The Impressions - People Get Ready - 1965

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The Impressions - People Get Ready - 1965


The Impressions' "People Get Ready" (1965): A Timeless Anthem of Change

"People Get Ready" by The Impressions, released in 1965, is not just a song; it's a powerful anthem of hope, change, and spirituality. Its uplifting lyrics and melodious tune have resonated with generations. The group, led by Curtis Mayfield, created a song that transcends music, becoming a part of the civil rights movement and an emblem of broader social change.

Background and Influence

  1. Curtis Mayfield: A visionary musician and songwriter, Mayfield penned "People Get Ready" reflecting the civil rights movement's ethos.
  2. Civil Rights Movement: Understand how the song became an integral part of this significant historical movement.
  3. Gospel Music: Explore the gospel influences in the song's style and lyrics.

Musical Composition

"People Get Ready" combines elements of gospel and soul, creating an inspirational sound that's both soothing and rousing. The song's structure, chord progression, and the role of each instrument contribute to its powerful impact.

  1. Soul Music: Learn about the genre's characteristics and how they are reflected in "People Get Ready."
  2. Lyric Analysis: Dive into the lyrics, understanding their metaphorical depth and cultural significance.

Legacy and Impact

The song's impact extends far beyond its initial release, influencing countless artists and movements.

  1. Cover Versions: Explore various artists' interpretations of "People Get Ready" across different genres.
  2. Music in Social Movements: Understand the role of music in driving social and political change.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "People Get Ready" by The Impressions released? (1965) (!1959) (!1971) (!1982)

Which genre best describes "People Get Ready"? (Soul/Gospel) (!Rock) (!Jazz) (!Pop)

Who was the lead songwriter for "People Get Ready"? (Curtis Mayfield) (!Bob Dylan) (!Smokey Robinson) (!James Brown)

What movement did "People Get Ready" become an anthem for? (The Civil Rights Movement) (!The Anti-War Movement) (!The Feminist Movement) (!The Environmental Movement)

What musical element is NOT a key feature of "People Get Ready"? (Electronic Synthesizer) (!Gospel-Influenced Vocals) (!Soothing Melody) (!Meaningful Lyrics)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Curtis Mayfield was known for his work in which musical genres? (Soul and R&B) (!Heavy Metal) (!Classical) (!Country)

Before forming The Impressions, Curtis Mayfield was a member of which group? (The Roosters) (!The Temptations) (!The Drifters) (!The Supremes)

Which of the following is another hit song by The Impressions? ("Keep On Pushing") (!"Respect") (!"What's Going On") (!"Superstition")

In what city did The Impressions primarily record their music? (Chicago) (!Detroit) (!New York City) (!Los Angeles)

What was a distinctive feature of Curtis Mayfield's guitar playing? (He tuned his guitar to the black keys of the piano) (!He played with a metal slide) (!He used a ten-string guitar) (!He played left-handed with a right-handed guitar)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What mode of transportation is metaphorically referenced in "People Get Ready"? (Train) (!Bus) (!Car) (!Airplane)

What is the song "People Get Ready" mainly about? (Hope and Change) (!Love and Heartbreak) (!War and Peace) (!Wealth and Power)

Which biblical theme is echoed in the lyrics of "People Get Ready"? (Salvation) (!Creation) (!The Flood) (!Exodus)

What does the "train" in the song symbolize? (A chance for redemption and change) (!A journey to a foreign land) (!The industrial revolution) (!A historical event)

The lyrics "You don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord" emphasize which theme? (Spiritual Redemption) (!Economic Wealth) (!Political Power) (!Technological Advancement)


Curtis Mayfield Pioneering soul and R&B musician
1965 Release year of "People Get Ready"
Train Symbol of change in the song
Civil Rights Movement Movement associated with the song
Gospel Music Influential genre in the song's style

Open Tasks


  1. Explore the Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "People Get Ready" and write a paragraph on what they mean to you.
  2. Music and Emotions: Create a playlist of songs that evoke a sense of hope and change, similar to "People Get Ready."


  1. Musical Influence: Research how "People Get Ready" influenced other musicians and write a short essay.
  2. Cover Versions: Listen to different cover versions of "People Get Ready" and compare how each artist interprets the song.


  1. Songwriting Challenge: Write your own song inspired by "People Get Ready," focusing on themes of hope and change.
  2. Historical Context: Research the civil rights movement and create a presentation on how "People Get Ready" reflected the era's sentiments.

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Oral Exam

  1. Cultural Impact: Discuss the role of music in social movements, using "People Get Ready" as an example.
  2. Artistic Interpretation: Explain how different genres influence the interpretation of a song, using "People Get Ready" covers as examples.
  3. Lyrics and Society: Discuss how the lyrics of a song like "People Get Ready" can reflect societal changes.
  4. Musical Evolution: Trace the evolution of soul and gospel music, citing "People Get Ready" as a key milestone.
  5. Curtis Mayfield's Legacy: Discuss the impact of Curtis Mayfield's music and songwriting on modern artists.

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