Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl - 1967

Version vom 29. Januar 2024, 20:37 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} == Introduction to "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison == '''Welcome to the aiMOOC on Van Morrison's iconic song "Brown Eyed Girl"!''' First released in 1967, this song has become one of the most enduring and beloved tracks in the history of popular music. In this module, you will explore the story behind the song, its musical composition, lyrics, and the impact it has had over the decades. === Background === {{o}} Van Morrison: Lear…“)
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Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl - 1967

Introduction to "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison

Welcome to the aiMOOC on Van Morrison's iconic song "Brown Eyed Girl"! First released in 1967, this song has become one of the most enduring and beloved tracks in the history of popular music. In this module, you will explore the story behind the song, its musical composition, lyrics, and the impact it has had over the decades.


  1. Van Morrison: Learn about Van Morrison's early life and musical career leading up to the release of "Brown Eyed Girl."
  2. 1960s Music Scene: Explore the musical landscape of the 1960s to understand the environment in which "Brown Eyed Girl" was created.
  3. Recording History of Brown Eyed Girl: Dive into the recording process and production details of the song.

Musical Analysis

  1. Musical Structure of Brown Eyed Girl: An examination of the song's musical composition, including its melody, harmony, and rhythm.
  2. Lyric Analysis of Brown Eyed Girl: Explore the lyrics of "Brown Eyed Girl" and their significance.
  3. Brown Eyed Girl's Influence: Understand the influence and legacy of "Brown Eyed Girl" in popular music.

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What year was "Brown Eyed Girl" released? (1967) (!1970) (!1965) (!1972)

Which record label first released "Brown Eyed Girl"? (Bang Records) (!Columbia Records) (!Atlantic Records) (!Apple Records)

Who was the producer of "Brown Eyed Girl"? (Bert Berns) (!George Martin) (!Phil Spector) (!Brian Eno)

Originally, what was the working title of "Brown Eyed Girl"? (Brown Skinned Girl) (!Brown Haired Girl) (!Blue Eyed Girl) (!Green Eyed Girl)

In what style is "Brown Eyed Girl" primarily composed? (Folk rock) (!Psychedelic rock) (!Blues) (!Jazz)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Where is Van Morrison from? (Belfast, Northern Ireland) (!Dublin, Ireland) (!London, England) (!Glasgow, Scotland)

What is Van Morrison's full name? (George Ivan Morrison) (!Van Alan Morrison) (!James Van Morrison) (!Ivan George Morrison)

Before his solo career, which band was Van Morrison a part of? (Them) (!The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!The Animals)

Which genre is Van Morrison most associated with? (Rock and blues) (!Pop) (!Jazz) (!Country)

What is a notable feature of Van Morrison's music style? (Blending soul, jazz, and folk) (!Heavy use of synthesizers) (!Punk rock elements) (!Classical influences)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What is the main theme of "Brown Eyed Girl"? (Nostalgia and young love) (!Political unrest) (!Travel and adventure) (!Life in the city)

Which of these lines is from "Brown Eyed Girl"? ("Laughin' and a-runnin', hey hey") (!"She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah") (!"I see a red door and I want it painted black") (!"The times they are a-changin'")

Where does the singer reminisce about spending time with the brown-eyed girl? (Behind the stadium) (!At the seaside) (!In a downtown café) (!At a country fair)

In "Brown Eyed Girl," how does Morrison describe the way they used to sing? ("Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da") (!"Doo wop, doo be doo wop") (!"Na na na na na na") (!"Be bop a-lula")

The song's lyrics mention which day of the week? (Tuesday) (!Sunday) (!Friday) (!Wednesday)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic:

Van Morrison Belfast, Northern Ireland
1967 Year of Release
Bang Records Original Label
Brown Skinned Girl Original Title
Folk Rock Song's Style

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Create a playlist of songs from the 1960s that complement the style and mood of "Brown Eyed Girl."
  2. Write a Short Essay: Write a short essay on your first memories associated with "Brown Eyed Girl."


  1. Analyze Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Brown Eyed Girl" and discuss their themes and imagery.
  2. Music Video Creation: Create a music video for "Brown Eyed Girl" that captures the essence of the song.


  1. Musical Cover: Perform your own cover version of "Brown Eyed Girl," incorporating your unique style.
  2. Research Paper: Write a research paper on the impact of "Brown Eyed Girl" on popular music and culture.

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Oral Exam

  1. Influence of Location: Discuss how Van Morrison's Irish background may have influenced his music, particularly "Brown Eyed Girl."
  2. Comparative Analysis: Compare and contrast "Brown Eyed Girl" with another popular song from the 1960s in terms of musical style and lyrical themes.
  3. Cultural Impact: Discuss the cultural impact of "Brown Eyed Girl" during its release and in contemporary times.
  4. Evolution of Music: How does "Brown Eyed Girl" reflect the evolution of rock music in the 1960s?
  5. Personal Interpretation: Share your personal interpretation of "Brown Eyed Girl" and how it resonates with you.

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