pool, but
			 * not the very first element! The very first
			 * element doesn't have the t.draggabelClass which
			 * should make things a little easier. */

			if (t.mode == "pairs") {

				elements = t.highlightElm.getElementsByClassName(

				// we must keep only the last draggable element
				while (elements.length > 1) {

				t.pool.getElementsByClassName(t.draggableClass).length < 1

		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {
			var targets = [],
				pool = [],
				r; // random number

			// we want to randomly choose a target
			q.each(t.targets, function (n) {

				if (n != t.pool) {


			q.each(t.data, function (group, g) {

				// which element is to be in the target area?
				r = (
					t.mode == "pairs"
					? r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)
					: 0 // in category mode it's always the first

				/* find all relevant "piece" elements and put
				 * them either in the pool or in a target
				 * element */
				q.each(t.pieces, function (piece) {

					if (g == piece.getAttribute("data-group")) {

						// check for correct group item
						if (r == piece.getAttribute("data-no")) {

							// place into target area

						} else {

							// place into pool

				// shuffle pieces and pour into t.pool element

				q.each(pool, function (p) {




			while (t.result.firstChild != t.restartButton) {

			t.attempts = 0;

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var i, j, tab, piece;

			/* extract quiz data from a <table> element
			 * in the container */
			tab = t.container.getElementsByTagName("table");

			// no <table> found? end right here
			if (!tab[0]) {

			// get quiz data
			q.each(tab[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"), function (tr) {
				var group = [];

				// search row for values
				q.each(tr.getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
					var v = q.trim(
							td.innerHTML.replace(/&nbsp;/, " ")

					if (v.length) {

				/* add group to data if it contains at least
				 * two elements */
				if (group.length > 1) {

				/* change quiz mode to "categories"
				 * if a group has more than two elements */
				if (group.length > 2) {
					t.mode = "categories";

			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (!t.data.length) {

			// place this quiz's pool directly before the initial <table>
			tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(t.pool, tab[0]);

			// remove initial <table>

			/* A <span> element will be created for every
			 * corresponding value from the quiz's data
			 * elements. It will carry the following
			 * data-attributes:
			 * data-group: an integer that defines to which
			 * group this value belongs
			 * data-no: the index under which this value is
			 * stored inside the group - needed to determine the
			 * first element as category name in "categories"
			 * quiz mode
			for (i = 0; i < t.data.length; i++) {

				for (j = 0; j < t.data[i].length; j++) {

					piece = q.create({
						tagName: "span",
						className: t.piecesClass,
						innerHTML: t.data[i][j]

					piece.setAttribute("data-group", i);
					piece.setAttribute("data-no", j);


			// create target elements for drag&drop
			q.each(t.data, function () {
				// remember these elements as "targets"
					// place elements before the pool element
							tagName: "p",
							className: t.targetClass

			// finalize and start quiz

	 * memory quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.memo = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * class name for a turnable card
		 * @param String
		t.cardClass = "rquiz-memocard";

		 * list of all turnable cards
		 * @param Array
		t.cards = [];

		 * class name for a permanently upturned card
		 * @param String
		t.fixedClass = "rquiz-fixed";

		 * class name for an upturned card
		 * @param String
		t.openClass = "rquiz-open";

		 * number of elements in a set
		 * By default a memo quiz wants a user to find pairs.
		 * However this quiz also supports n-tuples to be found.
		 * @param int
		t.setLength = 2;

		 * flag for waiting until cards are flipped back
		 * @param bool
		t.wait = false;

		 * quiz methods *

		 * click listener function
		 * This function listens to the "click" event and makes
		 * the cards turn. It also detects if the restart button
		 * gets used.
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool false
		t.click = function (e) {
			var ok = true, // presume correct user choice
				open = [],
				el, p;

			// We don't do anything as long as we have to wait!
			if (!t.wait) {

				el = t.getEventElement(e);

				// any of the cards?
				while (el != document.body
					&& !el.classList.contains(t.cardClass)
				) {
					el = el.parentNode;

				if (el.classList.contains(t.cardClass)) {

					// is this card to be flipped over?
					if (!el.classList.contains(t.fixedClass)
						&& !el.classList.contains(t.openClass)
					) {
						// yes

						// was this the last card of a possible set?
						q.each(t.cards, function (c) {

							if (c.classList.contains(t.openClass)) {

						// no? do nothing
						if (open.length < t.setLength) {
							return false;

