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"Fortunate Son" ist ein ikonisches Lied der Band [[Creedence Clearwater Revival]] (CCR), das 1969 veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist bekannt für seine kritische Haltung gegenüber dem amerikanischen Klassensystem und dem Vietnamkrieg. Der Song wurde von [[John Fogerty]], dem Sänger der Band, geschrieben und wird oft als Protestlied gegen die politische und soziale Ungleichheit in den Vereinigten Staaten interpretiert. [https://www.moocit.de]
{{:MOOCit - Top}}

=== Hintergrund und Interpretation ===
Die Lyrics von "Fortunate Son" kritisieren die Ungerechtigkeit des amerikanischen Systems, in dem die Söhne reicher und einflussreicher Familien, die "glücklichen Söhne", bevorzugt behandelt werden. Diese Kritik spiegelt die Erfahrungen vieler Menschen während des Vietnamkriegs wider, als diejenigen, die politische Verbindungen hatten oder genug Geld, um sich aus dem Wehrdienst herauszukaufen, den Krieg vermeiden konnten, während andere, meist aus ärmeren Schichten, kämpfen und ihr Leben riskieren mussten.

=== Auswirkung und Bedeutung ===
"Fortunate Son" hat im Laufe der Jahre an Bedeutung gewonnen und wird heute als einer der bedeutsamsten Songs über den Vietnamkrieg und soziale Ungerechtigkeit betrachtet. Er wurde in zahlreichen Filmen, Fernsehsendungen und Dokumentationen verwendet, die sich mit dem Vietnamkrieg und den 1960er Jahren in den USA befassen.

= Offene Aufgaben =
{{#ev:youtube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40JmEj0_aVM| 350 | center}}
{{#ev:youtube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWijx_AgPiA| 350 | center}}
{{#ev:youtube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV4Q-RSQCq0| 350 | center}}
{{#ev:youtube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfjlLo2AgF8| 350 | center}}

{{o}} Recherchiere und schreibe eine kurze Biografie von John Fogerty, dem Schreiber von "Fortunate Son". (LEICHT)
{{o}} Analysiere die Songtexte von "Fortunate Son" und erläutere, welche spezifischen Zeilen sich auf die soziale Ungerechtigkeit beziehen. (STANDARD)
{{o}} Erstelle eine Präsentation, die zeigt, wie "Fortunate Son" in den Medien und in der Popkultur verwendet wurde. (SCHWER)
{{o}} Schreibe einen Aufsatz über die Bedeutung von Musik als Werkzeug des sozialen Protests. Verwende "Fortunate Son" als Beispiel. (SCHWER)
{{o}} Wähle ein weiteres Lied, das soziale Ungerechtigkeit thematisiert, und vergleiche es mit "Fortunate Son". (SCHWER)
{{o}} Erstelle ein Poster, das die Botschaft von "Fortunate Son" visuell darstellt. (LEICHT)
{{o}} Diskutiere in einer Gruppe, wie "Fortunate Son" heute relevant sein könnte. (STANDARD)
{{o}} Untersuche, wie "Fortunate Son" in den Musikcharts abschnitt und welche Auszeichnungen das Lied und die Band erhalten haben. (STANDARD)
{{o}} Organisiere eine Diskussionsrunde oder ein Forum, um die Auswirkungen des Vietnamkriegs auf die Musik und die Gesellschaft der 1960er Jahre zu diskutieren. (SCHWER)
{{o}} Schreibe einen Brief an John Fogerty, in dem du deine Gedanken und Gefühle zu "Fortunate Son" ausdrückst. (LEICHT)

= Interaktive Aufgaben =
= Input =
'''Fortunate Son''' by Creedence Clearwater Revival is an iconic song that became an anthem of sorts during the Vietnam War era. Let's delve into the background, lyrics, and impact of this powerful song.
== Background ==
'''Fortunate Son''' was released in 1969 by the American rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival. The song was written by John Fogerty and is a strong critique of the class and political inequities in the United States during the Vietnam War. It quickly became an anti-war movement anthem.

== Kreuzworträtsel ==
== Lyrics and Meaning ==
The lyrics of '''Fortunate Son''' are notable for their critical view of the class disparities in the draft system during the Vietnam War. The song speaks to the frustration and anger felt by many who were drafted into a war they did not support, while those from wealthier backgrounds were able to avoid service.

