Elvis Presley - Hound Dog - 1956

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Elvis Presley - Hound Dog - 1956


Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" (1956)

Introduction to "Hound Dog"

"Hound Dog" is a song performed by Elvis Presley, released in 1956, and is one of his most famous and influential songs. Originally written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, this song became a defining moment in the birth of rock 'n' roll.

Historical Context

In the 1950s, music was undergoing a significant transformation. The emergence of rock 'n' roll, a genre that blended rhythm and blues with country and western, was reshaping the cultural landscape. "Hound Dog", with its energetic rhythm and rebellious tone, played a crucial role in this musical revolution.

Elvis Presley and His Impact

Elvis Presley, often referred to as "The King of Rock 'n' Roll", was a pivotal figure in popular music. His charismatic stage presence and unique vocal style made him an icon of the era. "Hound Dog" is a prime example of how Presley's interpretation of music crossed racial and genre boundaries, contributing to the desegregation of American music.

  1. Learn more about Elvis Presley
  2. Discover more about Rock and Roll

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What genre does "Hound Dog" mainly represent? (Rock 'n' Roll) (!Blues) (!Jazz) (!Country)

Who originally wrote "Hound Dog"? (Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller) (!Elvis Presley) (!Chuck Berry) (!Little Richard)

In what year was "Hound Dog" released by Elvis Presley? (1956) (!1954) (!1958) (!1960)

Which of the following was not a characteristic of "Hound Dog"? (!Upbeat tempo) (Slow ballad sections) (!Rebellious tone) (!Influenced by rhythm and blues)

How did "Hound Dog" contribute to Elvis Presley's career? (It helped solidify his status as a rock 'n' roll icon) (!It was his first ever recorded song) (!It marked the end of his music career) (!It led to his switch to acting)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Elvis Presley is often referred to as: (The King of Rock 'n' Roll) (!The Prince of Pop) (!The Jazz Master) (!The Blues Legend)

Before becoming a famous singer, Elvis Presley worked as: (A truck driver) (!A teacher) (!A radio DJ) (!A chef)

In addition to singing, Elvis Presley was also known for his: (Unique dance moves) (!Painting skills) (!Stand-up comedy) (!Writing novels)

Elvis Presley's first-ever recorded song was: ("That's All Right") (!"Heartbreak Hotel") (!"Love Me Tender") (!"Jailhouse Rock")

Which movie did Elvis Presley not star in? (!"Blue Hawaii") (!"Viva Las Vegas") (!"Jailhouse Rock") ("Titanic")

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

The lyrics of "Hound Dog" describe a: (Dog that's not being loyal) (!Romantic relationship) (!Journey across America) (!Party at a beach)

What is the tone of the lyrics in "Hound Dog"? (Confrontational and rebellious) (!Loving and gentle) (!Sad and melancholic) (!Humorous and playful)

A repeated line in "Hound Dog" is: ("You ain't nothing but a hound dog") (!"Walking down the lonely street") (!"Under the bright lights") (!"Dancing through the night")

The lyrics of "Hound Dog" were seen as controversial because they: (Challenged social norms) (!Were politically charged) (!Contained explicit language) (!Discussed taboo topics)

In "Hound Dog", the dog is metaphorically used to represent: (Someone who's unfaithful or deceitful) (!A loyal friend) (!A traveling companion) (!A guardian)


Elvis Presley The King of Rock 'n' Roll
1956 Year "Hound Dog" was released
Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller Original songwriters of "Hound Dog"
Rock 'n' Roll Genre of "Hound Dog"
"You ain't nothing but a hound dog" Famous line from the song

Open Tasks


  1. Research the origins of rock 'n' roll: Explore how this genre emerged and its early influencers.
  2. Write a short biography of Elvis Presley: Focus on his early life and how he became involved in music.
  3. Create a timeline of Elvis Presley's major hits: Include "Hound Dog" and other significant songs.


  1. Analyze the lyrics of "Hound Dog": Discuss its themes and why it was seen as controversial.
  2. Compare "Hound Dog" to other songs of the era: Explore similarities and differences in style and themes.
  3. Investigate the influence of "Hound Dog" on future music genres: Look at how it impacted rock, pop, and other music styles.


  1. Create a documentary about the history of "Hound Dog": Include its writing, Elvis's rendition, and its cultural impact.
  2. Conduct an interview with a music historian: Discuss the significance of "Hound Dog" in the context of the 1950s.
  3. Write a detailed essay on the desegregation of American music, highlighting the role of artists like Elvis Presley.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss how "Hound Dog" reflects the cultural and social changes of the 1950s.
  2. Explain the role of Elvis Presley in the popularization of rock 'n' roll and its impact on American society.
  3. Analyze how "Hound Dog" might be interpreted differently today compared to when it was released.
  4. Evaluate the legacy of Elvis Presley and his influence on modern musicians.
  5. Discuss the importance of songwriting partnerships, using Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller's work as an example.

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