Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over Troubled Water - 1970

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Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over Troubled Water - 1970

Introduction to "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel

Bridge Over Troubled Water is a song by the American music duo Simon & Garfunkel. Released in 1970, it is the title track of their fifth and final studio album. Composed by Paul Simon and sung by Art Garfunkel, this song is known for its emotional impact and its enduring popularity. It has been covered by numerous artists and remains a significant piece in the history of popular music.

In this module, you will explore the history, the lyrics, the impact, and the legacy of "Bridge Over Troubled Water". You'll also get a chance to engage with interactive elements, quizzes, and tasks that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of this classic song.

Background of the Song

  1. Paul Simon's inspiration for the song
  2. The recording process and the involvement of Art Garfunkel
  3. The song's release and initial reception
  4. Impact on Simon & Garfunkel's career

Musical Composition

  1. Analysis of the song's structure
  2. The use of piano and other instruments
  3. Vocal performance by Art Garfunkel

Lyrics and Interpretation

  1. Detailed look at the song's lyrics
  2. Themes and messages conveyed
  3. Interpretations and meanings ascribed by listeners

Legacy and Influence

  1. Covers by other artists
  2. Awards and recognitions
  3. The song's role in popular culture

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What was unique about the recording process of "Bridge Over Troubled Water"? (Art Garfunkel sang the lead vocals while Paul Simon wrote the song) (!Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel recorded their parts in different studios) (!The song was recorded in a single take) (!A full orchestra was used in the initial recording)

Which instrument is prominently featured in "Bridge Over Troubled Water"? (Piano) (!Guitar) (!Drums) (!Violin)

What year was "Bridge Over Troubled Water" released? (1970) (!1968) (!1972) (!1969)

How many Grammy Awards did "Bridge Over Troubled Water" win? (Five) (!Two) (!Three) (!None)

What genre is "Bridge Over Troubled Water" often associated with? (Folk rock) (!Pop) (!Country) (!Jazz)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which university did both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel attend? (Queens College, New York) (!Harvard University) (!Columbia University) (!Yale University)

Before becoming famous as Simon & Garfunkel, what was the duo's original name? (Tom & Jerry) (!Al & Joe) (!Bob & Ray) (!Mike & Nick)

What was the first big hit for Simon & Garfunkel? ("The Sound of Silence") (!"Mrs. Robinson") (!"Homeward Bound") (!"America")

In which city did Simon & Garfunkel hold their famous free concert in 1981? (New York City) (!Los Angeles) (!London) (!Paris)

Which album of Simon & Garfunkel was released immediately before "Bridge Over Troubled Water"? (Bookends) (!Sounds of Silence) (!Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme) (!Wednesday Morning, 3 AM)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What is the opening line of "Bridge Over Troubled Water"? ("When you're weary, feeling small") (!"When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all") (!"Sail on silver girl, sail on by") (!"Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down")

The lyrics "Sail on silver girl, sail on by" were allegedly inspired by what? (Art Garfunkel's girlfriend's silver hair) (!The view of the Hudson River) (!A line from a poem by Emily Dickinson) (!The Apollo moon missions)

Which biblical figure is referenced in the song's lyrics? (Mary) (!Moses) (!Jesus) (!David)

In the song, the phrase "bridge over troubled water" symbolizes what? (Comfort and support in times of trouble) (!A journey over difficult circumstances) (!A connection between two people) (!The passage of time)

The song's lyrics were influenced by which gospel song? ("Oh Mary Don't You Weep") (!"Amazing Grace") (!"Wade in the Water") (!"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot")


Year of Release 1970
Lead Vocalist Art Garfunkel
Main Instrument Piano
Original Duo Name Tom & Jerry
Influenced By "Oh Mary Don't You Weep"

Open Tasks


  1. Research the 1970s Music Scene: Explore the music scene of the 1970s and how "Bridge Over Troubled Water" fit into it.
  2. Analyze the Lyrics: Write a paragraph on what the lyrics of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" mean to you.


  1. Create a Cover Version: Record your own cover version of "Bridge Over Troubled Water".
  2. Simon & Garfunkel's Discography: Create a timeline of Simon & Garfunkel's albums, highlighting key songs and moments.


  1. Interview Project: Conduct interviews with different generations about their memories and thoughts on "Bridge Over Troubled Water".
  2. Musical Analysis: Analyze the musical composition of "Bridge Over Troubled Water", focusing on melody, harmony, and rhythm.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Cultural Impact: Explain the cultural and historical significance of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" in the context of the 1970s.
  2. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Bridge Over Troubled Water" with another significant song from the same era.
  3. Influence on Music: Discuss how "Bridge Over Troubled Water" has influenced modern music.
  4. Personal Interpretation: Share your interpretation of the song and how it relates to broader themes of empathy and support.
  5. Evolution of Music Genres: Discuss how the music of Simon & Garfunkel contributed to the evolution of folk rock and other genres.


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