<div class="kreuzwort-quiz">
== Musical Style and Influence ==
'''Fortunate Son''' is characterized by its rock sound, with a distinctive guitar riff and a raw, powerful vocal performance by Fogerty. The song has been covered by numerous artists and continues to be a staple in American protest music.
| Fogerty || Wer ist der Autor des Songs "Fortunate Son"?
| Vietnam || In welchem Krieg wurde "Fortunate Son" häufig als Protestlied verwendet?
| Creedence || Welches Wort ist Teil des Namens der Band, die "Fortunate Son" aufgeführt hat?
| Neunzehnneunundsechzig || In welchem Jahr wurde "Fortunate Son" veröffentlicht?
| Revival || Was ist das letzte Wort im Namen der Band, die "Fortunate Son" aufgeführt hat?
| Krieg || Gegen was protestiert der Song "Fortunate Son" hauptsächlich?
| USA || In welchem Land wurde "Fortunate Son" geschrieben und aufgenommen?
| Soziale || Welche Art von Ungerechtigkeit wird in "Fortunate Son" thematisiert?
{{:Kreuzwort Ende}}
== Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen ==
{{:Multiple-Choice Anfang}}

Wer schrieb "Fortunate Son"?
= Interactive Tasks =
(John Fogerty)
(!Elvis Presley)
(!Bob Dylan)
(!Paul McCartney)

In welchem Jahr wurde "Fortunate Son" veröffentlicht?
== Quiz: Questions on the song ==
{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
'''What year was "Fortunate Son" released?'''

Welche Band führte "Fortunate Son" auf?
'''Who wrote "Fortunate Son"?'''
(John Fogerty)
(!Tom Fogerty)
(!Doug Clifford)
(!Stu Cook)
'''Which band performed "Fortunate Son"?'''
(Creedence Clearwater Revival)
(Creedence Clearwater Revival)
(!The Beatles)
(!The Beatles)
(!The Rolling Stones)
(!The Rolling Stones)
(!The Who)
(!Led Zeppelin)

Welcher Krieg wird oft mit "Fortunate Son" assoziiert?
'''What genre does "Fortunate Son" primarily belong to?'''
(!Zweiter Weltkrieg)
(!Koreanischer Krieg)
(!Erster Weltkrieg)

{{:Multiple-Choice Ende}}
'''What issue is "Fortunate Son" predominantly associated with?'''
(The Vietnam War)
(!The Civil Rights Movement)
== Memory ==
(!World War II)
(!The Cold War)
<div class="memo-quiz">
{{:Multiple-Choice End}}
| John Fogerty || Autor von "Fortunate Son"
| 1969 || Veröffentlichungsjahr von "Fortunate Son"
| Creedence Clearwater Revival || Band, die "Fortunate Son" aufgeführt hat
| Vietnamkrieg || Krieg, der oft mit "Fortunate Son" assoziiert wird
| Soziale Ungerechtigkeit || Hauptthema in "Fortunate Son"
{{:Memo Ende}}

== Multiple Choice ==
== Quiz: Questions on the Performer ==
{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
'''In which country was Creedence Clearwater Revival formed?'''
(United States)
(!United Kingdom)

Who wrote "Fortunate Son"?
'''Which instrument is John Fogerty known for playing?'''
(John Fogerty)
(!Elvis Presley)
(!Bob Dylan)
(!Bass Guitar)
(!Paul McCartney)
What year was "Fortunate Son" released?

Which band performed "Fortunate Son"?
'''What style of music is Creedence Clearwater Revival most known for?'''
(Creedence Clearwater Revival)
(!The Beatles)
(!The Rolling Stones)
(!The Who)

Which war is often associated with "Fortunate Son"?
'''In which decade did Creedence Clearwater Revival gain fame?'''
(Vietnam War)
(!World War II)
(!Korean War)
(!World War I)

'''What other famous song is Creedence Clearwater Revival known for?'''
("Bad Moon Rising")
(!"Hotel California")
(!"Stairway to Heaven")
(!"Bohemian Rhapsody")
{{:Multiple-Choice End}}
{{:Multiple-Choice End}}

== Quiz: Questions on the lyrics ==
{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
'''What is the key theme of "Fortunate Son"?'''
(Social and political inequity)
(!Love and relationships)
(!Nature and peace)
(!Technology and progress)

What is the first line of "Fortunate Son"?
'''What does "Fortunate Son" criticize about the Vietnam War?'''
("Some folks are born made to wave the flag")
(The draft system's class bias)
(!"It ain't me, it ain't me")
(!The tactics used in warfare)
(!"When the band plays Hail to the Chief")
(!International diplomacy)
(!"The folks inherit star-spangled eyes")
(!The role of the media)
What does the songwriter claim he isn't in the chorus?
(A senator's son)
(!A soldier)
(!A millionaire's son)
(!A fortunate one)

In "Fortunate Son", the songwriter implies that those who are fortunate are not the ones who:
'''Which line from "Fortunate Son" implies a critique of privilege?'''
(Go to fight in wars)
("It ain't me, I ain't no senator's son")
(!Are born to wave the flag)
(!"I love the rainy night")
(!Inherit star-spangled eyes)
(!"Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels")
(!Are born with silver spoons)
(!"I hear the drums echoing tonight")