						// set complete: check if correct
						q.each(open, function (c, i) {

							if (open[0].getAttribute("data-group")
								!= open[i].getAttribute("data-group")
							) {
								ok = false;

						if (!ok) {


							// block all interactions temporarily
							t.wait = true;

							// flip opened cards back after 2 seconds
								function () {
									q.each(open, function (c) {

									// now the user may interact again
									t.wait = false;

						} else {

							// set correct! fix opened cards
							q.each(open, function (c) {

							// are all cards now open?
							q.each(t.cards, function (c) {

								if (!c.classList.contains(
								)) {
									ok = false;

							if (ok) {

									function () {
										// quiz is finished!


										// unfix all cards
										q.each(t.cards, function (c) {

										// update result box

			return false;

		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {

			// empty pool
			while (t.pool.firstChild) {

			// shuffle the cards and put them in the pool

			q.each(t.cards, function (c) {


			t.attempts = 0;

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var setLength = 1000,
				/* This set length is insane, but how many
				 * elements per set are sensible anyways? And
				 * where should we set a maximum limit? */
				i, j, card, tab;

			// extract quiz data from a <table> element in the container
			tab = t.container.getElementsByTagName("table");

			// no <table> found? end right here
			if (!tab[0]) {

			// get quiz data
			q.each(tab[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"), function (tr) {
				var group = [];

				// search row for values
				q.each(tr.getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
					var v = q.trim(
							td.innerHTML.replace(/&nbsp;/, " ")

					if (v.length) {

				// we need at least pairs
				if (group.length > 1) {

					// update set length based on smallest group
					if (group.length < setLength) {
						setLength = group.length;


			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (!t.data.length) {

			// define actual number of elements in a set
			t.setLength = setLength;

			// place quiz's pool directly before initial <table>
			tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(t.pool, tab[0]);

			// remove initial <table>

			// supress unwanted visual behaviour

			/* A <span> element will be created for every
			 * corresponding value from the quiz's data
			 * elements. It will contain a "data-group"
			 * attribute carrying an integer referring to the
			 * group to where this value belongs. */
			for (i = 0; i < t.data.length; i++) {

				for (j = 0; j < setLength; j++) {

					card = q.create({
						tagName: "span",
						className: t.cardClass

					card.setAttribute("data-group", i);


					/* In order to achieve a nice flip
					 * animation for our cards, we need a wrapper <span>
					 * and two <span>s in the wrapper <span> as front
					 * and back side. */
						// wrapper

						// front

						// back

					/* In order to achieve vertical centering we
					 * need two put our card's contents inside
					 * a nested <span>. */
						tagName: "span",
						innerHTML: t.data[i][j]

			// prepare result box

			// add a click listener on our entire container
			t.container.addEventListener("click", t.click);

			// finalize and start quiz

	 * multiple choice quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.multichoice = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var a = 0, // all answers
				c = 0, // correct choices
				f = q.i18n[t.lang].percentageResult;

			// calculate success
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {

				q.each(d.ol.getElementsByTagName("input"), function (i) {
					var correct = !i.parentNode.hasAttribute("data-x");

					a++; // count this answer

					// count answers if correctly (not) chosen
					if ((i.checked && correct)
						|| (!i.checked && !correct)
					) {

					// disable input so no tampering after grading
					i.disabled = true;

			// prepare feedback message
				f.replace("%n", Math.floor(10000 * c/a) / 100) + " "


		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {


			// remove all questions from the container
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {

				// uncheck all answers and enable them
				q.each(d.ol.getElementsByTagName("input"), function (i) {
					i.checked = false;
					i.disabled = false;

				if (d.p.parentNode) {

				// and the list of possible answers
				while (d.ol.firstChild) {

				if (d.ol.parentNode) {

			// mix questions

			// place answers before the pool
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {

				t.container.insertBefore(d.p, t.pool);

				// and the list of possible answers
				t.container.insertBefore(d.ol, t.pool);

				// mix answers before placing them into the quiz

				q.each(d.answers, function (li) {

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var counter = 0; // incremental ID values

			/* We expect paragraph elements that have at least
			 * two sets of parenthesis which will be possible
			 * answering options. Any contents outside these
			 * parentheticals will be ignored, except the
			 * contents before them since that presumably would
			 * be the question. */
				document.querySelectorAll(".rquiz-multichoice p"),
				function (p) {
					var el = p,
						html = q.trim(
								" "
						ok, // flag
						d; // data element

