Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - 1991

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Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - 1991


Welcome to the aiMOOC on Nirvana's iconic song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from 1991. In this module, we will explore various aspects of the song, its background, the band Nirvana, and its lasting impact on music and culture.

Overview of Nirvana and "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Nirvana was an American rock band formed by singer/guitarist Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987. "Smells Like Teen Spirit," released in 1991, is one of their most famous songs and a defining track of the early 1990s grunge movement. The song's title was inspired by a deodorant brand, but its lyrics express teenage angst and a desire to break free from societal norms.

The Making of "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

The song was written by Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and drummer Dave Grohl. The music video, directed by Samuel Bayer, became an MTV staple and helped propel the song, and Nirvana, to international fame. The track's distinctive, fuzzy guitar riff and Cobain's raw vocals became symbolic of the grunge genre.

Legacy and Influence

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" catapulted Nirvana to the forefront of the music scene, and the band became a key part of the grunge movement along with bands like Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. The song's success marked a shift in the music industry, moving away from the glam metal of the 1980s to grunge and alternative rock of the 1990s.

For more detailed information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and Nirvana.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What inspired the title of "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? (A deodorant brand) (!A high school sports team) (!A line from a poem) (!A famous movie of the time)

Which year was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" released? (1991) (!1989) (!1992) (!1990)

Who directed the music video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? (Samuel Bayer) (!David Fincher) (!Spike Jonze) (!Michel Gondry)

What genre of music is "Smells Like Teen Spirit" most associated with? (Grunge) (!Heavy Metal) (!Punk Rock) (!Pop)

Which instrument starts the iconic intro of "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? (Electric Guitar) (!Drums) (!Bass Guitar) (!Keyboard)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Who was the lead singer of Nirvana? (Kurt Cobain) (!Eddie Vedder) (!Chris Cornell) (!Layne Staley)

In what year was Nirvana formed? (1987) (!1985) (!1990) (!1989)

Which Nirvana album features "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? (Nevermind) (!In Utero) (!Bleach) (!MTV Unplugged in New York)

Before Dave Grohl, who was the drummer for Nirvana? (Chad Channing) (!Matt Cameron) (!Danny Carey) (!Neil Peart)

Which of these songs is also by Nirvana? (Heart-Shaped Box) (!Black Hole Sun) (!Jeremy) (!Even Flow)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does the line "Here we are now, entertain us" signify in the song? (Youthful demand for entertainment) (!Celebration of fame) (!Critique of television culture) (!Disillusionment with society)

Which of these phrases is a repeated line in "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? (A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido) (!I feel stupid and contagious) (!With the lights out, it's less dangerous) (!I'm worse at what I do best)

The song's lyrics are often noted for their (Ambiguity and nonsensical nature) (!Political statements) (!Romantic content) (!Biographical references to Cobain's life)

How does the song begin lyrically? (Load up on guns, bring your friends) (!I'm so happy 'cause today I've found my friends) (!Come as you are, as you were) (!She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak)

Which line in the song reflects a sense of rebellion? (I feel stupid and contagious) (!I miss the comfort in being sad) (!He's the one who likes all our pretty songs) (!She keeps it pumping straight to my heart)


Nirvana Grunge Music
Kurt Cobain Lead Singer
1991 Year of Release
Nevermind Album Name
Samuel Bayer Music Video Director

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Create a playlist of songs from the early 90s that capture the spirit of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
  2. Design an Album Cover: Design your own album cover for "Nevermind" using digital or traditional art methods.
  3. Research Grunge Fashion: Explore and write about the fashion trends influenced by grunge music in the early 90s.


  1. Analyze Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and discuss their meaning and impact.
  2. Compare Music Videos: Compare the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" music video with another iconic music video from the 90s.
  3. Study Nirvana's Influence: Research and present on how Nirvana influenced other bands and genres that followed.


  1. Create a Documentary: Create a short documentary about the history and impact of Nirvana.
  2. Write a Song: Compose an original song inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
  3. Debate the Legacy: Host a debate on whether Nirvana's music remains relevant today.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Cultural Impact: Discuss how "Smells Like Teen Spirit" reflected the cultural and social atmosphere of the early 1990s.
  2. Music Genre Evolution: Explore how the success of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" influenced the evolution of music genres in the 90s.
  3. Lyrics Interpretation: Interpret the ambiguous lyrics of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and discuss possible meanings.
  4. Band Dynamics: Examine the dynamic between Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and Dave Grohl and how it impacted Nirvana's music.
  5. Global Impact: Analyze the global impact of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and Nirvana's influence on international music scenes.

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