In the lyrics of "Fortunate Son", which of the following are the fortunate ones NOT guaranteed?
'''What sentiment does "Fortunate Son" primarily express?'''
(Military deferment)
(Anger and frustration)
(!Political influence)
(!Joy and contentment)
(!Fear and uncertainty)
(!Hope and aspiration)

'''Which group does the song specifically mention as being privileged?'''
(Senator's sons)
(!Farmers' sons)
(!Artists' sons)
(!Laborers' sons)
{{:Multiple-Choice End}}
{{:Multiple-Choice End}}

= Memory =

{{:Multiple-Choice Start}}
<div class="memo-quiz">
Which of the following lines is NOT part of the "Fortunate Son" lyrics?
(!"Born on a bayou")
| Vietnam War Era || 1960s and 1970s
("Some folks inherit star-spangled eyes")
("I ain't no senator's son")
| John Fogerty || Lead Vocalist and Guitarist
("I ain't no millionaire's son")
| Anti-War Anthem || Fortunate Son
| Draft System Critique || Key Theme of the Song
| Rock Music Genre || Style of Fortunate Son
{{:Memo End}}

In the song "Fortunate Son", what phrase is repeated several times?
= Open Tasks =
("It ain't me")
=== Easy ===
(!"Wave the flag")
{{o}} [[Research Creedence Clearwater Revival]]: Find out more about the band's history and other hit songs.
(!"Hail to the Chief")
{{o}} [[Draw Protest Art]]: Create a piece of art inspired by the themes of "Fortunate Son".
(!"Born on the bayou")
{{o}} [[Explore 1960s Music]]: Listen to other songs from the 1960s and identify common themes.

What kind of son does the singer claim he is not, in the lyrics of "Fortunate Son"?
=== Standard ===
(A senator's son)
{{o}} [[Analyze Lyrics]]: Write an essay analyzing the lyrics of "Fortunate Son" and its message.
(!A soldier's son)
{{o}} [[Compare Protest Songs]]: Compare "Fortunate Son" with another protest song from a different era.
(!A fortunate son)
{{o}} [[Create a Playlist]]: Curate a playlist of songs that capture the spirit of the 1960s.
(!A farmer's son)

What do "some folks" do according to the lyrics of "Fortunate Son"?
=== Difficult ===
("Some folks are born made to wave the flag")
{{o}} [[Write a Song]]: Compose your own protest song inspired by "Fortunate Son".
(!"Some folks are born to live in peace")
{{o}} [[Debate the Draft]]: Organize a debate on the draft system during the Vietnam War.
(!"Some folks are born to sing the blues")
{{o}} [[Study Political Songs]]: Research the impact of political songs on social movements.
(!"Some folks are born to make the rules")
{{:Open Task - MOOC Creation}}

{{:Multiple-Choice End}}
= Oral Exam =
{{o}} [[Discuss the Role of Music]]: Talk about the role of music in political movements, using "Fortunate Son" as an example.
{{o}} [[Impact of Vietnam War on Music]]: Discuss how the Vietnam War influenced the music of the 1960s.
{{o}} [[Songwriting Techniques]]: Explain the techniques used in "Fortunate Son" to convey its message.
{{o}} [[Comparative Analysis]]: Compare the themes in "Fortunate Son" with those in a contemporary protest song.
{{o}} [[Music and Social Change]]: Discuss how songs like "Fortunate Son" can contribute to social change.

= OERs on the Topic =

<iframe> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortunate_Son </iframe>
= Links =
== LearningApps ==
{| align=center
<iframe> https://learningapps.org/index.php?s=Fortunate+Son+-+Creedence+Clearwater+Revival </iframe>
'''[[Fortunate Son]]'''
== Lückentext ==
{{o}} [[Creedence Clearwater Revival|Band]]
{{o}} [[Vietnam War|Historical Context]]
<quiz display=simple>
{{o}} [[Protest Music|Genre]]
{'''Vervollständige den Text.'''
{{o}} [[Song Analysis|Analysis]]
{{o}} [[1960s Music|Era]]
"Fortunate Son" ist ein Lied der Band { Creedence Clearwater Revival }, das im Jahr { 1969 } veröffentlicht wurde. Geschrieben von { John Fogerty }, kritisiert das Lied die { soziale Ungerechtigkeit } in den Vereinigten Staaten während des { Vietnamkriegs }.
= OERs zum Thema =

<iframe> https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortunate_Son </iframe>
<iframe> https://www.helles-koepfchen.de/?suche=Fortunate+Son </iframe>
[[Category:Vietnam War]]

= Teilen - Diskussion - Bewerten =
= Share - Discuss - Rate =
{{:Teilen - MOOCit}}
{{:Share - MOOCit}}
[[Category:AI_MOOC]] [[Category:Music_Quiz]]

Aktuelle Version vom 27. Januar 2024, 10:37 Uhr

Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival


Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival is an iconic song that became an anthem of sorts during the Vietnam War era. Let's delve into the background, lyrics, and impact of this powerful song.