					// Is the element from our quiz?
					while (el != document.body
						&& el != t.container
					) {
						el = el.parentNode;

					// Not from our quiz? End right here!
					if (el != t.container) {

					// extract data
					d = {
						answers: [],
						ol: document.createElement("ol"),
						p: q.create({
							tagName: "p",
							text: q.trim(html.replace(/\(.*/, ""))

					// get possible answers
					ok = false; // presume there is no correct answer

					html.replace(/\(([^)]+)\)/g, function (dummy, s) {
						var i = q.create({
								tagName: "input",
								type: "checkbox"
							label = q.create({
								tagName: "label",
								text: " " + s.replace(/^!/, "")
							li = document.createElement("li"),
							correct = !(s.match(/^!/));


						if (correct) {

							ok = true;

						} else {

							li.setAttribute("data-x", "");


					/* accept data only if there is more than
					 * one answer and at least one among them
					 * marked as correct */
					if (d.answers.length > 1 && ok) {

						// set "id" and "for" attributes
						q.each(d.answers, function (a) {
							var id = t.quizName + "i" + counter++;

							a.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].id = id;
							a.getElementsByTagName("label")[0].htmlFor = id;

						// store in quiz data

						// remove original paragraph

			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (t.data.length) {

				// prepare pool with result button

				// finalize and start quiz

	 * word guessing quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.wordguess = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure class inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(this, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * counter image
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.counter = document.createElement("p");

		 * class name for the counter image
		 * @param String
		t.counterClass = "rquiz-counter";

		 * current word index
		 * @param int
		t.current = 0;

		 * list of correctly guessed letters
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.guessedChars = document.createElement("ul");

		 * list of incorrectly guessed letters
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.guessedCharsIncorrect = document.createElement("ul");

		 * list of correctly guessed words
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.guessedWords = document.createElement("ol");

		 * input element for character input
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.input = document.createElement("input");

		 * number of remaining tries
		 * @param int
		t.remaining = 10;

		 * class name for element to unhide
		 * @param String
		t.showClass = "rquiz-show";

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to focus or unfocus input fields
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool false
		t.click = function (e) {
			var el = t.getEventElement(e),
				help = t.pool.getElementsByTagName("p")[0];

			// focus input

			// toggle visibility of help instructions
			if (el == help) {


			} else {


			return false;

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		 * This function first checks if the quiz may go on and possibly
		 * leads to the next word-to-be-guessed.
		t.end = function () {

			if (t.remaining > 0 && t.current < t.data.length) {
				return t.next();

			// show result box and finish this quiz


			setTimeout(function () { t.restartButton.focus(); }, 100);

		 * function to handle key strokes
		 * @param event
		 * @return bool false
		t.keyUp = function (e) {
			var input = t.getEventElement(e),
				// use first entered letter
				char = q.utf8NormalizeToUpper(q.trim(input.value)).substr(0, 1),
				correct = t.guessedChars.getElementsByTagName("li"),
				incorrect = t.guessedCharsIncorrect.getElementsByTagName("li"),

			if (char.length < 1) {
				return false;

			// check if we can use the input
			q.each(correct, function (li) {

				if (li.getAttribute("data-c") == char) {
					li.innerHTML = char;
					ok = true;

			if (!ok) {

				// find char in list of incorrectly guessed letters
				q.each(incorrect, function (li) {

					if (li.textContent == char) {
						ok = true;

			// need to add char to the list of incorrectly guessed letters?
			if (!ok) {

					tagName: "li",
					text: char


			// no more tries left?
			if (t.remaining < 1) {

			// empty <input> (some Android softkeyboards need a timeout)
			setTimeout(function () { input.value = ""; }, 10);

			// completely guessed a word?
			ok = true; // expect success

			q.each(correct, function (li) {

				if (li.textContent != li.getAttribute("data-c")) {
					ok = false;

			if (ok) {

				// insert found word into display of correctly guessed words
				q.each(t.guessedWords.getElementsByTagName("li"), function (li) {

					if (li.textContent == "" && ok) {
						li.innerHTML = t.data[t.current].original;
						ok = false;

				// bonus for user
				if (t.remaining < 10) {

				// is this the end?

			return false;

		 * function to offer the next word
		t.next = function () {


			// already had the last word?
			if (t.current == t.data.length) {
				return t.end();

