(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} == The Velvet Underground - "Heroin" (1967) == '''The Velvet Underground''' was a pioneering rock band formed in New York City. One of their most notable songs is "Heroin," released in 1967. This song is known for its raw and honest portrayal of drug use, particularly heroin addiction, which was a taboo topic at the time. Its musical structure and lyrics offer a deep insight into the counterculture of the 1960s and the darker side of th…“)
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Version vom 6. Februar 2024, 17:29 Uhr

The Velvet Underground - Heroin - 1967

The Velvet Underground - "Heroin" (1967)

The Velvet Underground was a pioneering rock band formed in New York City. One of their most notable songs is "Heroin," released in 1967. This song is known for its raw and honest portrayal of drug use, particularly heroin addiction, which was a taboo topic at the time. Its musical structure and lyrics offer a deep insight into the counterculture of the 1960s and the darker side of the human experience.

Background and Context

"Heroin" was written by Lou Reed, the band's primary songwriter, and it appeared on their debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico. The song is notable for its lack of conventional song structure and its experimental sound, which includes the use of a droning electric viola, played by John Cale, and a rhythm that accelerates and decelerates to mimic the feeling of a heroin high.

Musical Style and Influence

The song's style is a fusion of rock, avant-garde, and proto-punk elements. It has been widely influential in shaping genres like punk, indie, and alternative rock. The lyrics are delivered in a spoken-word style, creating a stark and intense atmosphere that reflects the song's themes.

Controversy and Legacy

Upon its release, "Heroin" was controversial due to its explicit content and perceived glorification of drug use. However, it has since been recognized as a groundbreaking work that challenged societal norms and influenced a generation of musicians.

  1. Rock Music: Explore the broader genre of rock music and its evolution.
  2. Counterculture of the 1960s: Understand the cultural context in which the song was created.
  3. Lou Reed: Learn more about the life and work of Lou Reed.
  4. Drug Culture in Music: Study how drug use has been portrayed in music over the years.
  5. Experimental Music: Delve into the world of avant-garde and experimental music.

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What year was "Heroin" released? (1967) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

Who wrote "Heroin"? (Lou Reed) (!John Cale) (!Nico) (!Andy Warhol)

Which instrument in "Heroin" is used to mimic the feeling of a heroin high? (Electric Viola) (!Electric Guitar) (!Drums) (!Synthesizer)

On which album did "Heroin" first appear? (The Velvet Underground & Nico) (!White Light/White Heat) (!The Velvet Underground) (!Loaded)

How is the song "Heroin" primarily structured? (Spoken-word style with a lack of conventional song structure) (!Traditional verse-chorus-verse) (!Instrumental) (!A cappella)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What city did The Velvet Underground originate from? (New York City) (!Los Angeles) (!London) (!San Francisco)

Who was the influential artist that managed The Velvet Underground? (Andy Warhol) (!David Bowie) (!Bob Dylan) (!Mick Jagger)

What is the primary genre The Velvet Underground is associated with? (Rock) (!Jazz) (!Hip Hop) (!Country)

Which member of The Velvet Underground played the droning electric viola in "Heroin"? (John Cale) (!Lou Reed) (!Sterling Morrison) (!Maureen Tucker)

What was the main theme of the song "Heroin"? (Heroin addiction and its effects) (!Love and relationships) (!Political protest) (!Life in New York City)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

What does the line "I don't know just where I'm going" in "Heroin" suggest? (A sense of uncertainty and loss of direction) (!A journey to a specific destination) (!Confidence in one's life choices) (!Excitement about future plans)

How does the song describe the feeling of using heroin? (As both a pleasurable escape and a destructive force) (!Purely as a positive experience) (!As a completely negative and harmful habit) (!As an irrelevant aspect of life)

The lyrics "And I guess that I just don't know" reflect what aspect of the narrator's experience? (Ambivalence and confusion about heroin use) (!Certainty and confidence) (!Joy and happiness) (!Anger and frustration)

In "Heroin," what does the phrase "nullify my life" imply? (The drug's ability to numb feelings and reality) (!Enhancing one's life experience) (!Finding a new purpose in life) (!Building strong relationships)

What is the emotional tone of the song's lyrics? (Dark, introspective, and raw) (!Light-hearted and cheerful) (!Indifferent and detached) (!Romantic and loving)


Lou Reed Wrote "Heroin"
1967 Year of release
Electric Viola Instrument used to mimic heroin high
New York City Origin of The Velvet Underground
Andy Warhol Managed the band

Open Tasks


  1. Research Project: Research and create a presentation on the music scene in New York City during the 1960s.
  2. Drawing Exercise: Create a drawing or artwork inspired by the lyrics of "Heroin."


  1. Essay Writing: Write an essay on the impact of The Velvet Underground on rock music.
  2. Music Analysis: Analyze the musical structure of "Heroin" and how it contributes to its thematic expression.


  1. Debate: Organize a debate on the portrayal of drugs in music and its impact on society.
  2. Creative Writing: Write a short story inspired by the themes presented in "Heroin."

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Influence: Discuss how "Heroin" influenced future music genres and artists.
  2. Cultural Context: Explain the cultural significance of "Heroin" in the context of the 1960s.
  3. Lyric Analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "Heroin" and discuss their reflection of societal attitudes towards drug use.
  4. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Heroin" with another song from the same era that deals with similar themes.

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