Across the Universe - The Beatles - 1970

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Across the Universe - The Beatles - 1970


Across the Universe is a song by the English rock band The Beatles. Written by John Lennon and credited to the Lennon-McCartney partnership, it was released on their 1970 album Let It Be. The song is known for its dreamy, psychedelic atmosphere and poetic lyrics, which have inspired many interpretations.


John Lennon wrote "Across the Universe" in 1967, and it was first recorded in February 1968. The song reflects Lennon's fascination with the mantra "Jai Guru Deva Om," a Sanskrit phrase meaning "Glory to the divine teacher." The lyrics convey a sense of longing and introspection, capturing the spirit of the late 1960s.


The song is in the key of D major and has a slow tempo, giving it a meditative quality. Lennon's acoustic guitar work, combined with George Harrison's tambura and various other instruments, creates a rich, textured sound. The backing vocals by two of The Beatles' fans, Lizzie Bravo and Gayleen Pease, add an ethereal quality to the track.

Release and Reception

"Across the Universe" was initially included on the World Wildlife Fund's charity album, "No One's Gonna Change Our World," in 1969. It later appeared on the Let It Be album in 1970. Despite not being released as a single, the song has received critical acclaim and remains a favorite among Beatles fans.

Lyrics Analysis

The lyrics of "Across the Universe" are rich with imagery and metaphors. Lennon described the words as flowing from his subconscious, filled with images of nature, love, and the universe. The refrain "Nothing's gonna change my world" suggests a sense of inner peace and acceptance.


"Across the Universe" has been covered by numerous artists and remains a testament to The Beatles' innovative spirit. In 2008, NASA transmitted the song into space to mark the 40th anniversary of its recording, making it the first song ever beamed directly into deep space.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

Who wrote "Across the Universe"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

In what year was "Across the Universe" first recorded? (1968) (!1967) (!1969) (!1970)

Which album features "Across the Universe"? (Let It Be) (!Abbey Road) (!The White Album) (!Revolver)

What is the meaning of the mantra "Jai Guru Deva Om"? (Glory to the divine teacher) (!Peace and love to all) (!Eternal happiness) (!Harmony in the universe)

Which organization released the charity album that first included "Across the Universe"? (World Wildlife Fund) (!Greenpeace) (!UNICEF) (!Red Cross)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which member of The Beatles primarily wrote "Across the Universe"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

What year did The Beatles release their final studio album? (1970) (!1969) (!1971) (!1968)

Which member of The Beatles is known for their interest in Indian music and culture? (George Harrison) (!John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!Ringo Starr)

Who was the producer for the Let It Be album? (Phil Spector) (!George Martin) (!Brian Epstein) (!Quincy Jones)

What event did NASA commemorate by transmitting "Across the Universe" into space? (40th anniversary of its recording) (!50th anniversary of The Beatles) (!20th anniversary of the moon landing) (!Launch of the Hubble Telescope)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What phrase is repeatedly sung in the chorus of "Across the Universe"? (Nothing's gonna change my world) (!Here comes the sun) (!Let it be) (!All you need is love)

Which natural element is mentioned in the lyrics of "Across the Universe"? (Flowing like a river) (!Burning like fire) (!Blowing in the wind) (!Raining like a storm)

How did John Lennon describe the process of writing the lyrics for "Across the Universe"? (As flowing from his subconscious) (!As meticulously planned) (!As inspired by a dream) (!As a collaborative effort)

Which two fans contributed to the backing vocals of the song? (Lizzie Bravo and Gayleen Pease) (!Pattie Boyd and Cynthia Lennon) (!Maureen Starkey and Jane Asher) (!Yoko Ono and Linda McCartney)

What does the mantra "Jai Guru Deva Om" signify in the song? (A sense of inner peace and spiritual reverence) (!A call for world peace) (!An expression of romantic love) (!A celebration of friendship)


John Lennon Primary writer of "Across the Universe"
D major Key of the song
1968 Year the song was first recorded
Let It Be Album featuring the song
NASA Organization that transmitted the song into space

Open Tasks


  1. John Lennon biography: Write a short biography of John Lennon focusing on his contributions to The Beatles.
  2. Lyrics analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "Across the Universe" and discuss the themes and imagery used.
  3. Cover versions: Research and present various artists who have covered "Across the Universe" and their interpretations.


  1. Recording techniques: Investigate the recording techniques used for "Across the Universe" and how they contribute to the song's sound.
  2. Song meaning: Write an essay on the spiritual and philosophical meanings behind "Across the Universe".
  3. Album review: Review the "Let It Be" album, highlighting "Across the Universe" and its place within the album.


  1. Cultural impact: Explore the cultural and historical impact of "Across the Universe" since its release.
  2. Comparative analysis: Compare "Across the Universe" with other Beatles' songs from the same era.
  3. Space and music: Research and discuss the significance of NASA transmitting "Across the Universe" into space.
  4. Personal interpretation: Create a multimedia presentation expressing your personal interpretation of "Across the Universe" through art, video, or music.

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Oral Exam

  1. Interpretation of lyrics: Discuss how the lyrics of "Across the Universe" reflect John Lennon's personal beliefs and experiences.
  2. Song composition: Explain the musical structure and composition of "Across the Universe" and how it contributes to the song's overall feel.
  3. Historical context: Analyze the historical and cultural context in which "Across the Universe" was written and released.
  4. Impact on fans: Discuss the impact of "Across the Universe" on The Beatles' fanbase and its lasting legacy.
  5. Recording process: Describe the recording process of "Across the Universe" and the unique techniques used.

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