			// empty lists of guessed letters
			q.each([t.guessedChars, t.guessedCharsIncorrect], function (list) {

				while (list.firstChild) {

			// fill list of correctly guessed letters with empty fields
			q.each(t.data[t.current].upperCase.split(""), function (s) {

				// we need this later to identify a correctsolution

		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {

			// empty list of correctly guessed words

			while (t.guessedWords.firstChild) {

			// fill list of correctly guessed words with empty items
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {

			// (re-)mix all words

			// reset counter
			t.remaining = 10;

			// show quiz (again)

			// reset current word index
			t.current = -1; // gets set to 0 by t.next()

			// get this quiz going

		 * function to update the counter's image and title attribute
		t.updateCounter = function () {

			t.counter.setAttribute("data-remaining", t.remaining);

				q.i18n[t.lang].remainingTries.replace("%n", t.remaining)

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var tab;

			/* extract quiz data from a <table> element
			 * in the container */
			tab = t.container.getElementsByTagName("table");

			// no <table> found? end right here
			if (!tab[0]) {

			// get quiz data
			q.each(tab[0].getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
				var txt = q.trim(td.textContent);

				// add to data if it contains real text
				if (txt.length > 0) {
						original: txt,
						upperCase: q.utf8NormalizeToUpper(txt)

			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (!t.data.length) {

			// this time our pool needs to be a div
			t.pool = q.create({
				tagName: "div",
				className: t.poolClass

			// replace the initial <table> with pool
			tab[0].parentNode.replaceChild(t.pool, tab[0]);

			// fill pool with stuff
				tagName: "p",
				text: q.i18n[t.lang].enterNoticeWordGuessing

			/* add a section with
			 * - input element
			 * - two lists
			 *   1: correctly guessed letters
			 *   2: incorrectly guessed letters

			// We need an <h2> and <ol> so we wrap it in an <aside>
				tagName: "h2",
				text: q.i18n[t.lang].foundWords

			// equip container with a listener on clicks
			t.container.addEventListener("click", t.click);

			// equip <input> with a listener on keyup and an ID
			t.input.addEventListener("keyup", t.keyUp);
			t.input.id = t.quizName + "_input";

			// finalize and start quiz
			t.finalize(true); // true = don't call t.start()

			// show restart button

	 * word jumbling quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.wordjumble = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * list of text inputs
		 * @var Array
		t.inputs = [];

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to check if all <input>s are filled out and
		 * if the result button is to be displayed
		t.check = function () {
			var complete = true; // presume that no <input> is empty

			// check all inputs
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {

				if (!d.input.value.length) {
					complete = false;

			// If everything is complete, we can finish this quiz!

		 * function to end the quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var complete = true, // presume that all
				ok = true; // hope for a full success

			// increase number of attempts

			// check all inputs
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {
				var original = d.input.getAttribute("data-solution"),
					s = original.toLowerCase(),
					v = q.trim(d.input.value.toLowerCase());

				/* We accept input if its transformation to
				 * lower-case equals the original's
				 * transformation to lower-case. */
				if (s != v) {
					ok = false;

			/* If everything is correct, we can update the
			 * result box and finish this quiz! */
			if (ok) {

				// replace input values with original solution
				q.each(t.data, function (d) {
					d.input.value = d.input.getAttribute("data-solution");
					d.input.setAttribute("readonly", "");



			} else {


		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {

			// prepare the <label>s with new hints
			q.each(t.data, function (d) {
				var s = d.input.getAttribute("data-solution"),
					jumble = s.toLowerCase().split("");

				// freshly mixed hint

				// rebuild contents for <label>
				while (d.label.firstChild) {


				// erase any previous contents and blocks
				d.input.value = "";
				d.input.removeAttribute("readonly", "");

					" (" + jumble.join("") + ")"



			t.attempts = 0;

		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var gaps = [];

			/* we need all <b>, <em>, <i> and <strong>
			 * within our container */
					".rquiz-wordjumble b"
					+ ", .rquiz-wordjumble em"
					+ ", .rquiz-wordjumble i"
					+ ", .rquiz-wordjumble strong"
				function (el) {
					var p = el;

					// determine if el is inside our container
					while (p != document.body
						&& p != t.container
					) {
						p = p.parentNode;

					// el is inside our container
					if (p == t.container) {

			// found no gaps? end right here
			if (!gaps.length) {

			// process gaps
			q.each(gaps, function (el) {
				var s = q.trim(el.textContent),
					i = document.createElement("input"),
					l = document.createElement("label");