Fortunate Son was released in 1969 by the American rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival. The song was written by John Fogerty and is a strong critique of the class and political inequities in the United States during the Vietnam War. It quickly became an anti-war movement anthem.

Lyrics and Meaning

The lyrics of Fortunate Son are notable for their critical view of the class disparities in the draft system during the Vietnam War. The song speaks to the frustration and anger felt by many who were drafted into a war they did not support, while those from wealthier backgrounds were able to avoid service.

Musical Style and Influence

Fortunate Son is characterized by its rock sound, with a distinctive guitar riff and a raw, powerful vocal performance by Fogerty. The song has been covered by numerous artists and continues to be a staple in American protest music.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Fortunate Son" released? (1969) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

Who wrote "Fortunate Son"? (John Fogerty) (!Tom Fogerty) (!Doug Clifford) (!Stu Cook)

Which band performed "Fortunate Son"? (Creedence Clearwater Revival) (!The Beatles) (!The Rolling Stones) (!Led Zeppelin)

What genre does "Fortunate Son" primarily belong to? (Rock) (!Pop) (!Jazz) (!Blues)

What issue is "Fortunate Son" predominantly associated with? (The Vietnam War) (!The Civil Rights Movement) (!World War II) (!The Cold War)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In which country was Creedence Clearwater Revival formed? (United States) (!United Kingdom) (!Australia) (!Canada)

Which instrument is John Fogerty known for playing? (Guitar) (!Drums) (!Bass Guitar) (!Keyboard)

What style of music is Creedence Clearwater Revival most known for? (Rock) (!Folk) (!Disco) (!Electronic)

In which decade did Creedence Clearwater Revival gain fame? (1960s) (!1970s) (!1980s) (!1990s)

What other famous song is Creedence Clearwater Revival known for? ("Bad Moon Rising") (!"Hotel California") (!"Stairway to Heaven") (!"Bohemian Rhapsody")

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the key theme of "Fortunate Son"? (Social and political inequity) (!Love and relationships) (!Nature and peace) (!Technology and progress)

What does "Fortunate Son" criticize about the Vietnam War? (The draft system's class bias) (!The tactics used in warfare) (!International diplomacy) (!The role of the media)

Which line from "Fortunate Son" implies a critique of privilege? ("It ain't me, I ain't no senator's son") (!"I love the rainy night") (!"Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels") (!"I hear the drums echoing tonight")

What sentiment does "Fortunate Son" primarily express? (Anger and frustration) (!Joy and contentment) (!Fear and uncertainty) (!Hope and aspiration)

Which group does the song specifically mention as being privileged? (Senator's sons) (!Farmers' sons) (!Artists' sons) (!Laborers' sons)


Vietnam War Era 1960s and 1970s
John Fogerty Lead Vocalist and Guitarist
Anti-War Anthem Fortunate Son
Draft System Critique Key Theme of the Song
Rock Music Genre Style of Fortunate Son

Open Tasks


  1. Research Creedence Clearwater Revival: Find out more about the band's history and other hit songs.
  2. Draw Protest Art: Create a piece of art inspired by the themes of "Fortunate Son".
  3. Explore 1960s Music: Listen to other songs from the 1960s and identify common themes.


  1. Analyze Lyrics: Write an essay analyzing the lyrics of "Fortunate Son" and its message.
  2. Compare Protest Songs: Compare "Fortunate Son" with another protest song from a different era.
  3. Create a Playlist: Curate a playlist of songs that capture the spirit of the 1960s.


  1. Write a Song: Compose your own protest song inspired by "Fortunate Son".
  2. Debate the Draft: Organize a debate on the draft system during the Vietnam War.
  3. Study Political Songs: Research the impact of political songs on social movements.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Role of Music: Talk about the role of music in political movements, using "Fortunate Son" as an example.
  2. Impact of Vietnam War on Music: Discuss how the Vietnam War influenced the music of the 1960s.
  3. Songwriting Techniques: Explain the techniques used in "Fortunate Son" to convey its message.
  4. Comparative Analysis: Compare the themes in "Fortunate Son" with those in a contemporary protest song.
  5. Music and Social Change: Discuss how songs like "Fortunate Son" can contribute to social change.

OERs on the Topic


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