Frank Sinatra - My Way - 1969

Frank Sinatra - "My Way" - 1969

My Way is a song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969, though it was originally written by Paul Anka specifically for Sinatra. The song is set to the music of the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed by Claude François and Jacques Revaux. "My Way" has since become synonymous with Sinatra and is often regarded as his signature song. It epitomizes a reflection on life and the assertion of individuality, themes that resonated with Sinatra's public persona and personal ethos.


  1. The origins of "My Way" trace back to "Comme d'habitude," a song that was not initially successful in France.
  2. Paul Anka discovered the song while in France and saw potential in its melody. Anka acquired the rights and wrote new English lyrics, envisioning it as the perfect song for Frank Sinatra, who was contemplating retirement at the time.
  3. Sinatra's recording of "My Way" quickly became a global hit, celebrated for its poignant lyrics that many interpret as a reflection of Sinatra's own life and career.

Musical Composition and Lyrics

  1. The song features a slow, steady tempo with a powerful build-up leading to a dramatic climax, mirroring the reflective and defiant tone of the lyrics.
  2. Lyrically, "My Way" speaks to the theme of living life on one's own terms, facing challenges head-on, and having no regrets.


  1. "My Way" has been covered by numerous artists across various genres, demonstrating its universal appeal and timeless quality.
  2. It has also been featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials, further cementing its place in popular culture.
  3. The song remains a popular choice at funerals, celebrations, and as a powerful anthem of individualism and perseverance.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "My Way" popularized by Frank Sinatra? (1969) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

Who originally wrote the English lyrics for "My Way"? (Paul Anka) (!Frank Sinatra) (!Jacques Revaux) (!Claude François)

What is the original French song that "My Way" was based on? ("Comme d'habitude") (!"La Vie en rose") (!"Non, je ne regrette rien") (!"Et maintenant")

What theme does "My Way" primarily convey? (Reflection on life and individuality) (!Love and heartbreak) (!The glamour of show business) (!The challenges of fame)

How did Frank Sinatra reportedly feel about "My Way"? (He had mixed feelings about its association with him) (!It was his favorite song) (!He disliked performing it live) (!He considered it his greatest achievement)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In what year was Frank Sinatra born? (1915) (!1920) (!1905) (!1910)

Which of the following genres is Sinatra most closely associated with? (Jazz and traditional pop) (!Rock and roll) (!Blues) (!Country)

What was Sinatra's nickname that reflected his sophisticated charm? (The Chairman of the Board) (!The King of Swing) (!Ol' Blue Eyes) (!The Voice)

Which award did Sinatra win for his role in "From Here to Eternity"? (Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor) (!Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award) (!Tony Award for Best Actor) (!Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor)

How many times was Sinatra married? (4) (!3) (!2) (!5)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which line follows "And now, the end is near"? (And so I face the final curtain) (!I did it my way) (!Regrets, I've had a few) (!To think I did all that)

What does Sinatra say he did "more than this"? (I did it my way) (!I lived a life that's full) (!I traveled each and every highway) (!But then again, too few to mention)

Which of these is not a phrase from the song? (!I conquered all) (But then again, too few to mention) (!To think I did all that) (!Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew)

How does Sinatra describe the regrets he had? (Too few to mention) (!Too many to count) (!Overwhelming) (!Insignificant)

What does Sinatra claim about the way he lived his life? (He faced it all and stood tall) (!He always followed the crowd) (!He had doubts every step of the way) (!He wished he could live it again)


Frank Sinatra "My Way"
Paul Anka English Lyrics
"Comme d'habitude" Original French Song
1969 Year Popularized
Reflection on life and individuality Main Theme

Open Tasks


  1. Research the impact of "My Way" on popular culture and summarize your findings in a short essay.
  2. Create a playlist of songs similar in theme to "My Way" and explain your choices.
  3. Write a brief biography of Paul Anka, focusing on his contribution to music.


  1. Compare and contrast "My Way" with another song that talks about life reflections and individuality. Discuss the lyrical similarities and differences.
  2. Analyze how "My Way" fits into Frank Sinatra's overall career and public image. Present your analysis in a presentation.
  3. Conduct a survey among family and friends about their interpretation of "My Way" and compile the results.


  1. Write a detailed paper on the influence of "My Way" on subsequent artists and music genres.
  2. Produce a short documentary on the making of "My Way," including interviews with music historians.
  3. Analyze the musical composition of "My Way" and its lyrical structure in a detailed report.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the significance of "My Way" in the context of Frank Sinatra's career and its cultural impact in the 20th century.
  2. Explain the process of how a song from one culture (French) was transformed into a global hit in another culture (American/English) with "My Way" as an example.
  3. Reflect on the themes of individuality and life reflections in "My Way." How do they resonate with today’s society?
  4. Compare "My Way" to another iconic song of personal declaration. What makes "My Way" stand out?
  5. Analyze the role of "My Way" in popular media and entertainment. How has it been utilized to convey messages or emotions in films and television?

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