				// remember correct solution
				i.setAttribute("data-solution", s);

				/* We need to check if we can offer the
				 * result button whenever something gets
				 * typed into an <input>. */
					function () {

				// replace original element with <label>
				el.parentNode.replaceChild(l, el);

					input: i,
					label: l

			// finalize and start quiz
			if (t.data.length) {


	 * word searching quiz class
	 * This class inherits drag&drop functionality from the
	 * abstract quiz class.
	 * @param Object HTMLElement
	q.quizConstructors.wordsearch = function (element) {
		var t = this;

		// ensure inheritance
		q.quizConstructors._abstractQuiz.call(t, element);

		 * quiz properties *

		 * class name for a letter of a successfully found word
		 * @var String
		t.fixedClass = "rquiz-fixed";

		 * display of the words a user has already found
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.found = document.createElement("ol");

		 * element at which a highlighting ends
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.highlightEnd = null;

		 * element at which a highlighting begins
		 * @param Object HTMLElement
		t.highlightStart = null;

		 * quiz methods *

		 * function to initiate a drag&drop operation
		 * This function returns
		 * - false if a drag&drop operation is in process
		 * - true if no drag&drop operation is in process
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool
		t.dragStart = function (e) {
			var el = t.getEventElement(e);

			if (el.tagName && el.tagName.match(/^td$/i)) {

				// remember in which cell the dragging started
				t.highlightStart = el;

				t.dragMode = true;

				// suppress regular text selection
				if (window.getSelection) {



				return false;

			return true;

		 * function to end a drag&drop operation
		 * This function returns
		 * - false if a drag&drop operation is in process
		 * - true if no drag&drop operation is in process
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool false
		t.dragStop = function (e) {
			// anything found?

			t.dragMode = false;

			// allow regular text selection in IE

			return true;

		 * function to record current mouse or touch coordinates
		 * and move dragged element during a drag&drop operation
		 * @param Event
		 * @return bool
		t.dragWhile = function (e) {
			var el = t.getEventElement(e);

			if (t.dragMode) {


				if (el.tagName && el.tagName.match(/^td$/i)) {

					t.highlightEnd = el;

					// remove existing highlighting

					// set new highlighting


			return true;

		 * function to end a quiz and show result
		t.end = function () {
			var ok = true, // expect all words to have been found
				c, x, y;


			// check all list items
			q.each(t.found.getElementsByTagName("li"), function (li) {

				if (q.trim(li.textContent).length < 1) {
					ok = false;

			if (ok) {

				// prepare a custom feedback
				c = "";

				if (t.attempts - t.words.length > 1) {

					c += q.i18n[t.lang].praise3

				} else {

					c += q.i18n[t.lang][
						"praise" + (1 + t.attempts - t.words.length)

				c += " " + q.i18n[t.lang].result3.replace(/%n/, t.attempts);



		 * function to highlight adjacent cells either horizontally,
		 * vertically or diagonally
		t.highlight = function () {
			var el, end, inclination, orientation, start, x, y;

			// determine coordinates of start and end of highlight
			for (y = 0; y < t.table.rows.length; y++) {

				for (x = 0; x < t.table.rows[y].cells.length; x++) {

					if (t.table.rows[y].cells[x] == t.highlightStart) {
						start = { x: x, y: y };

					if (t.table.rows[y].cells[x] == t.highlightEnd) {
						end = { x: x, y: y };

			// any error?
			if (!start || !end) {
				return false;

			// determine inclination
			if ((end.y - start.y) === 0) {

				// Division By Zero!
				inclination = 2; // a value above 1.5 is sufficient

			} else {

				// quotient is "legal"
				inclination = (end.x - start.x) / (end.y - start.y);

			// determine orientation from inclination and coordinates
			if (Math.abs(inclination) >= 0.5
				&& Math.abs(inclination) <= 1.5
			) {

				// diagonal
				orientation = (
					inclination > 0
					? "↘"
					: "↙"

			} else {

				// horizontal/vertical
				orientation = (
					Math.abs(inclination) > 1
					? "→"
					: "↓"

