The Drifters - Money Honey - 1953

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The Drifters - Money Honey - 1953


The Drifters' "Money Honey" from 1953: A Pioneering Rock and Roll Song

"Money Honey," released in 1953 by The Drifters, is a significant song in the history of rock and roll. It was one of the earliest hits for the group and marked a shift in the popular music landscape. This course segment explores the song's background, its influence, and its legacy in the music industry.

Background and Release

The Drifters were a pioneering American R&B and doo-wop group. "Money Honey" was released in 1953 and quickly gained popularity, becoming one of the first big hits of the rock and roll era. The song was written by Jesse Stone under his pseudonym, Charles E. Calhoun. It fused elements of R&B, gospel, and blues, setting a template for the emerging rock and roll genre.

Musical and Cultural Impact

"Money Honey" is notable for its upbeat tempo, catchy rhythm, and its blending of different musical styles. This combination was instrumental in the development of rock and roll music. The song's success also highlighted the growing influence of African American music on mainstream American culture.


Over the years, "Money Honey" has been covered by various artists, underscoring its enduring appeal. It is often cited in discussions of early rock and roll history and is remembered as a trailblazer for the genre.

Further Exploration

  1. Rock and Roll History
  2. Rhythm and Blues Music
  3. The Drifters' Discography
  4. Jesse Stone's Songwriting
  5. 1950s Music Scene

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Money Honey" released? (1953) (!1955) (!1951) (!1954)

Who wrote "Money Honey"? (Jesse Stone) (!Leiber and Stoller) (!Chuck Berry) (!Fats Domino)

Which group originally performed "Money Honey"? (The Drifters) (!The Platters) (!The Coasters) (!The Temptations)

What musical styles does "Money Honey" blend together? (R&B, gospel, and blues) (!Jazz, blues, and swing) (!Country, R&B, and blues) (!Rock, jazz, and gospel)

Why is "Money Honey" significant in the history of rock and roll? (It was one of the first big hits of the genre) (!It was the first song recorded by The Drifters) (!It was the first rock and roll song to use electric guitar) (!It was the first rock and roll song to top the charts)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which of the following is true about The Drifters? (They were a pioneering R&B and doo-wop group) (!They were primarily a jazz band) (!They were known for their instrumental music) (!They were a solo act)

Who was the original lead singer of The Drifters when "Money Honey" was released? (Clyde McPhatter) (!Ben E. King) (!Rudy Lewis) (!Johnny Moore)

In which musical era did The Drifters first gain popularity? (1950s) (!1940s) (!1960s) (!1970s)

How did The Drifters contribute to the evolution of rock and roll? (By blending R&B, gospel, and blues in their music) (!By introducing electronic instruments to rock and roll) (!By focusing on solo performances) (!By pioneering rock opera)

Apart from "Money Honey," which of these songs is also a hit by The Drifters? ("Under the Boardwalk") (!"Johnny B. Goode") (!"Heartbreak Hotel") (!"Blue Suede Shoes")

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the main theme of "Money Honey"? (Relationship and financial struggles) (!Celebration and partying) (!Travel and adventure) (!Love and romance)

Which line is actually from "Money Honey"? ("You know, the landlord rang my front door bell") (!"Walking through the clouds with a suitcase full of dreams") (!"I found a sound that I really like") (!"In the misty morning, with the moon up above")

How does the song "Money Honey" reflect its era? (Through its commentary on social issues like money and relationships) (!By focusing on the glamour of the 1950s) (!Through political commentary) (!By celebrating technological advancements)

What musical technique is prominent in "Money Honey"? (Repetition in the chorus) (!Extensive guitar solos) (!Complex orchestral arrangements) (!Rapid key changes)

In "Money Honey," what does the phrase "Money Honey" refer to? (A term of endearment mixed with financial concerns) (!A famous dance move of the time) (!A nickname for a beloved car) (!The title of a popular TV show)


The Drifters A pioneering R&B and doo-wop group
1953 The year "Money Honey" was released
Jesse Stone Writer of "Money Honey"
Rock and Roll The genre influenced by "Money Honey"
Clyde McPhatter Original lead singer of The Drifters during "Money Honey"

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Create a playlist of songs from the early rock and roll era, including "Money Honey."
  2. Research The Drifters: Research more about The Drifters and their influence on music.
  3. Song Analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "Money Honey" and discuss its themes.


  1. Music Genre Comparison: Compare the musical elements of "Money Honey" with another rock and roll song from the same era.
  2. Create a Cover Version: Record your own cover version of "Money Honey."
  3. Historical Context: Research the social and cultural context of the 1950s and how it influenced the music of that time.


  1. Write a Research Paper: Write a detailed paper on the evolution of rock and roll music, citing "Money Honey" as a key example.
  2. Conduct Interviews: Interview people who lived during the 1950s about their memories of "Money Honey."
  3. Organize a Music Event: Organize a school event focusing on 1950s music, featuring songs like "Money Honey."

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Oral Exam

  1. Connections in Music Genres: Discuss how "Money Honey" influenced the development of later music genres.
  2. Analyzing Musical Evolution: Discuss how the musical elements of "Money Honey" influenced the development of rock and roll. What characteristics of this song can be seen in later rock and roll music?
  3. Cultural Impact: Explore the impact of "Money Honey" on 1950s American culture. How did this song reflect or influence social attitudes of the time?
  4. Comparative Analysis: Compare "Money Honey" to a modern song. What similarities and differences can you find in terms of theme, musical style, and cultural impact?
  5. Influence on Artists: Discuss how The Drifters and "Money Honey" might have influenced other musicians. Can you think of any artists who have cited them as an inspiration?
  6. Historical Context: Place "Money Honey" in the historical context of the 1950s. How did the political and social climate of the time influence its creation and reception?

OERs on the Topic

Here's the Wikipedia article related to "Money Honey" by The Drifters for additional information:


To further explore the topic, here are some essential points and links:

These links provide a comprehensive view of The Drifters, their music, and their impact on the rock and roll genre.

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