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Here are some YouTube videos of "Imagine" by John Lennon:
An official high-definition version of the song:
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The Ultimate Mix 2018 version in 4K REMASTER:
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{{#ev:youtube | [7†source]| 350 | center}}

A lyrics video of "Imagine":
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{{#ev:youtube || 350 | center}}

The Ultimate Mix 2020 version in HD:
{{#ev:youtube || 350 | center}}
{{#ev:youtube || 350 | center}}

Version vom 8. Februar 2024, 14:01 Uhr

John Lennon - Imagine - TOP 1000X Quiz

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John Lennon - Imagine - TOP 1000X Quiz


Imagine is a song by the English musician John Lennon. Released in 1971, it is one of the most iconic and influential songs in the history of popular music. The lyrics of "Imagine" encourage listeners to envision a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisiveness of religions and nationalities, and to consider the possibility of living life in peace. Here's a deeper look into the song's history, lyrics, and impact.

Background and Release

"Imagine" was released on October 11, 1971, as the title track of Lennon's album of the same name. Its creation was influenced by Lennon's life experiences and his desire to promote peace. The song reflects the tumultuous era of the late 1960s and early 1970s, marked by the Vietnam War and various social and political movements.

Lyrics and Music

The lyrics of "Imagine" are a poignant appeal for peace and unity. The song asks the listener to imagine a world without countries, possessions, or religion, suggesting that these are barriers to true peace and harmony. The music, a simple piano-based melody, complements the song's message with its understated and serene quality.

Reception and Legacy

Upon its release, "Imagine" received widespread acclaim and has since become an anthem for peace. It ranks high on various lists of the greatest songs of all time. The song's message remains relevant, often being played at events that promote peace and unity.

Cultural Impact

"Imagine" has left an indelible mark on popular culture and continues to influence artists and activists. It has been covered by numerous artists and featured in films, documentaries, and television shows. The song's simple yet profound message continues to resonate with audiences around the world.

For further reading on "Imagine" and John Lennon's work, you can visit MOOCit or check out the detailed Wikipedia article: Imagine (John Lennon song).

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Imagine" released? (1971) (!1969) (!1973) (!1975)

Which instrument is predominantly featured in "Imagine"? (Piano) (!Guitar) (!Violin) (!Drums)

What is the primary theme of "Imagine"? (Peace and unity) (!Love) (!Freedom) (!Happiness)

Who wrote the song "Imagine"? (John Lennon) (!Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr)

In which album is "Imagine" the title track? (Imagine) (!Abbey Road) (!The White Album) (!Double Fantasy)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which band was John Lennon a part of before his solo career? (The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!Pink Floyd) (!Led Zeppelin)

In what year was John Lennon born? (1940) (!1935) (!1945) (!1950)

John Lennon was famously partnered with which other Beatles member in songwriting? (Paul McCartney) (!George Harrison) (!Ringo Starr) (!Pete Best)

In which city was John Lennon born? (Liverpool) (!London) (!Manchester) (!Birmingham)

What is the name of John Lennon's famous peace activism partner and wife? (Yoko Ono) (!Patti Boyd) (!Linda McCartney) (!Cynthia Lennon)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does "Imagine" ask listeners to envision a world without? (Countries, possessions, and religion) (!War, poverty, and disease) (!Hate, jealousy, and fear) (!Crime, corruption, and inequality)

The lyrics "Imagine all the people living life in peace" suggest what? (A world without conflict) (!A world of prosperity) (!A world of adventure) (!A world of technological advancement)

Which line follows "Imagine there's no countries"? ("It isn't hard to do") (!"Nothing to kill or die for") (!"And no religion too") (!"A brotherhood of man")

The song "Imagine" portrays an ideal world as one where there is: (No need for greed or hunger) (!Unlimited wealth and resources) (!Technological advancements) (!Absolute power and control)

In "Imagine," what does John Lennon say about possessions? ("Imagine no possessions") (!"Imagine rich possessions") (!"Imagine few possessions") (!"Imagine shared possessions")


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic. Insert suitable texts (at least 5 pairs) using exactly the following format, write only the text and leave no characters out, do not transform anything into a table, etc.

Term A John Lennon
Term B 1971
Term C Peace and Unity
Term D Piano
Term E The Beatles

Open Tasks


  1. Write a Poem: Write a short poem inspired by the themes of "Imagine."
  2. Draw a Picture: Draw a picture that represents your vision of a peaceful world.
  3. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs that share themes with "Imagine."


  1. Research Paper: Write a research paper on the impact of "Imagine" on popular culture.
  2. Song Analysis: Analyze the musical structure of "Imagine" and discuss how it contributes to the song's theme.
  3. Interview Project: Conduct interviews with different generations about their interpretation of "Imagine."


  1. Music Composition: Compose your own song that conveys a message of peace and unity.
  2. Documentary Making: Create a short documentary about the era during which "Imagine" was released.
  3. Art Exhibition: Organize an art exhibition themed around peace, featuring works inspired by "Imagine."

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Oral Exam

  1. Comparative Analysis: Compare the themes of "Imagine" with another peace anthem and discuss their relevance today.
  2. Historical Context: Discuss how the historical context of the early 1970s influenced the message of "Imagine."
  3. Impact Discussion: Debate the impact of "Imagine" on subsequent generations of musicians and activists.
  4. Personal Reflection: Reflect on how "Imagine" has influenced your own views on peace and unity.
  5. Global Perspective: Discuss how "Imagine" is perceived in different cultural contexts around the world.

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