			// highlight all suitable cells
			x = start.x;
			y = start.y;
			el = t.table.rows[y].cells[x];

			while (el) {


				switch (orientation) {

					case "↓":
						// only modify y
						if (start.y > end.y && y > end.y) {

						if (start.y < end.y && y < end.y) {

					case "→":
						// only modify x
						if (start.x > end.x && x > end.x) {

						if (start.x < end.x && x < end.x) {

					case "↘":
						if (start.x > end.x && x > end.x
							start.y > end.y && y > end.y
						) {

						if (start.x < end.x && x < end.x
							start.y < end.y && y < end.y
						) {

					case "↙":
						if (start.x > end.x && x > end.x
							start.y < end.y && y < end.y
						) {

						if (start.x < end.x && x < end.x
							start.y > end.y && y > end.y
						) {

				// stop if there is no more cell to highlight
				el = (
					el != t.table.rows[y].cells[x]
					? t.table.rows[y].cells[x]
					: false


		 * function to determine result of drag&drop operation
		t.resolveDragDrop = function () {
			var highlighted = t.table.getElementsByClassName(

			if (highlighted.length < 1) {

			// check every word if its letters have all been highlighted
			q.each(t.words, function (word) {
				var found = 0, // highlighted elements at correct coordinates
					c = 0, // current letter
					x = word.x,
					y = word.y;

				// has current letter been highlighted?
				while (found === c && c < word.upperCase.length) {

					q.each(highlighted, function (el) {

						if (t.table.rows[y].cells[x]
							&& el == t.table.rows[y].cells[x]
						) {

					// next letter

					// next position
					switch (word.orientation) {

						case "↓":

						case "→":

						case "↘":

						case "↗":

				if (found === c && highlighted.length == c) {

					// fix highlighted cells
					q.each(highlighted, function(el) {

					// add found word onto the display of found words
					found = false; // expect it is not yet in the list

					q.each(t.found.getElementsByTagName("li"), function (li) {

						if (q.trim(li.textContent) == word.original) {
							found = true;

					if (!found) {
						// add to list
						q.each(t.found.getElementsByTagName("li"), function (li) {

							if (q.trim(li.textContent).length < 1
								&& !found
							) {

									tagName: "strong",
									text: word.original

								found = true;

			t.highlightEnd = null;
			t.highlightStart = null;
			t.dragMode = false;

			// try if quiz is finished

		 * function to remove any highlight markers
		t.removeHighlight = function () {
			q.each(t.table.getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {

		 * start function
		 * This function prepares the quiz to be solved by the
		 * user. Since a quiz must be reset after a successful
		 * solution this function can restart the quiz, too.
		t.start = function () {
			var counter = 1,
				// true = interlinked words:
				grid = t.createWordGrid(t.data, true, true),
				x, y, tr, td;

			t.attempts = 0;
			t.grid = grid.grid;
			t.words = grid.words;

			// empty table
			while (t.table.firstChild) {

			// prepare table for letters
			for (y = 0; y < t.grid.length; y++) {

				// add new row
				tr = t.table.insertRow(y);

				for (x = 0; x < t.grid[0].length; x++) {

					// add new cell
						tagName: "td",
						text: (
							// do we have defined contents?
							// yes
							? t.grid[y][x]
							// no -> generate random character
							: String.fromCharCode(
								65 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 26)

			// prepare list of already found words
			while (t.found.firstChild) {

			q.each(t.words, function (word) {


		 * function to suppress text selection
		t.suppressTextSelection = function () {

			if (window.getSelection) {


		 * setup
		 * This function prepares all the interactive elements
		 * later needed when the quiz is to (re-)start.
		(function () {
			var tab, aside;

			// extract quiz data from a <table> element in the container
			tab = t.container.getElementsByTagName("table");

			// <table> found?
			if (!tab[0]) {
				return false;

			// get quiz data
			q.each(tab[0].getElementsByTagName("td"), function (td) {
				var v;

				// trim cell contents
				v = q.trim(
					td.innerHTML.replace(/&nbsp;/, " ")

				if (v.length) {
						original: v,
						upperCase: q.utf8NormalizeToUpper(v)

			// initialize quiz if suitable data has been found
			if (!t.data.length) {

			// use initial table as grid display
			t.table = tab[0];

			// place display of found words directly after the grid display
			aside = tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(

				tagName: "h2",
				text: q.i18n[t.lang].foundWords


			// place pool directly after the display of found words
			tab[0].parentNode.insertBefore(t.pool, aside.nextSibling);

			// finalize and start quiz

	// start the whole thing

	// expose an init function to the window object for a script loader
	window.rQuizInit = function () {